Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Jobs Are Involved In Game

9.4 How and when finally prevailed Reason omnipotent.

9.4 How and when finally prevailed Reason omnipotent.

limits of our intelligence, through computerization, become infinite as infinite universe is also great! We are the only carriers of Reason omnipotent caused by the symbiosis of reason to microprocessors that have made powerful and infinite! Only an independent infinite free will, as is the Reason, omnipotent, this switch may be infinite but blind another reason as is the Grand-universe and which is also concatenated forever or do not have free will! Universe your almighty Reason you are thinking of changing the natural satellites of all, is planning to modify and streamline the trajectories of asteroids and comets, planets around the solar system! Universe angry Homo sapiens with its powerful Reason you put artificial satellites orbiting platforms and you're really starting to embellish!

We have witnessed a major accident, which occurred outside the Earth, at the end of last century. It was a great cosmic spectacle. He had not thought of this possibility to see and photograph the whole fall of a comet with a tail and everything on a planet. This was considered the point of view as very little chance as possible within the limited number of years in the life of man of the century. The fall of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter up on its surface a large explosion was possible to photograph clearly by the spacecraft Galileo who was nearby, and it was investigating and photographing some planets and satellites successfully in space since 1989. If this comet had fallen on the Earth would have destroyed all life there. Today we have taken all precautionary measures and the disaster that occurred in the planet Jupiter or something like that never happen on Earth. When a comet orbit even known yet, try to reach the surface of the Earth, just be detected by our powerful tools, deployed throughout the ecliptic land, we have plenty of time to calculate its orbit. If new and surprising comets threaten Earth or GEO, is the time to throw even a robot that is mounted on them and their powerful engines, jet-atomic make them change course.

Meteors are small bodies that arrive daily to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere. Meteors are small pieces of matter or sometimes pieces of several kilos from celestial space whose careers were not listed among the asteroids, as having a negligible mass. Son of the family of asteroids that have not yet calculated orbit and of course as determined volumetrically asteroids and planets. The size of the meteor is not standardized, their dimensions ranging from small particles of rock pieces grams to kilograms, which entered the atmosphere, they produce a bright light due to raise its temperature entering his touch to hit at high speed in the layer of atmospheric air. Earth to have good protection to the layer of air that surrounds it, meteors do not pose a great danger for people who still live there, but for us here in the Cities-spatial or meteors Ring-geostationary are a serious danger. We have taken all measures to ensure that we not drill our areas of housing space. We warn the intelligent installation of special radar guard us in all directions and detect intruders from thousands of miles away, these radars are very sensitive. We started to defend when the meteors are still far, we for this automatic laser cannon that destroyed or diverted without fail. As we are a tiny area compared to that of Earth, we get only an infinitesimal part of the mass of meteor colliding with the whole Earth. They are dangerous but they get only very occasionally to take the direction of wanting to hit our dwelling places. Today there is really no likelihood of achieving these stones projectiles spend our electronic defenses.

Asteroids are much larger than meteoroids and move as does the Earth around the sun in precise orbits. Celestial bodies are so small or irregular sized planets. The largest known also as a planetoid. The asteroids were incalculable risks when you thought straying from its orbit and they threatened to reach Earth. Fortunately the probability of this happening is very low in relation to a short time of about one hundred years. Apparently the last large destructive meteor reached the surface of our planet and endangering all life on Earth, happened and sixty million years and is believed to have killed the dinosaurs. Now we have calculated the orbit of all hazardous asteroids. Since 2055, the asteroid problem we have installed them, on their surfaces atomic jet engines arranging light periódicamente sus trayectorias. Por lo general, los asteroides son pues pequeños planetas de forma irregular, son entonces cuerpos celestes de dimensiones ostensiblemente menores que los planetas. Los asteroides tienen de común con los planetas que ambos se mueven en órbitas alrededor del Sol y además se mueven exactamente sujetos a las mismas leyes de los planetas. La mayor abundancia de asteroides se encuentra en el enorme grupo, más de cien mil, que describen órbitas planetarias comprendida entre Marte y Júpiter. En la inmensa mayoría se mide su longitud en solo algunos kilómetros. Sin embargo hay un pequeño grupo que tienen más de cien de kilómetros de diámetro. Estos asteroides gigantes son solo cuatro, o called minor planets for its huge size, these exceeding 100 kilometers in diameter are called Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta. In short from 2060, are accurately known orbits of about 2000 asteroids have been photographed more than 40,000 and it is assumed that their total number may reach more than 100,000. We have brought several asteroids Cities near-space construction, and there we have stripped of their precious materials. The first was the asteroid Eros brought 35 kilometers long, was brought in parts from 2030. In 2035 accounted turn the asteroid Victor Jara and so on until you reach another al último que era el indomable y amenazador Ícaro que hoy se traslada delante de la Tierra como vigilando nuestro camino y entregando materiales de construcción a las Ciudades-espaciales autónomas planetarias que van haciendo el anillo de ciudades en la misma órbita que la Tierra. Los asteroides tenían una negra historia pero realmente no llegarán nunca más a hacernos una desagradable visita. Los hemos obligado a ponerse a nuestro servicio.

La historia de los cometas no es idéntica a la de los asteroides, ellos no se mueven por la región cercana a la eclíptica o sea por la zona espacial donde se mueven los planetas y los asteroides. Los cometas conocidos no representan una gran amenaza, la probabilidad de choque con Earth is negligible. With the huge queue that is hit or rather we spent many times in between, its density is negligible and make this insight on his tail does not harm. All the comets that have passed near the Sun sometime in the past centuries, are controlled by date and time it will again become visible from Earth. Have been determined and calculated its orbit accurately determined by speed and so when they get back to visit us again. Her new look is a time that may last several years or even hundreds of years. As the astronomers warned they would not move in the same ecliptic, ie the plane where all the planets move. Displayed in any direction in space around the Sun, but they are also subject to the same solar constant as all the planets and asteroids that move around the Sun, ie R comet V ² comet = C solar . Is exactly the same solar constant as calculated above for the planets R P V ² P = C solar

In the year 2055 we know all the dangerous asteroids or have them checked for absolutely everyone, the catalog on the trajectory of their movements is now one hundred percent known. The danger with comets is that their number is unknown and which have orbits highly elliptical may take centuries or possibly millennia back to us. Anyway, in case of necessity have taken measures to use gravity-powered spacecraft atomic light jet that can reach the vicinity, only hours after detection, and if placed on time without any problems can divert their trajectories.

I will elaborate a little more detail on the kites for you to know that only with our enormous progress we have them under control, this control is as safe as they arrive in a couple of hours, to the vicinity of those who visit us in some date is not controlled by our agendas that carry the history of travel of other comets. Comets and asteroids are also celestial objects generally small sizes. Comets are composed of a core, a head and a tail. There are two types of comets the newspaper and no newspaper. The newspaper is not that an ellipse around the Sun and describes a parabolic path without turning back to pass near the Sun newspaper Comet is one that describes a closed path is an orbit around the Sun, makes an elliptical path but not the same plane of the ecliptic where the planets do. These periodic comets are classified into three categories according to the time they return back to There are close to the sun short-period comets from 3 to 25 years, the average period of 25 to 200 years and the long period from 200 to thousands or sometimes millions of years! The short and medium periods are almost all exactly known cataloged and its elliptical path. The long period that have appeared near the Sun in the last century, have been duly listed and how many centuries we come back. But overall long-period comets that appeared in the past centuries or millennia are not listed and do not know when will come back. The size of a comet visible or possible to detect with common tools varies between 1 and 10 kilometers in diameter. Its core is made of water ice, ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide, as well as some fragments of rock. Moreover, the hair and tail are made of gas in a vacuum is easily transformed into plasma and dust in the case of the tail give rise to two structures in several ways. The huge tail is always located behind the hair and away from the sun's hair and the tail have a magnificent glow in the vicinity of the Sun What we know is that on each pass through its vicinity to the strips Astro comets part of its mass. When away, the sun king, kept intact its mass matter that remains of hundreds or thousands of years to its new foray into the vicinity of the Sun Their masses are for the little ones just a few kilograms to big with billions of pounds, and its surface temperature when placed in our Nearby always falls below zero degrees Celsius, between -173 degrees Celsius and -73 degrees Celsius.

meteors, asteroids and comets are known absolutely controlled from the year 2055!.

The revolution caused by the chips have been helping to solve another big problem, the scientific management of our human community. It is a much more complex than they had thought at first the political. The problem has been fully transferred to the computer, large computers counselors have not found a better way to manage democratic society, for these purposes must computerize democracy. Just as he used so successfully in science, democracy must also be practiced using all necessary resources that gives us the information. The rule of law is every day tending to be brought to perfection. We have total confidence in the management of our policy for these computerized machines that help us think better.

How important was the first computer pocket! Only knew how to do arithmetic operations more quickly and accurately than us. We trust our odious calculations immediately, confident that the results obtained from it were more trusting than ours. With the emergence of this small computer, which then lost its name and called him pocket calculator, a revolution began. With this small electronic device, went to museums multiplication tables passed into history or virtual museum also tables of logarithms, trigonometric tables and so on. Computerizing

all is our highest ideal, which resolves the computer happens to be sacred and undeniable best! Machines that use the chips, which help thinking, calculators, computers ... are doubling at least every two years in both their speed and their ability and also their various reports. As a result of this duplication they also greatly expand the number of its functions and intellectual workers displaced in many other ways. This revolution of the chips, which has no limit, opens from year to year unsuspected perspectives. The whole life is now a beautiful adventure of thought! chips are already in almost every corner of our house inside calculators, computers, televisions, mobile portátiles, etcétera.

La Razón-omnipotente apareció como una simbiosis, de nuestra razón y la incorporación de los chips insertados directamente bajo nuestra piel para decirnos donde estamos e informar al hospital como estamos de salud o bien estos chips están a nuestro lado en los calculadores ayudándonos a usar las matemáticas con una colosal rapidez. Están puestos obligatoriamente en casi todas nuestras deducciones o razonamientos produciendo por tanto una superación continua a nuestras formas de pensar. Esta nueva revolución generó además una aceleración en la globalización científica total de la humanidad: un mundo sin fronteras; sin miseria; y con los nuevos derechos humanos expanded and extended to all human beings all over again home to Homo sapiens is now used as something very natural now a new reason is omnipotent.


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