Thursday, December 2, 2010

Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders

10.8 of Homo sapiens to Homo sapiens with powerful

10.8 of Homo sapiens to Homo sapiens with powerful Reason

The year 2019 begins the era of new artificial materials so important that we do not know when or how it will end. This year, after we got to the wonderful machine "Transforming the physical properties of the elements" or known as Transformer-pfe, all the inhabitants of the planet could begin to enjoy in their daily lives as momentous and very positive innovations. Since then, the Homo sapiens as a thinking jumps to a new stage in his continued improvement.

As our young generation will know our historical development, they feel proud to know that all we humans are now Reason possession of the omnipotent. Homo sapiens overcome that despite being aware of having used it because a high percentage wrong. With the proper use of reason to master the fire started, we became useful tools, steam engines built, master the laws of electricity, we took the energy stored in the atom transforming it into electricity ... With the power in the hands of unscrupulous and misusing the sacred grounds served: to take power, to slaves, to make firearms and even tried to self-destruct after its own hydrogen bombs, atomic challenging duel capitalist forces groups non-capitalist. The different sets of people pacifist, led by Bertrand Russell, a century ago that we started and we always kept fighting to tie the hands of these warriors. Just got in 2030 was eliminated from the arsenals the last damn bombs. We

because of a new type or super-Homo sapiens. We regret that only we are the holders, in the vast universe known, the amazing gene or rather the genes in every cell that give us the power to discern, that is the reason with which we can know even abstraction, part of the material world objective. However we are proud to have this gift so great shame and in turn that other men in the past had been used to such terrible things. We are confident that the reasoning we can achieve all the goals, are ambitious. We believe that through the art of reasoning, you get absolute power over the material world and we know that the entire universe is almost certain that only we possess the gift of reason. It is unfortunately almost certainly is so because we realize that in the solar system there is no trace of any living being not less than a living and rational.

the inorganic universe evolved, for an infinite number of years, until at one point, almost comparatively insignificant size, now called Earth, created the conditions for organic life was formed. The organic life of plants and animals evolved to create change by forming the dialectical reasoning man to Homo sapiens. This means, the reason he carried in his brain, evolved mentally present causing the wonder of wonders Homo sapiens Reason omnipotent. Now you do not kill their fellows, even racially discriminated against, left Earth and begins to be the giant in the proper place the infinite cosmos. Homo sapiens with the Almighty Reason was born relatively recently in this corner of the universe! We are holders of this powerful reason is the biggest jewel of infinite and irrational universe. We are holders a power with limits of insurance unknown but also those limits are endless! We can change the course, not just the rivers and the planets, but could if it was useful and reasonable to transform semi-suns the planets. We fire with nuclear energy and we do not do what it must not lend us any help. We can get into the depths of one's general laws governing the universe. We are the makers and owners, for now, only the Solar System. By machines we have amplified our muscle strength in hundreds of thousands of times. There are no limits to the growth of our forces. Using our computers, increasingly powerful, we make millions of times faster some operations of our mind. Robots help us be stronger and more intelligent. Our robots are only ancillary to the physical labor and intellectual well with his mind programmed by us. We are the really smart and not robots they usually do it much faster, but in an almost mechanical process, especially when it comes to our math, but not when issues typical of the mind. Computers are now a product of Reason-omnipotent. Not because these are our children, are only auxiliary to help us transform ourselves into more and more intelligent beings.

Some writers, in the last century, had thought that when advancing artificial intelligence, or AI should achieve full independence since the robots are getting better chip in his brain. They claimed that achieved the independence of the robots they would make us first in their servers and then when we do not need more, we eliminated. This alarmist position which was not new, not now produce any fears. We have a constant scientific information suitable depth that dominate this area of \u200b\u200bcomputing, these scientists educate and inform our youth by having them know the operation of these machines, eliminating ignorance about this matter. The youth will then scaring the belief that the super-intelligent robots will be released against us.

In the last century, most social groups, believed to behave like animals was nothing abnormal. The influence exercised by the ideas of the evolution of species, poorly taught in school, made it appear to those who killed the other from another species or of the same species as natural. For this the wrong information on the evolution of the species appeared to be science-based ideas, ideas of the last century, which always dominated the bad, is often heard largest fish eats the smaller, and so on. Taking like a very natural law the shameful abuses of the powerful in arms or money on poor people. No wonder that some writers think that if they become powerful robots will also be the supermalos. Now we are convinced that the man carries the Almighty Reason and this is a morality that is far from this false moral drawn from the evolution of species. It was inconceivable a world of good robot, and unemployment was to blame for the dismissal was not of mismanagement, it was this social group, but even he threw the blame on the robots because they were the work of several people. Have argued that these writers have learned from childhood that men guided only by their irrational instincts there was a constant phase over each other. This is the reason that the reason was against the futuristic robots. Reason-omnipotent we do and no computers or robots. If they obtain a hypothetical massive storage capacity and speed in his memoirs, like those we have, probably also acquire the Almighty Reason and we never eliminated, we would try progresáramos to their level of speed and mental ability. We are now happy every time I see a genius, computer or robot, new generation. The clear scientific explanation of the novelistic we wiped those doubts. Using computers to extreme lengths have sharpened our intelligence. With this powerful aid of computer technology has been possible to learn and master the material world to the edge of the Solar System.

other hand our positivist philosophy has much edified. That is thanks to this philosophy predicated on the principles of positivism that philosophy is the antithesis or opposite of pessimism and doom and gloom, we are growing stronger spiritually. We are confident that we can continue in the future, transforming the universe to be the ideal site for development the life of Homo sapiens from the future who will still thousands of times more power over nature that the enormous power that we have now. Thanks to good use because everything is possible, but now a calculable future.

This idea, this model with the power of the almighty Reason, everything is possible is because what we have now almost reached. The limits of our intelligence, through computerization, become infinite is also infinite as the universe of which we are the almighty Reason. Only an infinite may be another powerful reason for infinity.

Attention, attention Universe! The powerful reason to matured men. Universe Man Reason using its powerful you are placing new satellites and changing your site's natural satellite, is modifying and streamlining the trajectories of asteroids and comets in the solar system, is thinking of changing the rotation and orbit of some planets! You're really beautiful!

time is infinite existence of the universe we observe. It is possible to measure the time it takes the light emanating from some very distant galaxy clusters and this light takes to reach us, in some cases, at least 14 billion years. Have passed a lot more of these thousands of millions of years without any part of the universe, surely be aware of its very existence. Only in recent times we showed up that we are aware of the existence of the universe. The universe evolved and created their superstar to be rational. For this reason we are an important relic from the rest of the world blind to reason that despite being infinite in space, matter and time, is irrational.

We have an enormous responsibility to look after all we are always guided by the Almighty Reason. The set of irrational elements in the universe, hurricanes, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis or falls on the Earth from asteroids, not ever going to destroy us. They can no longer do, nor allow the emergence of our predators, we have long since we are the terminals of the evolution.

The weak latent danger of paralyzing our rapid progress is in some genetically ill people who wish to use some of its chronic and weak intellect to destroy the wonderful things that make their own peers. The danger of our destruction came close a few hundred years ago, with the threat of the use of hydrogen bombs. The danger caused by the warriors has not disappeared completely, but we're away their chances and their chances of destruction of civilization are dwindling. The enemy, so that power valuable treasure of human beings alone, there were originated in the illiterate culture, virgins on their mental development, unable to recognize that the effect always comes from a cause that produces it. And unfortunately there were dominated for millennia to its number one enemy to the people using their own reason and got his spiritual independence through self-education. Only partially escaped the followers of Pythagoras in hiding and resisting the Nabataeans by free elections for its leaders or living free and slavery. To practice this should have been locked underground for five centuries in the city of Petra in the desert until they reached the empire unfortunately Roman appended. Historical things of yesterday had not completely disappeared with the arrival of a weak democracy. At the beginning of last century (1914) have appeared warriors, putting almost everyone up in arms. By mid-century so-called axis of the three countries want the rest of the world to submit to its philosophy of extermination starting murder millions of Jews. But was defeated after a few years part of the winners want to keep showing off as warriors, obliterating an atoll with a single pump and watering the H-bomb the world with radioactivity. Besides threatening the existence of all mankind. Fortunately

science appeared revolution with its microprocessors and its Transformer-pfe created Homo sapiens to reason and made us omnipotent giant Titans. With this new material and clean nuclear power we are a small group that was growing. We have been chosen for all mankind, who has asserted his universal democratic right for us to remain, an important part of the guards to maintain universal peace. Has not completely passed the danger, we are always alert, suspicious of the amazing benefits of science are not required to believe in it but they can not force others to believe by force and not by reason in its different and strange arguments . We're like eyes always on alert making sure that no one, nor destroy endangered again, with nuclear threats, a part of this wonderful universe infinite in space and time that is inviting us to beautiful.


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