Thursday, December 2, 2010

Days Of Delay Menstruation

10.10 The poet Neruda in the domestication of the atom, was also right.

10.10 The poet Neruda in the domestication of the atom, was also right.

Neruda, the poet par excellence, to predict that the day would be achieved by removing the atom energy in the hands of the warriors irresponsible, also was right. Our organization is, the 'Pythagorean rightly Almighty ", when had many millions, was able to take apart an enormous physical strength and unquestionable moral sound all its members. With this gigantic force managed to save humanity from the great nightmare of succumbing to a possible nuclear catastrophe. It met the desires of our honorary member Pablo Neruda, the desire for the peaceful energy of the atom serve all mankind. Better concentrate our attention a few minutes and read a portion of one of its many wonderful poems.

So the poet wished in:

De Pablo Neruda (Nobel Prize for Literature, 1971)

.... You do not have / secret / walks among men / no mask / terrible / hastening the pace / and extending / steps of the fruit, / separated / mountains / straightening rivers, / fertilizing, / atom / overwhelmed / cup / cosmic / back / a bunch of peace, / at the speed of joy, / back to cluster / nature / settings to our service, / and instead of the ashes / death / of your mask, / instead of hell unleashed / on your wrath, / instead of the threat / of your terrible clarity deliver us / your awesome / default / for cereals, / your magnetism triggered / to establish peace among men, / and so will not be hell / your blinding light, / but happiness, / morning hope / terrestrial contribution.

Paul was carried away by your advice, I finally heard! Today gives us his awesome power for the cereals, watermelons giant domes under air and illuminated on the surface of the moon. Now this gentle atom, with its infinite power, takes us from the Earth to the fantastical world of Cities-spatial to geostationary and ring-ring-moon takes us through the entire solar system! Perhaps you wanted to Neruda as you're in the realm of the immortals on Mount Olympus and also of eternity with your odes and poems, sure have read your monumental poem repeatedly atom because now they are amenable to persuasion, and most transcendental is that today have become our shirts and help at this time to keep the peace!

Paul, on our side, as you also did, we do not rest a minute and now we are many millions who take care not to convince the soldiers come to our peaceful atom to change its sound track.

Finally then I will repeat something I wrote in one of the preceding paragraphs of this chapter.

Part of the history of our universe we know from some fourteen billion years. If we take the universe from their last ten billion years known, the more objectively we know its history by the messages we send distant galaxy clusters, then we can divide this history separating four major stages as caused by a super developments: first, there is an enormous amount of time close to their 99.9 percent, corresponding to the entire universe alone in the world plunged inorganic material, and second, this world has evolved in its infinite inorganic variety of combinations with more than one hundred elements originating with the wonderful properties of carbon whose combinations are endless and in a dialectical moment led to the wonderful life that is the organic world, third, the organic world has evolved over the 0.0999 percent of the time known causing hundreds of thousands of species evolution in finishing this great ancestor of Homo sapiens; room, our predecessor, lurching and stumbling over a million years or 0.0001 percent at the time known and at the end of the penultimate last stage view extraordinary and magical reason is that now is a Homo sapiens. Then around the year two thousand and appears on the scene, combining the ratio with increasing microprocessors, Homo sapiens rightly so powerful and makes the blind end of evolution and revolution weapon speed and begins to change since then all the great and infinite universe. How much longer will finish completely beautify the Solar System? How long will that work even to bring order to the Milky Way?

Carl Sagan (1934-1996), the most famous astronomer and scientist of the last century, presenting the book "History of Time by Stephen Hawking said:" ... he had an unexpected conclusion after much effort: a universe without an edge space, no beginning and no end in time ... "

all content in this book have argued that our philosophy leads us to use the almighty Reason, that the amount of: space, mass and no time limits in any way. The existence of any of these three fundamental things we can put in doubt our intuition gene also does not permit objective and really think otherwise. Space, mass and time are infinite and is the first of the ten principles of "Theory of Permanence."


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