Thursday, December 2, 2010

How To Get Cheats For Soulsilver On R4

Walking through the Solar System planets at speeds greater than these.

Chapter 8


"But if we discover a complete theory will eventually be, in its guidelines, understandable to everyone and not just for a few scientists. Then all, philosophers, scientists and ordinary people will be able to take part in the discussion of why the universe exists and why we exist. If you find an answer to this would be the ultimate triumph of human reason ,..."

Stephen W. Hawking (Story time)

Stephen: The Theory of permanence is precisely the theory that so eloquently, your goal is to come, she has good grounds to walk with this book and is, in part, developed from some years ago in the blog:

Strolling 8.1 Solar System at speeds greater than these.

The most important issue addressed in this section is the first artificial planet, because its fantastic construction and movement is an imitation of some of the more important things on the planet Earth, for example the planetoid has its rotational movements within 24 hours and its movement around the sun exactly like Earth or in a year. The planetoid was built on the basis of a transparent material as a roof to keep the air under the dome, the material also is unbreakable by small meteorites. The first artificial planet, was designed to have complete autonomy, it is maintained completely independent, ie does not need outside help. Apart from the energy pouring from the Sun has its own internal source of clean nuclear energy, produces all the food for his hundred thousand inhabitants. Has its cargo planes to bring the materials of the Moon and meteorites is that when some items need to expand its construction materials such as aluminum and the searches made with their own. For this is said to have complete autonomy, was built as a large icosahedron, is located in the planetary orbit of the Earth, is called planetoid-artificial-001.

artificial planetoid

housing moves ahead of the Earth carrying the same direction of movement around the Sun also keeps rotating around a virtual axis, ie moves in the same orbit of our planet. We planned delayed for 24 hours in each rotation. This is the last of the great and monumental work of our architects, then I will give other interesting information. With

be fitted with an enormous power to make change the properties of matter and also as a result were unable to obtain a source of boundless energy and inexhaustible, we human beings we became giants. This proved to be a giant that went far beyond what they dreamed of being able to see the most daring adventurers of all time. With the two new instruments, the hardening machine elements and the other to get free and unlimited energy of hydrogen isotopes we begin to take the first steps to massively invade the infinite universe. The men do together all these huge wonderful works to meet the objectives of changing the world, was possible only for having come to understand that we all have a common bond that is a reason and that his connection with microprocessors has become a wonderful inseparable tool we call Reason, omnipotent. Les

story below certain other information about the history of "artificial planetoid-001. Imitating a structurally similar way to having the earth for us to start a small artificial planet, composed of five icosahedra of different sizes placed starting by a minor who is located in the center and is busy as our fresh water tank. The others, in increasing order of their respective sizes, are placed out of the water tank, leaving an air space between them. Viewed from the latter, which is the largest and covers with its roof into the atmosphere, we can say that are in descending order inside each other. We, the Pythagorean-founders, live comfortably in this fantasy world consisting of the five unbreakable icosahedra. This is not living up to the interior of the icosahedron but higher than it is for us our solid transparent roof. We live under this roof but do not forget you are inside icosahedra other smaller and they are also filled with the same atmosphere and is also where we spent a good part of our lives. We have been a year living in this wonderful little planet and we have no problems but pure satisfaction. Overall we can say that our habitat is a space outside the Earth world in which we do not have the heavy gravity and that if you install the same atmosphere of normal air pressure inside and enclosed by huge foreign icosahedron. The simulation closer to the earth's atmosphere between the two icosahedra is external, then the area was residential, then the research area, then the hold area and the center completely filling the last icosahedron, as we said, the large water tank. This deposit then became the core of concentric icosahedra. Of course, each of the five icosahedra is firmly attached to that follows, is a precautionary measure even if they or the things inside have no weight whatsoever. In summary, this artificial celestial body, is a complex system that is also has tremendous self-powered light engines that allow you to move quickly in any direction, which is why his five icosahedra are heavily linked together by very strong pillars . As Importantly, the planetoid-artificial-001 has a hundred thousand people living very comfortably in it. They tell us how we dreamed of living in this new world.

In 2059 it held a plebiscite asking the opinion important to everyone in the rational universe that vote would take place as the choice of people who had the right to live in the new planetoid 001. In the referendum was decided to leave the final decision to the system director for the last ten mainframes. So we decided to apply the rules of democracy computed.

The fourteen, the group that we were the founders of our association Pythagorean Reason of the Almighty, as a gift of the new year on January 2060 by a unanimous group of ten senior managers mills, or Computer-peace-54780a54789 receive a grand prize, which we are involved with the another hundred thousand people who had selflessly participated in this great odyssey to get to change the face of the world now inhabited and directed by Homo sapiens to reason omnipotent. Computers welcomed our request and decided that we could go and live in the first planetoid-artificial-001 recently completed and the product of the latest discoveries of science and technology. In our artificial planetoid is also called the Land Clonoide this is to avoid confusion with the group of large asteroids is traditionally also called minor planets, we use either one or the other name.

In short this little Earth-artificial or artificial planetoid-001 has the properties: to be specifically designed to withstand micro-meteorites from space, to be autonomous, have icosahedral shape, travel independently around the Sun or planetary being. We had a big party to inaugurate the birth of our first city-planet and that became our present residence. The planetoid-artificial-001 has all exterior walls of the icosahedron formed by a gigantic total of twenty equilateral triangles transparent. Each of the three sides of these giant giant equilateral triangles, measuring 1024 meters long.

computers and so advised query was resolved by plebiscite, for security reasons, only 14 000 Pythagoreans, Russell had access to manage and work transforms the physical properties of the elements or processing and handling pfe Motor-atomic-de-merge-to-light-reaction. Anyway, in another resolution of the plebiscite is said to us, or group of fourteen founders, we must still maintain control of all the transformations of the physical properties of the elements. This last provision is maintained until ninety percent of the inhabitants of Earth in the cosmos. Fortunately, this work is not as hard as the control, of these thousands of wonderful processing machines the physical properties of the elements, is made by an electronic system and from anywhere in the Solar System. The Transformer-pfe also have a security system impossible to violate.

In 2050 they built the second and one of the last generations of hardening plants. This great Transformer of the physical properties of the elements is the largest of existing plants or processing hardening pfe of this second generation can now work with sheets of aluminum equilateral triangles of any size.

Now they have an entrance limited to a maximum length and you work simultaneously with two processors that move synchronously and in parallel on either side of the aluminum plate and are hardening on both sides. Were built and the 20 equilateral triangles of 1024 meters long on each side, which were needed for the outer shell of our monumental planetoid.

The giant triangles were hardened in a fantastic as you already know and also with the many other properties of aluminum manageable to the point that it could make clear or colored triangles. This managed to make triangles and other semi-transparent dark and some absolutely transparent. The colors and transparencies are controlled by computers that direct the hardening plant. This is not surprising since the same is true of black carbon that becomes clear later in the state of diamond.

I repeat in detail what is the wonder of wonders, the imaginary Olympus as the abode of the Greek gods is greatly reduced when compared with living in an impenetrable glass and luxurious. The small independent planet planetoid-artificial-001 or our City-spatial-planetary in his thick is formed, as we said, for five icosahedra of different sizes and placed one inside the other.

Our new home is in the interior space of a large icosahedron and this is how you know a solid figure, we recall some important things and that this body geometry plays an important role in future. The planetoid-artificial-001 is the icosahedron we are limited on the outside, by twenty equilateral triangles huge and they have a long, on each side, of 1024 meters. The other four icosahedra that are inside are diminishing in size, or their twenty equilateral triangles that form with each successively smaller sides. The icosahedron remains inward, halved lengthwise, has the sides of his twenty equilateral triangles rather than 1024 meters but only 512 meters long. So on are decreasing the length of its sides the other three icosahedra that are inland, are respectively as along its sides: 256 meters, 128 meters and the last 64 meters along each side of his twenty equilateral triangles. Among these are four areas with air and the smallest, that is the last icosahedron which is at the core or center is filled with water, is our large warehouse we care a great treasure.

For clarity I will describe the new part of our City-planetary space- or rather it relates to the first man-made planet, based on the outer clear icosahedron. We will state how they are placed and what is the objective that meets all of these five concentric icosahedra, each formed of 20 equilateral triangles resistant. The outer icosahedron meets the objective of preventing the cosmos out air atmosphere is maintained inside the pressure somewhat higher than normal Earth, this increased pressure is to assist the uptake of oxygen. He then installed in its interior and equidistant from all exterior walls of the icosahedron transparent, serving as the first floor another icosahedron, equilateral triangles sides of length half that of 1024 which limits the icosahedron shape and the outer cosmos. This second icosahedron whose surface is our simulation of the surface, has an area equal to 2.27 million square meters are then obtained by the sum of the surfaces of twenty equilateral triangles on each side 512 meters that were installed along a controllable electromagnetic field surfaces for bonding our metal-soled shoes, then follow on into each other into the third, fourth and fifth icosahedra.

The third icosahedron is made of triangles with the long side of the second half, or 256 meters per side. Between the second icosahedron and the third there is also a great height or distance. In the space of 242 feet high between the second and third icosahedron is a region of space that holds 256 million cubic meters, there lies the great 50-story residential buildings where the comfortable apartments housing three hundred square meters for family consisting of three persons. In these special buildings departments the floor to ceiling height, 240 cm is not as common in the departments of gravitational areas, but is 480 centimeters tall. This enormous height is a great comfort as we have space to fly in all directions in our home. Per capita se reglamenta usar 100 metros cuadrados de superficie o lo que es lo mismo 480 metros cúbicos considerado como el mínimo de espacio vital. El conjunto de estos edificios ocupan para dar lugar habitacional para los cien mil habitantes una cantidad de 192 millones de metros cúbicos quedando 64 millones de metros cúbicos para los anexos de: administración, teatros, cines, gimnasios y salas de conferencias etcétera.

El cuarto icosaedro está ubicado mucho más cerca del núcleo y construido por supuesto como los anteriores con 20 triángulos equiláteros pero de la mitad de la dimensión del anterior o sea ahora de solo 128 metros por lado. El espacio entre el tercero y el cuarto o penúltimo icosaedro es bastante less than the living space above. On the fourth icosahedron, however, is covered by 20 equilateral triangles with a total area of \u200b\u200bjust over 140 thousand square meters. It is used as an area of \u200b\u200bscientific research there are the research workshops, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, botany, etc. with their experimental plantations.

The space between the fourth and fifth last icosahedron was left to the grain stores and minerals. The surface on the last icosahedron is 35472 meters square. Here also are located many of the heavy equipment with maintenance and repair workshops. In hangars there for thousands of our robots and other facilities of various kinds.

Last icosahedron with relatively small equilateral triangles only 64 meters per side was forming the core of this city-space-planet and left its deposit Cu 571918 meters of fresh water. There is a water reserve of 5719 liters per capita. A person needs to drink two liters of water a day and used at least eight liters for other tasks, the 5719 liters of water per capita would allow each of the hundred thousand people live in 572 days or more a year without wastewater use. Wastewater is recycled or evaporators and liquefied purified and used again in the first instance, bathing and irrigation. This water thoroughly cleaned once again and providing the other mineral ingredients and oxygen is again lost in terms of drinking water. For these procedures maintain a large amount of potable water for each person, this huge amount of per capita water remains a luxury permitted the use of large baths in addition to public pools departments specially designed for the weightless and so on.

Until now I realize that I explained, related to our planetoid, starting with the details of the outer icosahedron but in practice to build such planetoid is part of riding the fifth icosahedron or the smallest that carries water and is the core, then comes the successive building inside out from the other four icosahedra ending with the largest or with what we call first.

entire volume of space contained inside the large icosahedron is the world of the inhabitants of the city planet and this mass of air and water is about 2.342 billion cubic meters. In our artificial planetoid-001-architects this unusual left him enormous room for us to begin to live more comfortably. Planned per capita more cubic meters which is more comfort which currently house more than half of the world's population-housing complexes in space. Even as a hundred thousand people inhabit the planetoid that we now have a volume with air or space for each person much older. Now we are immersed in the amount of 23420 meters of space per capita cubic!. A volume of space that is more than 27 times greater than that is in space and loose-housing complexes, Ring-geostationary. The day a person goes through your lungs, sticking out of the oxygen to many cubic meters of air, and all could live long with this huge amount of air per capita. The first project studied stated that hundred thousand people who live in the first planetoid, we could live always with the twenty percent of the oxygen from the air by means of obtaining oxygen is produced by decomposing the water, H2O, using electricity. The second project was approved and was to live continually renewing the air consumed by us through the procedure using the known law that chlorophyll of six square meters of green leaves are sufficient to renew the oxygen of a person. Was chosen for this purpose to carry and produce, in the weightless world, trees and plants moved in huge quantities to the cosmos, with its leafy chlorophyll leaves us constantly renewed oxygen consumed daily, they do as long as they have sunlight during the day and also help them by providing artificial light at almost all hours of the night.

To give you a comparative idea of \u200b\u200bthese giant places for the development of new life, I must say that if you leave the 860 cubic meters of space per capita, as they do in a space-housing-complex, then the capacity, in terms of number of inhabitants within the city-planet should be therefore of 2 700 000 residents. Since it has only one hundred thousand inhabitants and not the nearly three million who could live there, then we can say that we live in a vast and luxurious mansion from outer space. I repeat that our new home has been of enormous dimensions and for each person is over twenty times as long, which left space for everyone inside the space-housing complexes-the-Rings housing. This is really doing things with a more futuristic and modern as that used in the already complex spaces and space. Some of the inhabitants of the Ring-geostationary, more than three million, and are applying to buy an apartment in the five other small copies of the Earth under construction, that is the Clonoide-artificial-002 to Clonoide-artificial-006. Be elected by the 500 thousand computer new residents between three or more million applicants. With this new approach to building the people of this city truly enjoy much more spacious places. We have here the days and nights just as in the Ecuador area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth and therefore plants in the same proportion renewing the oxygen on our planet. Between the first and second icosahedron is a huge area filled with air and surface ratio on the second icosahedron, for many times more than six square meters of green area per capita, among orchards and plantations of trees, which renewal course amply allow atmospheric oxygen consumed by hundred thousand inhabitants. Among the trees brought from Earth to the cosmos is transplanted some ancient forest plants of up to sixty meters carried by spacecraft specially built for this purpose. I repeat that between the first and second icosahedron is our huge atmosphere of oxygen supplied by their plantings of orchards and forests with huge old trees nurseries.

Our planetoid-artificial-001 is the holder and is completely surrounded by this huge atmosphere of 487 meters, and that is 2050 million cubic meters of air and covers the entire top of the second housing and extends icosahedron course inside, until the fifth icosahedron which is almost always full of water. Our city-planet was completed by 2060 including all means for their further development, projected to be this clonoide absolutely independent of our planet. For this reason it gave of engines-atomic-de-fusion-reaction-to-light, solar batteries and atomic energy, tools, water, air, plants and seeds for. . ., All to be taken from the plantations to the production with complete autonomy. Full independence was a dream for many years but for this project is always needed the participation of millions of people, now in the cosmos had been done with a number of relatively small human beings. From the beginning, ie since it opened this city-planet model did not need outside help, either air or water or energy or anything else. It looks from afar like a big bright area and the upper floor where there are schools, shops, trade, etc., largely reflecting sunlight Your full day as the Earth is 24 hours. Our atmosphere remains in the evenings in most places quite bright. Cecilia

My friend told me very excited, one night when viewed from a great distance to our Clonoide very bright, "this reminds me of the excitement Raúl that caused us great enlightenment of Berlin's Olympic Stadium lighting the Olympic football in 2006, thought it was the mass of a cosmic body landing. " I argued, the difference is that our space city now seems to be a cosmic body but it is actually. This fantastic lighting in our new Clonoide is the extension of many thousands of times to what we saw on that occasion. My friend and I were impressed to see so many people under one roof in our new habitat are just a few hundred thousand people, the stadium was much more but we live in a large space not only has more light but has a volume of thousands of times greater and most importantly we have managed to completely eliminate the terrible seriousness and live to enjoy the third dimension and we chose not to crawl on a surface, but we fly with our own natural resources.

The fourteen founders of the Community of Reason Pythagorean-omnipotent arrived at the city-space-planet or planetoid-artificial-001 on a Saturday in February 2060. We spent over a year living here and we know quite yet. The first day, when we opened our new life in the wonderful planetoid that is a remarkable product of great technological advances, We spent playing with different types of fly wings in a few minutes we climbed the nearly five hundred (487) feet, to touch the diamond sky transparent triangles. On the second day an excursion planned a full day, we set as a condition to make it fly and also to mobilize only using our muscle strength. The objective was to meet him full circle to our new semi spherical world, we set out in one direction and return in the opposite direction. Of course this trip was planned by the atmosphere which lies between the two outer icosahedra of our city-planet. We woke up early, still the stars were shining beyond the transparent dome of equilateral triangles, have breakfast and just cleared the entire atmosphere, ie at dawn, our whole group or fourteen began to rise to give back to our new world flying ball majestically his clear atmosphere. We

this fantastic trip in just eight hours by the new world for us we could fly, now I really was three-dimensional, we did for the shortest path to fly at 400 feet is only 6000 meters, but we make it as good hikers making multiple variants of zigzag up ahead, not six miles but more than 120 miles to finally reach the place from where we began our trip, but of course coming from the opposite side in connection with which we started.

was an unforgettable day without cars without helicopters or planes, flying majestically just with our muscle forces over a hundred feet high. Looking at all the beautiful places construction of schools, universities and especially the banana plantations, grain glued together to the floor and in other cases provided for in many parallel stories. When you hover over a forest of ancient pine, newly brought from Chile, more than sixty feet high, it occurred to me get Araucaria almost a kilo of delicious fruits sprockets. Here I realized that flew better than birds do in the Earth's atmosphere. I drew them to the pine fruit easily as it could move forward and backward, which can do the birds except the hummingbird, he is the only one who can remain static and flying back, but can not enjoy eating pine nuts like us but only suck nectar from flowers. But I think we flew better than a hummingbird. While flying next to me said my friend Mary Alice programmer and systems engineer I knew from very young. "Uncle Raul, as we think when we founded our organization, we would have the chance for us personally to enjoy this marvel of marvels of construction, and the indescribable pleasure experienced when we move to our own forces, flying in the atmosphere of our small earth, with greater ease than our condor. And we make the journey a pleasure to fly many miles without tiring. I think these things are incomprehensible to those who are accustomed to and crushed by the pull of gravity on Earth. Do you think there are words to which I can understand some of my friends, who have remained stubbornly Earth, the beautiful and exciting it is to turn so easily to our new world without the hateful gravity?. "

Mary Alice preferred to write to send photos or videos on the Internet super, he told me the feelings and emotions can not be photographed but only superficially. Of course, I said, you're right I think like you, the millions of words that we have on our plate drive of your brain (and brain forgive me the comparison), there is always very appropriate words to describe the situations that can not be photographed. A good written description is usually much closer to the authentic emotional reality that all The other great computer and audio visual media. Ensure so, I think, my former classmate from boarding Liceo Pablo Neruda, Alfonso Scuadritos Calderón, who has been passionately dedicated to this tough and exciting profession. Alfonso and this encouraged me approached me in my youth, I met Pablo Neruda and I had the honor to receive as gifts, in a student hostel of the Republic Street in Santiago de Chile, the first copy of his first literary work " A Wind Archangels "

Mary Alice lived happily in the city space, Mario was her husband with her three beautiful children and grandchildren of these were the most enjoyed and chacoteaban flying. He and she were some outstanding engineers and active participants in the group "omnipotent Pythagoreans rightly," had participated in and contributed to the central ideas of all major buildings. With almost a hundred years old were the most lolos the group of 'Pythagorean rightly omnipotent. "

The structure of this beautiful city is a perfect geometric solid geometry as known in the regular icosahedron. For if there are rational beings elsewhere in the universe, this geometric construction is a message here are the Homo sapiens using Reason omnipotent. We hope that hypothetical rational beings from these other worlds are just as curious as us. So perfect geometry of nature does not give anywhere in the world, it is conceivable only as a product of reason.

Our first City-spatial-planet is moving like a planet moving around the Sun has the same orbit and direction of movement of the Earth. We moved ahead of the Earth at a distance from it much larger than four thousand kilometers ranging from the Earth to the Moon. Our spacecraft cover the journey to Earth in just a few hours of flight. We are at a distance where the gravitational effects of the Moon and Earth, do not produce a "disturbance" appreciable movement of our new autonomous planetary space city. From Earth it seems that our planetoid-artificial-001 does not move, is almost still in the vault of heaven, but the reality is that it moves with the same speed as Earth around the Sun as its orbit is exactly which takes the Earth is not moving away or toward us, as a result of this visit is very comfortable in any season. Of course, in this vast orbit of the Earth can build almost infinite planetary cities. Was great enthusiasm for the success of the planetoid-artificial-001, this success would be the door to a project that involves a nice futuristic plan. Will install thousands planetary cities. Its construction was relatively cheap, since it was possible to build it by fifty percent of the materials or the rocks torn from the asteroid Icarus. The remaining materials and other asteroids Icarus is the precious raw material available for construction projects of the other thousands of cities similar space to our City-planet, better known than the original name of the new planetoid popular name Clonoide de la Tierra-001. One of the important things is that the planetoid is moving in the same orbit of the Earth, each other are always at a fixed distance. Specialized computers in construction assure us that housing is the best place orbit space cities since all parameters related to the energy of the sun's rays are identical to those received by the Earth. The planetoid-artificial-001 has a rotation around a virtual axis that produces the days and nights are almost identical. It is understood that our Clonoide-001 produced the same type of astronomical situation that arises in the equatorial zone of the Earth, with the exact length of the days and nights.

In our journey through the cosmos we discovered that the Earth is a paradise of excellent conditions for the development of life any other place in the Solar System resembles him. On Earth there are treasures to the development of life on every corner. Huge amounts of oxygen, huge amounts of freshwater and salt water, rocks with minerals such as uranium inside fantastic energy, minerals, gold and silver aluminum that can be laminated and modified in its properties to the limits of the incredible, wonderful things are everywhere. I would like to take the terrible pull of gravity so they can live there for hundreds of thousands of millions of people! But we know that gravity is a very deep philosophical problem and obey the difficulty to understand that just to get to the root of the matter is to be discarded the classical principles and accept the principles of the theory of permanence. To the Theory of the permanent natural state of inertia is to be in orbit, the ideal is associated with the fantastic and eternity. When we drop an object in free fall leaving this takes away a vertical direction and whose career, barring the surface of the Earth, would pass very near the center of the Earth. Failure to keep flying the subject we have left in free fall or what is the same for the free-fall orbit where nothing prevents weight is roughly the presence of the Earth's surface. Here is then this force that disturbs the world travel the cosmic inertia weightless. Now we have the emergence of a virtual force that tries to bring us to the center of the Earth and what we call our natural weight.

This extraordinary strength, the better and appreciate each moment, because it gives your own weight is not as natural as we thought. This tendency to go rapidly moving toward the center of the earth we call gravity pull equally and have all material bodies, whatever their density whether such a piece of lead or a pile of feathers. This is tested in a vacuum tube or as Galileo did release two metal balls of equal size but compact and a hollow or empty, both Italian to hit the ground same time. This simple experiment took place in the minds of scientists a veritable earthquake began to develop new theories to replace those that were obsolete. These experiments also shook the minds of religious beliefs, the life of Galileo started from here to run a great risk. He was given his home by imprisonment for life.

now know that this phenomenon of gravity is a kind of force that would take us nearly as attracted towards the center of the Earth if it means our large size and the compactness of the Earth's surface. Gravity is a result of all the bodies of its surface at all times tend to go by its inertia it is natural to follow an elliptical orbit, the same for all regardless of density around the bodies or the center.

Now we can present something that was latent in our lives and it was due to gravity. We can affirm the stubborn inhabitants of Earth have not yet decided to abandon that gravity is a dangerous enemy of life. The gravity of the Earth must be the discomfort and quicker death of specialized cells in particular of your muscles and generally suffer the attack of gravity more than two hundred twenty types of differentiated cells throughout your body, liver, kidney and so on. For this fear

fever appeared quite justified, the inhabitants of our planet, out of his crib and began the mass exodus in 2030 when he moved from each of the 166-cosmic-state companies involved, one million two hundred thousand people to the cosmos each year, or 3288 people a day. Each of the companies was available Organización166 countries to meet this objective of the Cosmos-transfer to geostationary, six of the spacecraft equipped with six engines each of those able to lift a hundred tons to a height of one meter per second. Of these three were cargo spacecraft and three other passengers. We, the Pythagoreans, Russell participated in this by assuming a large responsibility, our contribution was invaluable as the company Organización166 should not worry about the fundamentals, as the drivers and the general administration of the flights were fully part of our commitment, performance was normal thing in our management.

Usually people leaving Earth definitely do so knowing that in the residential areas of space there is no unemployment, unlike people who come to the GEO are welcome and immediately offered various types of work related to their profession. Production on Earth are not severely affected by this exodus. Parallel to the departure of its inhabitants also increased construction of large robots that do the work of several hundred, and in some cases several thousand people. As the robots are now made of a highly resistant material then they are not naturally, but in small part, affected by Earth's gravity. Their victims are still human beings Earthlings can resist this terrible and deadly enemy with luck alone to nearly one hundred years.

For these reasons related to the easy substitution of workers for the giant robots, the mass exodus to the cosmos has not affected the agricultural and industrial production of the Earth and in general because of the massive emigration never been diminished other activities by workers. Earthlings Residents also enjoy as a result of the excellent economy of the inhabitants of the Ring-geostationary, a booming wealth, its trade has extended to the cosmos and the residents here have a lot of foreign exchange to buy huge quantities of exotic things of our mother planet.

The project to build more city-planetary-space like ours has a great future, evidenced by the fact that there alongside other five are under construction. According to another project that will further beautify the Solar System, a not too distant future, in addition to the facilities already completed, will be located also by thousands of city-space icosahedral autonomous planetary course modeled on the planetoid-artificial-001. And dare to predict dates newspapers announcing the year the Planetoids-artificial or icosahedral Planetary Autonomous Cities revolve around other stars, and then write in that century, including ensuring the future they will extend their dominance by moving around the center not only of the Milky Way but later about the center of other galaxies of the infinite cosmos.

Most of these grand projects of the future were hindered by the belief that the speed of light was the highest in the entire universe.

Happily now this theoretical limit axiom that the speed of light is a maximum speed no longer valid. Already at the beginning of this millennium, in July 2000, began the collapse of the archaic principle axiomatically accepted only on the Theory of Relativity which imposed this inability to pass the speed of light. In introducing the article in the magazine (julio/00) "Nature" the British physicist and Jon Marangos stated: "The texts say that nothing can travel faster than light, even light itself. New experiments show that this is no longer true , which raises questions about the speed maximum we can send information. "

In our philosophy, all our projects and what we call truth and be true to say only in objective reality and tangible, that is, verifiable by experience. She can only bring us to the truth. For these reasons did not accept or accept that the speed of light or any other particle or field has a speed that is taken as the upper limit and is considered a speed unattainable unless still stands as a principle of physics . In the physical sciences or other sciences, is no longer respected the cult of personality cults and institutions, there are hundreds of physicists, chemists, biologists, etc., which are noticeable but there may be none or infallible. If we do not allow doubt any assertion, just for the fact that a person of great prestige it has claimed or postulated, then we are making an anti-science.

no limits, nor space, nor matter, nor for the time, less can be the limits of things, concepts or definitions that depend directly or in combination with the art space or time.

To solve the problem of having ships that can acquire cosmic speed that the matter needed to be constructed has properties which we now dominábamos.

These mills were called gravitational Spacecraft atomic fusion engine light jet, or Ship-spatial-atomic, proved to be one of the most useful for the development of life in the cosmos. Build when no thought of what would later be necessary to extend and to become our staples. It built the largest of these giant machines in many of our factories. They are equipped with ten other atomic fusion reaction engines now we call light-atomic-de-fusion-a-light-reaction. Six of them very powerful capable to lift 300 tons to a height of one meter in a second or Motor-atomic-de-merge-to-reaction-light-300t.

in our evolutionary process acquire a remarkable property, even though we live in the Cosmos-weightless rich are able to withstand without major problems for several hours or days, the acceleration of normal gravity on Earth. Its main feature of these ships have used the gravity is remarkable fact that we have genetic adaptation. Earth's gravity does not affect us too much and is bearable if it acts on us for several hours. This is used for long distance travel, the moon or planets. The spacecraft producing flies inside her exactly Earth's gravity, hence the name of gravity. The spacecraft space-ship-atom is continuously driven by powerful jet engine light has an enormous capacity to transport if you lead a normal acceleration in the rate of about one meter per second during each second. The same power of the vessel, decreasing its original carrying capacity by ten times, it does have, within it, to the acceleration of normal gravity on Earth.

The first spacecraft, with only a capacity of 100 people, very small compared with today, was inaugurated in 2028. Today there are running more 3500-Ships-spatial-atomic. The latest generation have been built with the capacity to carry 5000 people with an acceleration of 1m/seg ², carry as many people as the sixth of the inhabitants of each housing complex, spatially. The same aircraft but with only 500 people can move continuously with the normal gravity of Earth. Is achieved in these vessels with propulsion Maintaining a continuous rise in its interior a great comfort especially for people on Earth today as during the entire trip they take the normal gravity at the surface of the Earth, for us we're not used to feeling even our own weight is hard but bearable.

Navigation in these Starships Ship-spatial-atomic is ideal if you want to save time and this person tried in the first trip I took the ring-geostationary to the moon. The spacecraft, with five hundred people, producing an acceleration left with their engines that we felt was always the normal acceleration of gravity inside the Earth that is inside us there and we'd think things were falling like accelerating with the continuous acceleration acquired a very high speed to reach the halfway point. In this place about half way, they stopped a couple of minutes the other (we stayed away without weight) and a small annex special engine drove reversing the spacecraft 180 degrees, in other words, the spacecraft was placed in position as if will return to Earth again and again to run the powerful engine, again producing in us a sense of normal acceleration Earth. That is enough to reverse the operation of the machine and this of course spent the other machine, to go after "slowing" and come gently to the lunar surface. The trip lasted only a little over three hours to travel a distance of 400 000 kilometers! The mathematical calculation that allows us to determine the time spent on the trip by one of these spacecraft is very simple. This is a spaceship flying in the conditions that I mentioned earlier. For these calculations the time symbolized by T. The time it takes the ship is obtained as the product of two, so it is to extract the square root of the ratio between the distance traveled divided by the acceleration of gravity. S call to go to space or distance from the target or where the spacecraft will definitely. Symbolized by T the time, and by V the square root.

T = 2 * (√ s / g ) and g is the acceleration of gravity and it is known that she is worth g = 9.81 m / sec ²

And to calculate in hours and seconds are not divide by 3600 and as the 2 / 3600 = 1 / 1800 is

T = (√ s / 9.81) / 1800 hours.

As the distance to the Moon is s = 400 000 km = 400 000 000 meters. The latter express in meters instead of miles is to be g = 9.81 measured in m / s ². We should work with all supported distances or in this case meters. So we are replacing.

T = (√ 400000000/9.81 ) / 1800 hours = 3.55 hours.

Then the spacecraft makes the trip from Earth to the Moon only 3.55 hours. If it does not ship with the Earth's gravity but with an acceleration of speed variation on a meter per second during each second time by the same formula time T = 11.11 hours.

The calculation for travel to the planets with normal gravity is the same way as for example: travel from Earth to Venus, the distance, when Venus is closest to the Earth is 41.9 million miles . The journey from Earth to Venus so with these spacecraft to normal gravity, despite the great distance, it is only in 36 hours. The distance, when Mars is closest to Earth is 77.8 million km journey from Earth to Mars is the gravitational space Warehouses-Powered-atomic light jet or space-ship-atomic only 49 hours! You can fly to these mills Nave-spatial-atomic gaining any speed and bearing only inside the same normal gravity that we used to stand on Earth! If you are a star away the momentum is several times the orbital speed of planets. With these mighty machines can afford to go at any time of year to distant planets are. The entire solar system has "shrunk" enormously with this travel system with continuous propulsion and normal gravity inside the spacecraft. That's why for a little over thirty-three years, in 2028 when we take to flying these wonderful machines, we really feel like absolute owners of the Solar System. A month ago, has been given, the spacecraft gravitational Powered-atomic light jet with the name of ship-spatial-atomic number 3500 and are still made in series and each month there are ten other new machines this number steadily increasing . The engines of these vessels appeared at the time as the limits on power. Six motors Motor-atomic-de-merge-to-reaction-light-300t, carried five hundred people constantly push and producing inside the ship a feeling of having the normal gravitational acceleration that is the same as he was on the surface of the Earth seemed to have this force was more than enough excellent power to our engines. However, to bring materials from asteroids and these devices were very small. The giant jet engines for light-atomic-spatial Ships are dwarves next to the engines that are intended to be placed on the asteroid to change its orbit, for these purposes then the expenditure of energy is measured in several kilos of uranium stream or normal day. They live far from where the man is possible to use this old uranium fuel and radioactive waste that their shoot at a galactic orbit.

We are moving celestial bodies have orbits unchanging for billions of years. The entire solar system is, to our new generation, which was formerly the Earth for us. Today is so easy to travel to another planet as it was early in the century to travel to another continent. Observatory facilities and colonies of us, our world has expanded to the limits of the solar system but has also been widened or deepened in all directions. About sixty years ago, all the tremendous growth we have achieved until today, was designed for fans of scientific advance, as a product only of a science fiction novel with appropriate forecasts at least to bring out several hundred years later.

The nearest university is now truly ours, close to almost every planet in the Solar System satellites are some permanent researchers. Only on Mars human colonists are either investigating or exploiting the minerals of the surface. On the surfaces of other planets, given the enormous difficulties of high temperatures or gravitational unbearable, it was not possible to establish definitively. In many satellites of the planets, starting with the Moon, there are settlers living in the researchers and laboratories located on the surface, or live in artificial satellites located near almost flush with the surfaces of natural satellites in orbits very close to the planets themselves.


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