Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cervix Dilation Chart

9.3 The new scientific revolutions - industrial. 9.2 Ending

9.3 The new scientific revolutions - industrial.

mechanical The first scientific-industrial revolution.

two centuries ago, as a result of advances arising from the physical sciences, the steam engines of James Watt began to invade every corner around the world. Everywhere they met the wonders of the locomotives moved by steam, the railways began to be measured in thousands of kilometers. The steam boilers engines threshing machines moving the pins of wheat and other cereals. In order from the trunks of trees for tables and other wood beams and so necessary in these times, for construction, sawmills sprang moved by a steam engine whose fuel was the remains of the same wood and so on. The man succeeded, with the industrial revolution, making machine takes over the force he usually had to make. Locomotives move men and goods to other places to tens of thousands of kilometers. The steam engine helped it to break the timber or separate the wheat from his ears or to harvest ... But the good intentions of scientists to build these new devices did not meet their real objective, the working man could not get completely out of their slavery. The machines were quickly these opportunistic owners and staff took advantage of the efforts they had made, selflessly in personal economics, many scientists and technicians. The discoveries of science have never been aimed at enriching only a few people, but his goal was always to investigate and discover the new laws thinking that they put at the service of all humanity. Ending

Extrapolation Fantastic writing, as a conclusion to go resumiendo algunas cosas, debo hacer presente que ha comienzos de este siglo se hablaba preferentemente solo de dos grandes revoluciones científicas industriales: la revolución industrial, originada por las máquinas de vapor; y la revolución industrial causada por la incorporación masiva de la electricidad. Con el advenimiento de los chips partió una tercera revolución industrial y la cuarta revolución partió con el descubrimiento de poder cambiar las propiedades físicas naturales de los elementos, mediante las máquinas Transformadoras de las propiedades físicas de los elementos. Estas maravillosas máquinas originaron, como una de sus muchas consecuencias, poder hacer el endurecimiento controlado científicamente de la materia. Las revoluciones científicas–industriales, entonces ahora ya no son dos sino cuatro.

Las cuatro revoluciones científicas industriales se conocen como los cuatro grandes motores que hicieron posible producir cambios trascendentales a la historia de la humanidad.

La primera revolución científica mecánica-industrial, llamada también revolución científica mecánica, tuvo como primer protagonista la máquina de vapor desarrollada por James Watt el año 1781. Permitió reemplazar nuestro esfuerzo muscular por la fuerza originada por la energía obtenida al quemar materiales de origen orgánico: maderas, carbón, petróleo. Para esto se desarrollaron procesos mechanical and relevant machines were built such as: locomotives to mobilize ourselves and goods, steam engines to move the grain threshing machines, engines capable of moving the enormous mountain ranges of the mills, these pieces were starting trees for get sized timber for construction, and so on.

The second scientific revolution electro-industrial.

The electro-industrial stemmed from the widespread application of electricity. Appeared about one hundred years later, around 1900. The early development of electricity as a science born, but much earlier in the year 1800 with the pile of Volta. This battery allowed for a continuous flow of electrons in a circuit of metallic conductors such as copper, silver and so on. The electrochemical generator that uses the energy released in a chemical reaction was a revolution. Subsequently, the replacement of steam engines by electric charcoal led to the disappearance and fumes inside the factories and cities. The environmental cleanup was only one consequence of this new revolution. Energy through electricity, "walked" from the rivers to the cities. Hydroelectric plants and lighting of houses and cities allowed to see many changes throughout the Earth. Electricity was all a precursor of globalization computerized sound that would come later.

chips The third scientific-industrial revolution -

- born with the advent of microprocessors in 1971. Microprocessors are circuits consisting of thousands of transistors, diodes, resistors and so on. All these elements are able to leave a card or integrated chip with less than one square centimeter. Integrated circuits orders received and executed these orders using the controlled movement of electrons. It was important that the area occupied by the microprocessor was the minimum. It has taken about a centimeter square as its upper limit. If a microprocessor has a larger surface area of \u200b\u200bone square centimeter operations are slower by the longer travel to do the electrons and the "low speed" of these, compared for example with the speed of light. The crucial and most important was that with the advent of microprocessors began to replace some of the mental functions of man, which are the most significant of all the universe. In the other two previous scientific and industrial revolutions was simply to replace human muscle strength for mechanical machines. Then, copying what was your brain that communicates through bioelectrical orders, the third scientific revolution and industrial chips went to replace the hard, long and tedious mental calculation, sophisticated but small appliances. Appear in those times: pocket calculators, computers, symptoms of automation in factories and other places, washing machines, the first robots ...

In 2000, the "Revolution Chips" begins to take a new dimension. Several scientific institutions claimed that they were built experimentally by various ways computers designed to evolve into a new generation-oriented type of quantum computers. The electrons in the microprocessor circuitry would be replaced later by photons. The electron transit path a photon took several decades but was finally and with great success. The higher speed of the photons than electrons and, together with many other superiority of photons surpassed all previous calculations predicted. Today, for us to be combined or in symbiosis with the new microprocessors, with this success we have developed using photons furiously. This new development starts to take us to appreciate the tremendous advantages we have as a new Homo sapiens Reason omnipotent. Now do not just copy the way of working of our brain evolved super but surpassed it as to run the new microprocessors in the year 2050 we use photons, speed 300 miles per second. Let

again a little story about it. As you know, our brain uses electrons for their operations fantastic. Began imitating this natural way using as a means of transmission of electrons in the microprocessors that were the brains of our first computers. These computers were somewhat crude in 2006, for example using even as the Pentium 4 microprocessor that began taking only 42 million base transistors that if this Pentium 4 in 2006 was highly modified. His amendment will be allowed to work with about four gigahertz speed, 1024 GB of active memory and a hard plate of half a million memories GB. Normal growth was the doubling of these qualities every two years and the growth of the functions it performs. However, in the development of microprocessors intended great leaps forward and was projected before the end of the first decade of this millennium to get to the fabrication of a super chip. In those historic years, reaching the end of the first decade of our century, was carried out for compliance information given in this direction a step forward. Then the company announced Intel microprocessor manufacturing BBUL with 1000 million transistors and a speed of 20 gigahertz. These plans were met with not exactly planned but greatly accelerated research. Current microprocessors are so small as old but are huge giant next to these in use in 2006, which only allow weak functions now make a few games to entertain children in our elementary schools.

We are still far from overcome nature in number and capacity of each chip compared with the brain cells that are second to none and also perfectly perfect and sprawling connections.

just now with the use of microprocessors to photons surpassed in some of the very nature of human beings using only the movement of electrons to their functions and communications. With our new computers we overcome nature in one specific thing we started using the photons to replace the lazy electrons. It is considering using other ultra mini particles in the internal and external communication of the new microprocessors and have speeds of more than half a million times the speed of the photons themselves. Now

of New fears arise from some journalists by saying the computers and robots of the younger generation will be smarter than us and crush us. Fears and distrust in the future robots are absolutely unfounded. We are the owners of the Almighty Reason which will produce the programs that should work on robots. Robots will always be our indispensable helpers, not beyond us in matters of substance or at least we never exceed the general and philosophical thought. Robots and computers perform better than us only in specific partial areas. They have no consciousness of ours, not the end of evolution, nor the owners of the Almighty Reason with which dominate the entire solar system. With our powerful omnipotent Reason undoubtedly also will dominate the future all the great known universe. Fourth

scientific-industrial revolution caused by the transformation of the physical properties of the elements

departed the fourth scientific revolution with the construction of the first automaton, or wit, capable of producing hardening and in general to produce artificially change of natural physical properties of each of the elements that constitute matter. These wonderful machines are the transformations of the physical properties of the elements pfe or processing. As we enter the fourth industrial scientific revolution through the Transformer-pfe, she was born on November 10, 2019, with the construction of the first Transformer-pfe. In parallel, also inaugurated a new era in the use of materials. In the story we used to refer to the age of stone, ceramics, metals, plastics. We have now entered the age of the "Matter with scientifically controlled properties" and this wonderful machine performs the Transformer robot physical properties of the elements. This brought about a result which opened first, the dream of humanity, the use of energy by clean nuclear fusion of hydrogen and this causes in turn, making a chain, another consequence is manufactured Motor-atomic-de-merge-to-reaction-light or MotorARL. The fourth revolution crushed the third industrial revolution-chip but accelerates again. A large scale electronic chips are replaced by photonic performance microprocessors. Photons, with speed of 300 thousand kilometers per second, give an enormous boost to the speed of microprocessors. It also produces an acceleration in the revolution of the chips not only for this use, but for the memories, etc..

projects to build chips appear they use, not electrons or photons, but communicate by fine particles and photons moving at speeds hundreds of times faster than the speed of light. Studies and tests are on the doors. It is believed that in 2070 appear these giants of computer science and surely will at last be really super intelligent robots and this of course will make us more deeply intelligent ourselves.


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