Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sample Letter Of Telephone Disconnection

Pythagoras, Galileo and the Almighty Reason

10.5 Pythagoras, Galileo and omnipotent Reason

We live in a small planet, perhaps an insignificant point in the material grandeur of the universe, but its inhabitants are the most important sound of all the known universe, this undoubtedly due to which we are aware that we live. We are the only living beings aware that we exist and we have only our ability to discern or to reason. We also have the wonderful ability to know by abstraction. We understand, we proud of our intellect. We even have a creative reason. We do very well in our claims when, through reason, we give an explanation of any part of the reality of our objective world. This powerful reason began to be made clear with its huge size and as very important since the time of Pythagoras, 569-480 JC By giving importance to reason and use it to meet the objective world Pythagoras was persecuted throughout his life and killed when he was aged more than eighty years. Wisdom-Pythagorean was crushed for over a millennium and reappeared again with force in the eighteenth century. With the use and application of reason may explain some important laws of the world around us are excited most of the thinkers and researchers as they rediscovered the only tool for achieving genuine scientific truth. It began with Galileo (1564-1642) and the principle of inertia and the law of falling the same for all bodies in a vacuum, we continued with Leibnitz (1646-1716) with differential and integral calculus and then came Newton (1642 -1727) conducting a physical accommodations in some of the principles of Galileo and going to use in physics, the "mathematician Leibniz infinitesimal calculus." The reason is again beginning to respect and enforce as an indisputable truth. Y Galileo said the inquisitor learned about this, "Well, to agree to what you have asked me to say, if you want to write to say, officially to the effect of their proceedings, that the Earth is stationary, then wrote the inquisitor told him, yet the earth moves. " For the latter, but the Earth moves, "was sentenced to prison anyway leaving him home for life. Inquisitors believed that ideas are jailed or killed, but Galileo's ideas were already spreading around the world and very quickly. The real facts were persuasive for any rational being. Galileo's ideas were written and this meant were free running across the world. The content of his ideas was a true and rational beings like the truth and the truth finally prevailed. We

powerful reason to put it on the pedestal it deserves, saying it is not only important but is the most important of all the wonderful things we have.


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