Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Solar System 8.2 The speed an interesting and philosophical. 8.1

8.2 The speed an interesting and philosophical. Something curious

interesting and perhaps cosmic philosophy is related to the tremendous speed craft makers man-made and huge relative velocity of celestial bodies. What is the maximum speed at which you can fly a ship carrying a man inside? What is the speed of our Moon around the Earth, the Earth around the Sun, the Sun, or rather the solar system around the center of the Milky Way, or the entire Milky Way around the center of the cluster galaxies also which is the speed of this cluster of galaxies around the supercluster of galaxies, superclusters speed around the center of superclusters, and so on?

The answer to the first question that is over the limit or maximum speed at which you can fly a ship carrying inside the man, with the following example will clarify. This example will help to clarify these distinctions now become quite practical research, as a result of travel between the planets, while for this to be partly an interesting philosophical question.

Our travel procedure as in the automatic program of long voyages, is moving with a uniformly accelerated motion and making the engines always produce a reaction such that originates on the inside on all objects the same acceleration caused by Earth's gravity, ie with 9.81 m / s ², which Of course it is constantly increasing the speed of the ship. Halfway reverses the direction of the ship and go to the target braking with the same acceleration of gravity. Then this question arises. What is the momentum midway through the space-craft-nuclear Ship passenger and which is the limit for this speed?. I'll explain a few things before you answer this interesting question.

Now I think you then understood why the wonderful spacecraft, space-ship passengers atomic is unique, even when you start your flight in a weightless zone as the Geostationary Ring, to make their flights adapting their engines to go always keeping within the spacecraft acceleration of gravity on Earth.

production of gravity is achieved, as we have said turning around a virtual axis such as an orbital platform or continuously accelerating spacecraft, using jet engines. This acceleration of gravity is achieved mechanically identical nature call of nature and gravity caused by the presence of matter. The mystery of identity of these two forms of gravities is not easy to solve. If we stick to classical physics is an interesting puzzle, and challenge to the epistemology. With the interpretation given by the theory of permanence the problem is better understood what happens in this experiment was expected and the two gravitational phenomena are not two totally different types of phenomena, but they are identical. Its effect as a gravitational system the comparative intensity of gravity is like a single. Actually when we for example in the Ring-geostationary there in outer space within this new world, as there is the impulse of any kind of jet engines, there the sensation of gravity. On the other side to be on the inside of a spaceship and when jet engines are speeding then accelerates the movement of the floor and gives us the sensation that the floor is not moving but things fall to the floor , being inside the ship we think there towards the ground gravity that accelerates the decline of things in the same way that accelerates the ship engines. The engines of our space-ship-atomic are programmed to always keep accelerating the entire spacecraft. This continuous change of speed of our spacecraft, is equivalent to the change in velocity produced by the bodies in free fall is what is said was produced by the earth gravitational force.

In the long trips the ships is scheduled to be speeded up halfway to his goal, there they stop their engines and turned in one hundred and eighty degrees the direction of the entire ship and new engines work the same or conditions occurring inside the ship the same acceleration of gravity on Earth and during time spent in the middle of the road, the spacecraft reaches the goal, then at zero speed.

will explain this with some math, abusing your patience to remind you a simple formula known from high school to calculate the final velocity when there is as data or information sets a constant acceleration.

We use the following letters or variables to develop our simple algebraic formulas:

V => velocity acquired by the spacecraft because of the constant acceleration a => acceleration, in this case a = GYG = 9.81 m / sec ² or what is the same as saying that the rate change 9.81 meters per second every second.

s => space travel for example from the Earth to the Moon that are s = 400 000 kilometers, or else s = 400 000 000 meters

symbolized the square root of V

Vxxx (final halfway ) = square root (2nds) ie V (2nds)

But in our case half way s = s / 2 resulting by replacing the final speed is halfway: Formula

we apply to calculate the final velocity in the middle of way:

V (final halfway) = square root (as) or V = V (as)

Taking as an example the calculation of the velocity acquired by the spaceship-atomic space on your travels Earth to the Moon's distance s is equal to 400 thousand kilometers. The distance should be included in the formula in meters, not kilometers to support the acceleration measured in meters. The acceleration that we give to the ship is equal to the we have on Earth that is g = 9.81 m / sec ².

V (final) V = square root (9.8 * 400 000 000)

V (final) = 62609.9 meters per second.

speed ship acquired by the midway of the Earth to the Moon is from 62.6 kilometers per second! If we compare this rate with other known velocities then we realize the enormous power of our spacecraft. Turn to Earth orbit in which it did Yuri is a speed of only 8 kilometers per second. The Earth moves around the sun at a speed of 29 kilometers per second. On this trip to the moon, acquired midway speed en dirección a la Luna equivalente a un poco más del doble de la que lleva la Tierra en torno al Sol.

El Sol se mueve en torno al centro de nuestra Galaxia, o sea de la Vía Láctea, a una velocidad de 792 mil kilómetros por hora o sea a 220 kilómetros por segundo. Comparándola con la velocidad de la Tierra en torno al Sol, 29 kilómetros por segundo, (220/29=7,6) redondeando podemos decir que la velocidad del Sol en torno a la Galaxia nuestra es casi ocho veces mayor que la velocidad de la Tierra en torno al Sol. Nuestra Galaxia se traslada con otras galaxias en torno a otro centro gravitatorio a una velocidad de miles de kilómetros por segundo. Se descubrió experimentalmente que había un corrimiento en spectral lines from distant galaxies. Using traditional Newtonian physics Einstein believed in the mutual withdrawal of all galaxies, it was claimed to be a consequence of the shift resulted in the spectral lines taken from distant galaxies. In reaching this conclusion applied Fiseau the Doppler effect for the entire universe. It was a blind eye to the specific objective fact that light from these galaxies corpuscles consisted of very fine, practically it was postulated that a beam of light corpuscles was not only acting like corpuscles and in other cases were either moved like waves. It was absolutely forbidden to think in that light could also have other quality. With our theory we passed over these prejudices of some scientists and affirm categorically that such photons, particles undergo a change in their wave properties if they come from huge distances such as galaxies. These photons pass through an intergalactic field suffering from this change that makes it appear that galaxies are moving away from each other. There is another side to think of a gigantic universe need not be considered to be tightened to the Newtonian-Einsteinian inertia. This invention idealistic, probably suggested by a student of Newton that his teacher suggested that it was good to invent a principle of inertia, even in the absence really no examples to confirm it, but think of it as an ideal toward which all matter in motion and also ruled that this principle in the universe that is also in huge galactic worlds. This false idea, a principle include the alleged tendency to inertia or attributable to the disposition of bodies in their movements tend to follow straight-line movements and also with uniform speed, was a blunder of Newton.

The objective and given directly by observations is that in general the velocities in the movement of the satellites are smaller than planets and star systems that speed even greater bearing planets. Better what illustrated by figures, for example the speed of the Moon around the Earth is 1 km / sec and the speed of Earth around the Sun is much larger or 29 km / sec. On the other hand the speed of the Sun is 220 km / sec around the center of the galaxy that is an even higher speed and so on. Extrapolating thinking in areas of the universe even larger then the relative speeds are no limits, nor does the universe. Movements between the clusters and superclusters of galaxies that appear in any case are very close to the speed of light itself that is at 300 thousand miles per second. Current astronomical observations of vast distances, conducted recently, there is still about the proportion above the continuous increase in speeds. He spends far is speed of light seen for many years as a speed limit.

There is a question that invites us to think deeply is it to take a speed large or small, which means, if it means anything not to carry this speed. It is said with great simplicity the speed is relative and need a reference system to be subject to measure. But the fact is that however it comes to small and great speeds that we are referring to in the region of the Earth, we are assuming implicitly and without movement. I better go back to exemplify. We are in orbit or area of \u200b\u200bEarth with the speed of 29 km / sec is moving around the sun, that is to be in the Solar System. The Solar System is of course in our Milky Way galaxy and therefore has another huge speed, 220 km / sec. In its orbital path the Earth goes back and forth about the direction that moves the sun To know our real speed around our galaxy need to do other calculations.

There are about six months when these speeds, the earth around the sun, you must add and six months which should be subtracted to 220 km / sec. The Sun around the center of the galaxy. For example sumamos cuando nos movemos trasladándonos con la Tierra durante casi seis meses en la misma dirección que lleva el Sol y deberemos restar después cuando nos movemos en sentido contrario a la dirección en la que se mueve el Sol o sea en los otros seis meses o mejor dicho en la otra parte de la órbita terrestre. Resulta que este cambio de velocidad se produce físicamente y sin ninguna duda durante todo el tiempo, así lo acusa exactamente el corrimiento de las rayas espectrales comparadas cada seis meses tenemos 220+29= 249 y 220-29= 191 o sea una diferencia de 58 km/seg. Este es el cálculo de cuando vamos y cuando volvemos mirando una estrella ubicada en este plano que comprende nuestro movimiento elíptico. ¡Estamos seguros que esto called speed does not affect us or not disturb us at all impressed nor to any instrument you can think of inventing, acting only inside the system you want to find out your move! If you invented an instrument, if only in imagination, to measure the absolute velocity fall into a logical problem unsolvable philosophical! Discover the absurd step absolute speed limit in relation to the universe that is perfectly still not moving that should not and can have some kind of movement. This is obviously absurd. This also justifies our philosophy and we have included in our principles that the natural inertia, no is going by the straight line and have a constant speed, but at all times be immersed in the world orbital where principle must be met for all each other's bodies either system RV ² = C (C = constant for example the solar system and other value of C than for the Earth system and its satellites, where R is the radius vector and orbital velocity V)

In our own Earth's orbit we approach the Sun continuously increasing speed as we leave this speed decreases, if we did not see the light coming from the sun or the stars we could not realize this change in velocity. Looking at the problem in depth these changes appear not to be real, for people who live in it, because we can not measure internal instruments to the system where we are immersed. Being in orbit has these properties. Is set at the beginning of our physical theory Permanence and there should have these properties of this principle equally from the electrons to the giant stars. Not to be disturbed by the visit of a foreign body into the system their movements are immovable in the manner prescribed by the principle and eternal in duration. These are the consequences of the principles that do not distinguish or differentiate the small big. The concept of "high speeds" or "change of speeds in the planetary orbit as we approach the Sun "is not strange that affect us and we realize when it happens but we intuitively know that it is quite natural. If P R is the radius vector or distance from one planet to the Sun and V P its speed in orbit. You must comply with the principle of the theory of permanence stating that R P V ² P = C Sol as we approach the Sun R P decreases and then V P should increase exactly in proportion to that will always remain constant C Sol. Everything should be as accurately adjusted to keep doing things immovable established in accordance with this expression. If radio or distance vector R P orbital velocity V decreases P should increase in such proportion and if R P increases the speed V P must decrease.

Probably because the infinity of the cosmos, we are somewhat indifferent and it seems like to know or not know where we go with our solar system and just not worry us at all that we do full speed. The speeds are quite small or large relative. The ideas associated with dividing the world into the big world and in the small world they have no sense, in this cosmic universe. Fortunately

speeds do not exist for even the limits of 300 000 km per second, which postulated early last century so solemnly wise Albert Einstein to develop his Theory of Relativity.


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