Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Cat Has Pus And Blood Coming Out From His Head

10.7 10.6 Education for All. 10.5

10.6 Education for All.

Achieving get an equivalent educational background for all, was the first step to get to match all humans and destroy the unjust cultural differences and pass an end to racial hatred. I'll tell a little story about it. In the early years of this millennium, unfortunately most countries consisted of a population marked by uneven economic and cultural levels. As a result of our new scientific advances and globalization, the measures taken towards gaining an education, of at least six years, extended free and compulsory in less than twenty years around the world. This was an objective reality and checked when the International Congress of Educators 2029, he realized that the whole earth, there was no region nor with illiterate adults with less than six years of education. In each new decade, these cultural differences between people were severely diminished and this served to be softening the human relations between us. The task of education was a primary concern of governments, was provided free by the same everywhere in the world. Education became free and compulsory also for those who had only gone for a few years at school and was also compel the attendance of children to the systematic teaching. In 2040 the minimum compulsory education, of at least twelve years of study, it became a reality in almost every corner of our planet. In 2050 after twelve years of study minimum required to turn professional was also a requirement. However it was and is entirely voluntary for each person the choice of of profession you want to have. 2050, was considered the year in which the match had finished almost all human beings, the most important thing is, at the least have all the cultural level. When it comes to choosing a profession, you know they can call using your little super mini computer to the internet and ask for good advice from professional guidance. I give this advice after delivering a lengthy questionnaire response, new specialized computers and of course the last generation. They are holders of huge properties in terms of amount of memory capacity and speed and artificial intelligence specialist, they provide free. These electronic counselors are the best professional guide. The vast majority of our teenagers choose professions, with many years of scientific study and training. Most young people today want to be the best professionals in order to optimally serve the local community and also allows them to integrate fully into the great adventure of building the bright future more and more interesting and exciting. Future that we are all responsible for successfully carrying forward what is coming is programmed as a changing world whose goals help us to live more happier and better. These new targets have been met prior to the time almost always calculated.
What happened at the beginning of this century, sixty years ago, with respect to different levels of culture is something that today we have overcome almost completely. Not only illiterate but also there are no adults who do not have a profession.

I tell something about my past. I was born, raised and educated me afterward worked as a teacher for another twenty years in Chile. I went to reside in the land where some of my ancestors lived, to Germany. As a result of having lost the war, happily racist ideas in Germany had almost completely disappeared. Later, these ideas fell sharply, with the evidence delivering science. The objective science of genetics denied any argument for the superior intelligence of certain races. The classic Nazi claims that are much smarter people and their descendants who have: a white skin color, size, comparatively high volume settings of the specially-shaped head ... It further argued that the intelligence of these people was hereditary, asserting that their infants at birth were more intelligent than other peoples children. All these statements were, of course, absolutely false, as later proved without a doubt the science of genetics that gave us the very genome for all human beings. She gave us an identical genome, which also indicated that we had all the same conditions for developing amazing mental functions in the brain cells we all human. Whether we are natives of a region or we are living in equatorial or polar regions or in the cosmic regions.

Thanks to globalization, it could quickly inform and educate in this right direction racist to all mankind. It was great news as scientific proof that happily still standing that all men in all latitudes of the planet were absolutely equal intelligence at birth. This came to be fully demonstrated as the cells of all human beings did not differ, in their genes, even one in a thousand. That is proved that all humans have a gene or genome identical letter.

us who were of the positivist, we confirmed and proved that we were wrong to argue, for so long the equality of all human beings. We had also the ideas that the appearance of man is the greatest thing happened in the universe. Together we held, and now it is confirmed that there happily cerebral equality of all normal people. This possess this precious treasure of the same brain and accompany it with the information led us to have a new weapon in the Reason-omnipotent. This then does not belong to any particular race but is now a membership of all human races. Now again we say with much greater strength of the man that has important, not skin color or eye shape, how wonderful it is his new thinking. I repeat that all the 20,488 genes that we have in each of our cells is the same number that exists in other people anywhere on Earth. The transcendent is also born with this huge number of genes in each cell and a colossal amount of cells immortal brain that is linked to virtually all accompany us forever and she is just at birth in all of us humans.


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