Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Next 5 in 5 m-commerce continues to grow: PayPal Join Forces ... Appcelerator

few weeks ago announcing that the giants and Paypal UNIAN Appcelerator forces to develop what would become probably the biggest m-commerce platform until then, call Titanium + Commerce.

Appcelerator is a of the biggest platforms for creating apps , with more than 93,000 developers writing apps over 1100 per month for both iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, etc.

Since signing the agreement , Appcelerator platform has increased the interest of developers greatly, and there are now many who are working to create commercial apps for both iOS, Blackberry, Android, tablets, connected TV and other devices, but apparently the first apps are for use in iOS . It

Appcelerator mentioning that ranks as number two for number of apps in the App Store, and according to an executive of PayPal, the platform facilitates the rapid innovation.

This agreement is simplify the process by which merchants can introduce a mobile commerce solution existing business applications or develop.

templates will be created that can be easily customized for that trade required and the product will be launched in two phases. The first, of which is a free testing phase and open Paypal is that through its MPL (Mobile Payments Library) offers the basic functions of Paypal payment and presented in a format that allows any developer to integrate in a new or existing application.
The second phase, which plans to leave in mid-2011, is to enter other modules for developers and consumers, which will surely improve with more than shopping experience. Within these four main modules include, but surely will appear more as this progresses, because the possibilities are almost endless.

highlight some functionalities:

* Offers that allow merchants to add coupons, discounts and special offers (such Groupon) quickly and easily. Consumers are presented with these offers real-time, indicating the level of stocking, and fostered an act of buying more viral and impulsive.

* loyalty programs that allow businesses integrate new or existing programs pay / loyalty Specifications are for mobile users.

* , which includes the functionality of the list of items and the shopping cart and other basic features of a traditional online store.

* Social , which offers integration with other social networks and allow users to share opinions, comments and ratings on products / services.

If all this we add the phenomenon of geolocation , which provides the platform Titanium makes up written features are much more powerful. As an example , the traders can launch specific offers to customers and as close to a "commercial item" . (This is partly because in the Tom Cruise movie, Minority Report ... coincidence? )

On the other hand, the merchants will have access to detailed analytical giving information in real time on the behavior of tenders and as customers are buying and even where , due to location.

For now one of the drawbacks is the price, but many large companies are seeing their potential and do not want to get later. This just started, and big as MTV, NBC and Budweiser among others have already signed up to this sure hit of 2011.

Interestingly one of the investors is eBay Appcelerator, which is not only a chance , but further proof that Paypal giant has taken the m-commerce very seriously . In fact this agreement with one of the greats of the scene of the apps, but not to expand its presence in the much sought after and potential market applications. I say this because eBay subsidiary has announced the launch of its platform X Paypal, in addition to launching the Mobile Express Checkout, a payment solution in two clicks. Undoubtedly

agreement between giants will revolutionize the market and not just the m-commerce , which already in 2010 the parent company of Paypal, eBay expects the mobile channel? Get a $ 1500 million in revenue from other many figures that can be seen in the video this post ...

In conclusion we see the enormous possibilities are and eternal promise of mobile commerce will finally clarify better . Once again we see as a means of payment have been key to this whole industry off. That if all this growth so exponential has its barriers, which are none other than the security and the famous compliance, between all know hopefully resolve ... before large as ever imposed its rules and then come the problems as almost always paid users. I refer to issues of restricting access to certain users (menores. ..), or the case where we steal the mobile device (IPAD, ...), iPhone with all these apps, certainly worries us most to lose increasingly obsolete the portfolio, as himself said eBay CEO John Donahoe, in a recent interview. Finally

comment as one of the pioneers in internet like ebay , which now may regret getting rid of Skype, Paypal puts all his efforts and with it goes taking up positions some saw he had lost integers arrival of Amazon Payments , among others. I sincerely admire as much as almost everything he does Jeff Bezos, I think Paypal has the upper hand for now as are not only improving the user experience in the buying process, but they are investing more in a range of technologies, from NFC, the apps, etc. are knowing to be and invest in all technologies that dominate the future and secure this strategy, in addition to diversifying risks, assures that X works in a market some of the thousands of things from the point of Paypal unique view of the means of payment, if you are testing . Furthermore, Paypal is one of the pioneers in this e-commerce, and that its database of more than 90 million active accounts, it certainly makes quite rival consider.

my opinion that eventually win the battle to focus more on giving a service where not only the immediate first, but security and compliance use are taken into account ... The problem is that the great (Banks, giants like Google, Facebook, eBay ..) are as usual creating or investing in something that in many cases there is no clear regulation .... sure if Eric Schmidt or Steve Jobs lost in the Nexus 2011 Galalaxy its S or 4G iPhone apps with thousands of integrated payment and many other data on the famous tag, you would not care as much as a normal user the street using your smartphone released recently ....
... and it's gonna be that cheap is expensive, if not understood or not known ... and that's why everyone from operators, payment methods, manufacturers and distributors etc, should be aware of what they sell, or at least appeal to what some now call corporate social responsibility :)....

This gives a lot of talk and no doubt will in every way ...

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