Thursday, December 2, 2010

Queen Greatest Hits11 Hdcd

burned 10.9 The sages and poets sought.

burned 10.9 The sages and poets sought.

hundred years ago, when came the first man into space, I was only 32 years. He was professor of physics and mathematics in a secondary school named after a famous poet, "Liceo Pablo Neruda of Temuco. The poet Neruda was a former student of this college and Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. While Neruda was one of his many visits to Temuco, the city where he had been educated, I almost became a poet. I'll tell you a curious episode that I came up with this poet friend and billionaire friends. Normally when I arrived in Temuco driving to visit the places he knew from his childhood and where he had his first love poems, I accompanied him for example to investigate the location the house in ruins, its almost virtual love that he wrote "Where is the Guillermina?. By having this friendship with the poet, the wife of a English that I knew for several years, phoned me asking for my intervention to get closer to her husband the poet. That was how we were invited to dinner by this marriage had not yet met Neruda. Neruda accepted the invitation and for this reason he asked me to talk in more detail about them, I said it is an industrial baker brought from Spain along with hundreds of steps from the Consul of Chile in Spain Neftali Reyes, known as the poet Pablo Neruda, his wife Agnes Eulogio is a biology teacher who wants to meet personally with Neruda. I left immediately with my descriptions. Inés is a disciple of the respectable family of these messengers who work selflessly giving most of their time to teach people that the days of slavery is theoretically complete, but here in this region in practice 99.99% of those who carry Mapuche indigenous names or are slaves horribly discriminated against y. .. Neruda took notes while I describe this unselfish friend of mine and about ten minutes after Neruda said "we have done together a poem for Inés Eulogio, we have to sign both." I thought something undeserved put my signature next to that of Neruda, because the poem was undoubtedly more valuable to Agnes with only the signature of the poet of poets. As guests of honor for Agnes and her English husband, with Neruda and Matilde we went to dinner at a nice restaurant in Temuco. At dinner Agnes received this poem certainly excited and kept it as a great treasure.

few days after a horrific and bloody military coup, after looting his house, said the coup leaders Neruda died. We said he was killed, and who attacked and almost destroyed their home. This happened in a South American country Chile, my birthplace. His murder, for us who knew him personally, was very hard news. He was a poet of the times when life was endangered for many reasons, for demonstrating a hereditary syndrome, diseases caused by viruses or bacteria or by writing to live in a country without democracy. If the poet was not an unconditional dictatorial regime in power, his life was endangered because of the action of organized gangs and paid from some powerful countries in money. The bandits had orders to kill the ideas. Did not know what the rationalist philosophers repeated: "Ideas are immortal and can not be killed." Have a property in something like those of some earthworms, a biologist who discovered in 2002, and that treating kill, divided into 260 parts and a short time of those parts left other 260 clones of these worms. Pythagoras murdered and look what happened! Many thousands of Pythagoras were born in Greece and how many millions in the world! How many billions are now in the world fans of the ideas of the philosopher burned at the Sorbonne Giordano Bruno! How many millions are physicists who admire the uncompromising behavior of the father of physics, Galileo learned that despite life sentence with which he was punished continued to assert that the earth moves!


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