Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ceramic Bowls Wholesale

centuries 9.1 The Metro was born and then began to spread over the infinite universe Homo sapiens Reason omnipotent. 8.4 The two cosmologies

Chapter 9


9.1 The Metro was born and then began to spread over the infinite universe Homo sapiens Reason omnipotent.

We humans are now the most important and significant of the known cosmos, having a reason and that the incorporation of microprocessors we have our right, transcendental omnipotent. Our powerful reason is therefore the cause of this new and pivotal position that we have as human beings throughout the universe. We are so powerful they can change the course not just the rivers but now we can change the orbit of our moon. This makes our Earth has a sort of cosmic privileged status. Because aware of this relic of the brain that we carry, we as proud and fascinating fix the cosmic universe near imponderable.

The universal importance of the Earth because our planet pass from inorganic matter with life or organic and of the Homo Sapiens us rightly omnipotent. All the great outside world as we know, before we came, was only inorganic materials, sand, rocks, minerals, water etc frozen.

machines helped us and help us to multiply by thousands our squalid forces. Now the new information with its microprocessors, which increases its functions continuously, help us to multiply by thousands also parts of our intelligence. This new intelligence has limits changing for constant improvement. The execution speed of microprocessors increases inexorably and beyond expected.

Through our right, we make the robot omnipotent machine Transforming the physical properties of the elements. This caused a great technological revolution with very positive results and limits unpredictable. His story begins with the unusual property that takes the element carbon, all alone without combining with other elements. Thus, this challenging element, we are naturally occurring as amorphous carbon, graphite, graphene, fullerenes and diamond, amorphous carbon, was used for millennia for heating and was obtained by performing slow smoldering wood in special ovens giving off smoke alone. Apart from this there is carbon graphite, used for centuries in the mine of writing pencils. From 2004 it is discovered that graphite becomes a collection of sheets of graphene, which is presented under a special electron microscope, a set of hexagons with two-dimensional, the thickness of an atom. Overlaying many thousands of these fine sheets of this material is renamed all graphite. Plates appeared to form nanotubes and discovered graphene in 1985. Fullerenes are three-dimensional hexagonal-pentagons are composed of hundreds of carbon atoms. Diamond is a tight and tough combination of carbon, is heavier and vastly more hard than other carbon compounds, even harder than metals.

Graphene, from 2004, which were isolated from two-dimensional leaves, became the subject of search and analysis of its properties in all major laboratories. In the second decade of this century, among countless other things, the troublemaker graphene, because of its speed to conduct electricity, makes it through to replace the legendary silicon microprocessors. It built the first microprocessor hundred times faster than silicon in 2010. The thin, almost transparent resistant graphene layers do not let any element or gaseous form, even the elusive noble gas helium.

These two-dimensional hexagonal graphene layers combined with aluminum originated in 2010 an excellent, hard material. Were the predecessors to our harsh thin aluminum layers which later built the giant apartment space.

great for the whole universe populated with Homo sapiens now, the importance of the Earth is immense and she will be remembered forever, as Mother Earth is the Super-Earth is the birthplace of Homo sapiens with Reason-omnipotent. The man went out into the cosmos, grew up as a portentous new being, acquired the ability to modify all natural laws and also managed to remain as terminal of blind evolution in which a prisoner was immersed.


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