Thursday, December 2, 2010

How To Remove Transition Lenses

beautiful and clean

beautiful and clean 8.3 Solar System

few decades ago created a special team of astronauts astro-engineers specialized in transport, which aims to monitor and study the costs and the study on the possibilities of asteroids could bring full or in part to the vicinity of Earth. It concluded that the use the material of asteroids, whose orbits were closer to Earth, was much more profitable than bring our planet to residential areas of the cosmos. The second reason is to bring these asteroids was a step forward as a reservoir of asteroids safeguard the future of projects by the huge amounts of matter involved and would continue to occupy for terminating the huge projects that had at that time and under construction. The third reason that was analyzed showed that there was a real possibility of eliminating the threat of those asteroids that still represented a big risk for us. Known asteroids have orbits very precise known exactly, therefore the calculations were made regarding when will cross the orbits of the Earth and any of all known asteroids. Risk are those asteroids with only a few tons of weight because they carry a tremendous speed in its orbit crosses with us. The crossing of the orbits of an asteroid with the Earth's orbit is not very frequent, it is only in rare cases and the possibility of collision is measured in hundreds of years. This means that the vast majority of asteroids does not, in any case, a big risk. We have added to our catalog hundreds of asteroids larger than two hundred meters in diameter with very elliptical orbits theoretically, to have these orbits so elliptical, some cross the orbit of the Earth, the danger is that at this point are in their movements, exactly on the same date, the asteroid and Earth. Clearly highly elliptical orbits, of the nearly 300 dangerous asteroids, and we changed to another circular orbit with our powerful spacecraft with nuclear-powered drive. These asteroids, and pose no danger even when they suffer deviations from its orbit by a collision with a small kite currently known.

With the itinerary of comets have a little concern, since We accurately classified only in recent centuries. Some comets delayed hundreds of years to return to visit and some of them, for now, we know nothing about his career, but we know that the vast majority also has a highly elliptical orbit. There are comets that take centuries and millennia go another full orbit around the Sun that comets course also have a precise orbit and immovable, unless they are diverted from their path by another celestial body. The problem is that unfortunately we are distressed we know with absolute precision just the orbits of comets appeared only in recent centuries. There are many hundreds or perhaps thousands of comets that come in the future without notice. Some of these comets can reach surprisingly uncatalogued raising the possibility of an undesirable incident arise that either of them crash for example with an asteroid in orbit near the Earth and make it sensitive to change in the asteroid orbit then suddenly darting about us . Some asteroids were nervous even large computers with artificial intelligence or AI in charge of the surveillance. As the asteroid passes near Earth were severely calculated the central computer was warning that this time does not collide with the Earth but the possibility of doing another of his past could not be totally excluded. His imminent past indicating some possibility of falling on our planet, they kept quiet not to astronomers specialists. For peace of mind as well as in these asteroids was the raw material for the construction of the space-like-Cities and Towns-planetary or Planetoids-man, resolved to make large investments for this project. In this circumstance originated the project-of-appeasement-and-domestication-of-the-asteroids.

The asteroid Icarus was one that threatened to fall to Earth and cause a major disaster. It is known that most asteroids orbit between Mars and Jupiter and do not represent danger. The orbit of Icarus, was out of this location because it was highly elliptical and very long, from time to time dangerously close to Earth. It was carefully planned his change of orbit, through the use of atomic energy engines of fusion is not radioactive, these engines were used without radioactive contaminants to avoid contaminating the rocks and then to use their materials. Was finally installed at Icarus where he had planned. He was definitely in the year 2055 exactly in the orbit of the Earth and moving in the same direction and with the same orbital speed. He now travels the ecliptic plane in front of our planet a little beyond where they make it to orbit the moon. The asteroid Icarus was still, like a tamed horse, ideal for the extraction of materials that will build many hundreds of cities such as planetary planetoid-artificial-001. The first artificial planetoid "was completed in the vicinity of Icarus in 2060 and occupied only 0.02 percent of its material. He is taking material for five other cities-space construction. On the surface and near almost imperceptible Icarus gravity it produces, this greatly facilitates the extraction and transfer of materials. I'll tell

in briefly, concluding the penultimate chapter, some things related to the future of our philosophy. Our philosophy was an integral part and played an important role in recent astounding events that gave rise to rapid development of science. The development of science was the cause of the occurrence of many important changes to help bring happiness to all mankind.

other hand us the group of fourteen "Pythagoreans rightly omnipotent" we liked and we like it, always review the concepts of our philosophy. Cherish the fact that we have discovered so important to cope with a universe that knows no holds, a mind like ours. We possess the wonderful art and also to reason we did this art omnipotent because it is aided by the fabulous microprocessors are growing both speed and their roles. As an effect of the rapid advances in science, knowledge of the world around us is deepening and expanding daily. This situation forces us to constantly analyze our philosophical concepts and if necessary modify some of the philosophical foundations of ours, although they possess more axiomatic, we transform it without fail. The most determining factor in making these changes it creates awareness of new experimental realities. Our philosophy is always affirming to think about science, we extrapolate the momentary thought the scope of science, and we also futurology. Our philosophical

are so important to us as air and water are essential, but not unchangeable. To maintain our philosophy, all Pythagorean group, we played part of our lives. Remember this beautiful past, especially regarding matters related to the way we defended our principles, is also very satisfactory. It is a great pleasure to remember many beautiful things from that distant time filled us and we fill the soul and therefore continuously emerge in our conversations. Not wanting to remember the past is a bad symptom, a symptom that is indicating that reject or do not want and to our beautiful and adventurous life so full of exciting experiences, past and present. We observed that after reminders seem to have new strength, renew our desire to live, there is a life-giving power of our vitality.

in the scientific process, all changes that originate in the field, they are always looking for the cause that has resulted. The observed changes give effect name and the culprit of this effect is of course known as the cause that caused these effects. The principle called cause and effect is one of the principles inevitable in all theories of physics, but it expressly stated in the listing of principles It is understood that this principle can not be left behind or run over. Applied the principle of causality, in our daily lives, it is easy to see that this principle also applies rigorously in our daily actions. The philosophy that sustains us is the cause of the effect produced and manifested in our acting normal. Our philosophy is the crux of the most important of our lives, is what allows us to be aware that what we do is well underway, and well-grounded. A specific cause of action or know that it must produce a certain effect. We are aware we need to give our wonderful brain stores memories as much information, that is a good training especially in the educational period or our transformation from children to professionals. This is the cause, or good instruction, which produces the effect of being a good professional. Our philosophy represents an important advance in philosophy supported by our teacher and guide Bertrand Russell. We argue further that if the logic applied to helping fund the excellent computer, tells us to do a revision to the fundamental philosophical principles then do not hesitate and do it without fail. Our logic thinking about how the universe around us, we should tell mainly on experience, which is the only scientific way of knowledge we have at some of our physical universe around us. The theory that we support to explain the world of physics must be clear and understandable even to non-specialists. Math is just one of our valuable tools that we use to learn more about this wonderful world, which only we can change its course.

For clarity and respect for our readers, we assume not everyone has the same level in mathematics, we have decided not to abuse the symbols of this science to explain the world of physics. A good theory can be exposed without having to use a special mathematical or other sophisticated clear explanation that tramples on our intuitive concepts. The ideas that we all have of the existence of matter, the extent of space, and over time, are almost identical as they are for our current teenagers and they were to the ancient Greek philosophers. The intuition as clear that time can not be left in a given space or bottle, no less grief is for all rational beings equally clear. The time is separate from space and matter. According to the new theory as time passes to the one in moving or still, is an entity independent of space and therefore this movement. For all of us normal rational beings, are indisputable these intuitive notions so clear of what we mean when we refer to space, matter and time. Surely it is part of our wonderful genetic information and only know of their existence and their differences only us humans. Notions are practically identical for all rational beings we are normal, it is our identity card in front of all animals including monkeys and is especially precious faculty which all individuals are born rational. To say that time is not as it is, or how we is so intuitively clear to our mind, it is an affront to be considered as Homo sapiens. In the physics of relativity, time can theoretically run slow if we increase the speed of a supposed spacecraft and you can even stop if you travel with the speed of light. Then, to convince its unreality, you can think about doing things the other way around and easily reach a contradiction. On the other hand appeared rightly challenging the Theory of Relativity, the paradox of the two-celled twins. One in a spacecraft traveling at high speed close to light his brother on Earth has aged a lot and it becomes even young to travel to that great speed. The argument is that aging should be the other way around as the traveling twin could see that our planet was receding rapidly.

Then according to the ancient theory of relativity, time has the ability to walk more slowly if we increase our speed and reduce speed so if it should happen otherwise why do not outrun time and we move forward? At the speed with which we travel now in our Earth's orbit combined with the speed that moves the solar system and also added the enormous speed of the Galaxy our clocks go normal. At this rate, according to ancient theory of relativity, time is measured in the normal way, ie with common clocks. The slower time may elapse if we increase the speed at which we are sunk. Einstein adorned this assumption with a mathematical formula devised specially for this to work according to this assumption of relativity, time passes. Also imposed by the artifice consisting give birth to a property that does not, of being a carrier of the maximum speed conceivable in the universe. In this mathematical formula the time no one doubted that could be stopping with increasing speed. What if we do the opposite happens?. As concluded that as to nullify the natural speed our time should run faster and then we could live in the future. Also as we eliminate the natural speed that we have, then we would be closer to live in a world without movement, which is obviously absurd.

fundamentals of physics and the development of the general laws of physics should not be understood only by specialists. Physics must remain a rational explanation of the material world around us. We must not forget that mathematics, are very useful and necessary but are only a tool to get closer to understanding the world that is not our direct reach. Mathematics is not reality itself. If this type of applied mathematics that today is in contradiction with a single experimental fact then our task is to fix the principles of the mathematics and mathematics make another game with other axioms. Abuse of sophisticated mathematical symbols with explanations leads us to look like we say the truth, but with a language unknown to most people. To know the world of physics, for simplicity and clarity of its principles, the theory of permanence is clearly more objective than all previous theories. Also not in any way contradicts our philosophy leaves us with our space matter and time as they intuit what that is like a precious heredity. Our theory also does not give permanence limits our infinite cosmos or space, nor limited to the time that has already seen almost infinite derivative with the observation of distant galaxies, much less limits the amount of matter of all the already gigantic universe. Virtually

, 2019 from traditional theories of physics, such as the Theory of Relativity and the theory of wave mechanics are replaced by the theory of permanence, a theory which states, among other things very interesting series, that the speed of light is not the maximum limit and that there will be no speed ever for a absolute limit. A consequence of this materialist researchers took to the mini ultra search for suspected particles move at speeds faster than the photons that make up the light materials. By using our excellent hardened elements and many new properties are able to form super dense surfaces or screens. By reflecting on these special surfaces were discovered promising new particles for communication. Mirrors are manufactured reflectors de-intra-nuclear radiation or ERRIN. ERRIN capture the particles that carry speeds of hundreds of thousands of times the speed of light. In particular, one type of these particles has an ultra mini photonic 525600 speed times the speed of light and speeds are investigating other particles that physicists suspect some have speeds of millions of times the speed of light .. Millions of times the speed of light! We know what is happening now in the nearest stars almost instantly, as they wait hours or days only to receive a message from a distant star is something to consider as they say-the-minute news. We do not just send our messages with ultrafast photons below but of course our instruments also pick them up as easily as it catches light from distant galaxies. Now we have these new messengers not only travel hundreds of thousands of times faster than light, but give us many secrets of the vast universe. From the depths of black holes in this way we get interesting news.

The new philosophy of man is that the universe is infinite in all its senses can not discover or speed limits or matter, or even less space and time. This opened for astronomers dreamed of a revolution in communications. Now you can communicate by posting messages in all languages, electronic systems, with many thousands of planets in other nearby stars, reaching their messages to their destination rather than hundreds of years but in just fractions of an hour. Pretending to find answers to our messages for other rational beings, now looks set to be not just a dream, no longer a utopia. In the early years of this century, messages sent by the electromagnetic waves that we knew it would take hundreds and sometimes thousands of years to reach its destination and thought to receive an answer that would take many thousands of years, this is precisely what is called utopia . We are now feeling the distant cosmos more scientific and effective than before. Right now these messages are sent thousands of times a day from special stations located in the cosmos. Theoretically it is only a matter of patience, find rational beings who understand our shipments. The views of astronomers are still somewhat divided. To communicate with other rational beings we must be patient: for years as the most optimistic, or decades of years according to other known as the realistic and centuries as pessimists. The fact is that if one day we discovered the other rational beings are not our slaves, but our brothers of Reason-omnipotent. What is certain is that this will be a very momentous event.

On Earth, the evolution of blind, irrational or wild living organisms, is terminated with the development of new human genetics now dominates other living organisms and their own. The man, long time ago that making use of reason, was not endangered as Homo sapiens, their potential predators were under control and there was no danger of tigers or by bacteria or viruses, etcetera. He became so well at least seemed in terminal of the evolution of species. In the domain of genetics may create agencies to the letter is at the request of environmental conditions, artificially created grain adapted to certain climates and other infinite variety of plants and the same applies even to mammals.

However, at the beginning of the millennium of extinction risk as a human race, was still latent within the same species, there was the danger that some of the very members of the human race was genetically malformed. Percentage were a tiny minority were patients who did not have in their cells one of our vital genes and thus unreasonable on its own but acted like a robot to serve somebody. They were targeted and exploited by terrorist organizations or military fans and anxious to patients, such as those in the last century kept in suspense, with the nuclear threat for decades to all mankind. It created so many fission bombs of the Hiroshima type and terrible hydrogen fusion that could destroy many times to all mankind. With a single hydrogen bomb, the radioactive corpses could fill most of the length of a small country like England or Spain. The H-bomb was not only destructive but thousands of times more damaging as radioactive weapon and this was not a threat to a city, but encompassed the destruction of all inhabitants of a country. Have been used, could have destroyed ten times the entire human species. Have left the Earth turned into a radioactive desert absolutely sterile all life. Reason triumphed happily omnipotent and this danger was phased out. Today it is not even one of these dark atomic bombs. Were eliminated and there, or dwarfs of only 20 kilotons that fell on Hiroshima leaving 150 people dead and Nagasaki with another 40 people dead, or the so-called medium or the H or hydrogen of 20 megatons, pulverized and raised the Bikini Atoll where they left a bad memory of thousands of square miles contaminated with radioactivity for one hundred years, nor much less pumps are 50-megaton H that the president of USSR Nikita Khrushchev, at the wrong time, unfortunately, ironically called apologize for the miscalculation of the bomb that had just blown. He said the first Test fifty was not as planned, but of 70 megatons of destructive power and radioactive, but did not promise that this will not be repeated again. This huge explosion left radioactive for many years, some of the islands near the north pole where it was the macabre experience. This slip of the tongue or whatever does not leave so badly Nikita historically as it has in its favor the merit of having been one of the champions of bringing the cosmos to man. He greeted with ecstatic kisses, which passed into history, Yuri Gagarin when leaving and returning from the cosmos. It appears that Nikita was wrong with a group of soldiers as they suddenly "retired" and the space program by partially collapsed immediately return to the cosmonauts who were currently in orbit and that as the advertised program should stay longer. These new soldiers were not exactly progressive. The Cold War also brought enormous challenges to the development of democracy around the world and in particular was reflected in the U.S. where a group of soldiers continually pressured the regime to impose dictatorial governments intervene in some of the fragile democracies of Latin America. In the late imposed not only undemocratic governments, but also caused the disappearance or killed opponents, the Democrats missing in Argentina and Chile were counted by tens of thousands.


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