Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Break In Dansko Clogs

reveals the near future in its report

A year IBM tells his predictions for the next 5 years , which we briefly to comment:

* 3D Holograms getting closer to our lives : Movies, TV, cameras and other devices like game consoles, and are taking the step to 3D. Progress is being made long before you l mobile devices are capable of projecting human holograms and other things we will change the way we now establish a video chat or , for instance. With the geo-location and many other technologies, we interact with photos in a 3D holographic . In short, the possibilities are enormous, and certainly more than one will release their "hologram friend" to walk in the park, and perhaps their loved ones who have gone to a better life ... Often world if not more geek or freak! :))

* Sensors for all parties to discuss almost everything : There will be sensors in almost everything from our cell phone, wallet, cars, watches and even our tweets. will be sent in real time and so "invisible", information of all kinds to the cloud, so that from the other side is analyzed and managed. Thus for example if we are in a park, we, through sensors, send pollen level indicators, so this is a medical level to avoid the dreaded allergies.

* Travel and custom trips and re-designed in real time : The traditional GPS and navigation systems have become obsolete and are gradually being replaced by other more efficient technologies. With thousands of sensors and data of all types that are cooked in the cloud, on the other side will have a predictive analysis technology to help us manage / oo better plan our trip route. For example, predictive analysis that we examine the way we drive and the routes usually do besides adding all kinds of information such as traffic bulletins, events that may impact traffic, and other information that will make the "smart browser" we manage and / or to better plan our trip.

* Batteries that recharge a static / kinetic : We are researching to make electronic devices more and consume less. Furthermore being tested to some devices do not carry battery operated electricity produced by static or kinetic energy , as do many clocks. On the other hand, also this study is that the batteries are recharged only with the outside air . Everything is seen, and especially if our "friends" the big power companies, like everything this invention to save energy:)

* The heat given off by computers help to generate electricity and : The 50% of the energy needed to operate a data center is intended to cool the equipment. Most of the heat generated by computers and processors is wasted sending it to the atmosphere, increasing CO2 emissions . much progress is being made to time to capture that heat or energy given off by the computer to enter the electrical system or simply to provide hot water . Several pilot projects are already showing good results and that insurance will soon launch a global and local scale.
Now we just need to see, as with the issue of new efficient batteries, the response of the utilities and see how make innovation and improvement in energy efficiency, a piece of cake largest of its great business ...

All these predictions are not surprising at all because the technology exists in most cases. And with the rapid pace of technology and the uses and improvements thereon will make all these predictions a reality very close.

In conclusion I would comment on the prediction of holograms, not because it is the ultimate, but for what this may mean for human society increasingly . Holograms are not new and have not only appeared on the movies, but use IBM is predicting at least unsettling to many. Clearly

medical uses such can be very useful, helping to do with quality 3D inside the body and even añdiendo simulations that can run on the hologram, for study, analysis and evaluation. However, I wish to comment on the bad side of this "carnal virtualization", which is none other than all these holograms help even a little more to our "facebook friends or 3.0" isolate us a little longer our virtual world.

is not putting all users in the same breath, much less, but there are many facebook addicts who have more "friends" virtual real life, if they have it. Therefore, the power to blow click on our mobile to appear at a "virtual friend" in many cases makes me scared ...

Where do we go from here? ... Really all the advances and uses of technology are really progress? ... I think that in many cases the advances are dictated from the increasingly large oligopolies, now thanks to the cloud, come closer to your dream company .... Big Brother

hope that common sense and good work of many do you use that we give "much progress" is really helpful and human, and that companies will not lead us to whim from the clouds ...

All this is seen in the following video of IBM Labs:

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chefmate Mini Refrigerator Bc 87

Next 5 in 5 m-commerce continues to grow: PayPal Join Forces ... Appcelerator

few weeks ago announcing that the giants and Paypal UNIAN Appcelerator forces to develop what would become probably the biggest m-commerce platform until then, call Titanium + Commerce.

Appcelerator is a of the biggest platforms for creating apps , with more than 93,000 developers writing apps over 1100 per month for both iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, etc.

Since signing the agreement , Appcelerator platform has increased the interest of developers greatly, and there are now many who are working to create commercial apps for both iOS, Blackberry, Android, tablets, connected TV and other devices, but apparently the first apps are for use in iOS . It

Appcelerator mentioning that ranks as number two for number of apps in the App Store, and according to an executive of PayPal, the platform facilitates the rapid innovation.

This agreement is simplify the process by which merchants can introduce a mobile commerce solution existing business applications or develop.

templates will be created that can be easily customized for that trade required and the product will be launched in two phases. The first, of which is a free testing phase and open Paypal is that through its MPL (Mobile Payments Library) offers the basic functions of Paypal payment and presented in a format that allows any developer to integrate in a new or existing application.
The second phase, which plans to leave in mid-2011, is to enter other modules for developers and consumers, which will surely improve with more than shopping experience. Within these four main modules include, but surely will appear more as this progresses, because the possibilities are almost endless.

highlight some functionalities:

* Offers that allow merchants to add coupons, discounts and special offers (such Groupon) quickly and easily. Consumers are presented with these offers real-time, indicating the level of stocking, and fostered an act of buying more viral and impulsive.

* loyalty programs that allow businesses integrate new or existing programs pay / loyalty Specifications are for mobile users.

* , which includes the functionality of the list of items and the shopping cart and other basic features of a traditional online store.

* Social , which offers integration with other social networks and allow users to share opinions, comments and ratings on products / services.

If all this we add the phenomenon of geolocation , which provides the platform Titanium makes up written features are much more powerful. As an example , the traders can launch specific offers to customers and as close to a "commercial item" . (This is partly because in the Tom Cruise movie, Minority Report ... coincidence? )

On the other hand, the merchants will have access to detailed analytical giving information in real time on the behavior of tenders and as customers are buying and even where , due to location.

For now one of the drawbacks is the price, but many large companies are seeing their potential and do not want to get later. This just started, and big as MTV, NBC and Budweiser among others have already signed up to this sure hit of 2011.

Interestingly one of the investors is eBay Appcelerator, which is not only a chance , but further proof that Paypal giant has taken the m-commerce very seriously . In fact this agreement with one of the greats of the scene of the apps, but not to expand its presence in the much sought after and potential market applications. I say this because eBay subsidiary has announced the launch of its platform X Paypal, in addition to launching the Mobile Express Checkout, a payment solution in two clicks. Undoubtedly

agreement between giants will revolutionize the market and not just the m-commerce , which already in 2010 the parent company of Paypal, eBay expects the mobile channel? Get a $ 1500 million in revenue from other many figures that can be seen in the video this post ...

In conclusion we see the enormous possibilities are and eternal promise of mobile commerce will finally clarify better . Once again we see as a means of payment have been key to this whole industry off. That if all this growth so exponential has its barriers, which are none other than the security and the famous compliance, between all know hopefully resolve ... before large as ever imposed its rules and then come the problems as almost always paid users. I refer to issues of restricting access to certain users (menores. ..), or the case where we steal the mobile device (IPAD, ...), iPhone with all these apps, certainly worries us most to lose increasingly obsolete the portfolio, as himself said eBay CEO John Donahoe, in a recent interview. Finally

comment as one of the pioneers in internet like ebay , which now may regret getting rid of Skype, Paypal puts all his efforts and with it goes taking up positions some saw he had lost integers arrival of Amazon Payments , among others. I sincerely admire as much as almost everything he does Jeff Bezos, I think Paypal has the upper hand for now as are not only improving the user experience in the buying process, but they are investing more in a range of technologies, from NFC, the apps, etc. are knowing to be and invest in all technologies that dominate the future and secure this strategy, in addition to diversifying risks, assures that X works in a market some of the thousands of things from the point of Paypal unique view of the means of payment, if you are testing . Furthermore, Paypal is one of the pioneers in this e-commerce, and that its database of more than 90 million active accounts, it certainly makes quite rival consider.

my opinion that eventually win the battle to focus more on giving a service where not only the immediate first, but security and compliance use are taken into account ... The problem is that the great (Banks, giants like Google, Facebook, eBay ..) are as usual creating or investing in something that in many cases there is no clear regulation .... sure if Eric Schmidt or Steve Jobs lost in the Nexus 2011 Galalaxy its S or 4G iPhone apps with thousands of integrated payment and many other data on the famous tag, you would not care as much as a normal user the street using your smartphone released recently ....
... and it's gonna be that cheap is expensive, if not understood or not known ... and that's why everyone from operators, payment methods, manufacturers and distributors etc, should be aware of what they sell, or at least appeal to what some now call corporate social responsibility :)....

This gives a lot of talk and no doubt will in every way ...

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Large Lump Dog's Chest

News in the world of means of payment ...

The post this week, is a compilation of news stories within the media world Payment ...

Paypal giant also tested in the T-commerce:

PayPal is working on a TV commerce solution, T-commerce, allowing consumers to buy products with the remote through a TV with Internet connection.

This draft PayPal has been posted on the blog of the company's vice president for mobile platform and new projects, Osama Bedler.

"Today I am happy to be able to ensure that we are one step closer to providing every American classroom T-commerce system powered by PayPal," said the manager.

"Imagine this: You are resting on the couch and changing the channel is the perfect birthday gift. A few clicks of your remote diastancia and you have bought the gift through your PayPal account, "says Bedler.

Without doubt, this story is another example of the tremendous power of the giant Paypal.

Payner already has a funding of $ 23.3 million

The company also owns the Kwedit issue continues to grow, which also incorporated the BOKU CEO, Mark Britto . Payner

, continuing its strategy of offering services for people who prefer cash or simply do not have a bank account or credit card.

This young company originally focused on helping monetize social games. Later, reached agreements with various merchants and Facebook (to buy facebook credits), Amazon, Lexicon, Steelseries, e-wallets, etc. On the other hand, has focused on expanding its network of retail shops attached to the network Payne, as is the case of 7-Eleven.

With this new financing, its CEO Danny Shader, has said his goals include improving the network of member stores offline, expanding the network of participating online merchants, and finally, keep improving and developing the product / s.

I leave you with a video explaining its recent release: Payner branded card

Zetawire Google buys the company, NFC payments specialist

The purchase of this small Canadian company, no doubt Google gives more weight if it is to continue to develop NFC payments, which have been included in the S Galaxy Nexus.

Apparently Zetawire have an application patented defined as a payment system, a system of advertising and identity management.

undoubtedly see once again as Google continues to create technology to beat for the book, since no one can be expert almost everywhere.

------------------------------------- To conclude, I would like to devote more time and space news and articles relating to the payment means as they are key part of the ecommerce and business in general.

There muchísmo to talk and would love to discuss it with all you, but for now I decided that my blog is something more general ... who knows if in a time segment decides on other blogs with unique theme, such as means of payment, an area that fascinates me especially, being sector where there is a nearly infinite space for development and innovation ...

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payment methods and opportunities for the gaming market in LATAM 09/11/2010

Battle in M-Commerce. Who will dominate the "mobile payments"? 30/10/2010

innovation in payment methods and the sharing of cake 20/10/2010

means of payment as a key strategy in social networks and ecommerce in general 20/09/2010

Future of payments 7.11 / / 2008

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fire Belly Toad Habitat

optimism, enthusiasm and passion ... in times of rapid engagement and not Replacement

time I've been wanting to share a keynote the great lasted Emilio, a man who no doubt will surprise you after listening.

The recommendation to see Emilio lasted, came from someone who no doubt is another crack and will also secure far away, if not already doing so: by Joaquín . Such people help you to keep fighting for what you believe you should fight and especially because they are intelligent people happy, which makes me say once again, as in: "get together with people better than you, you silly Pá and those you ":)

The pace of life that we and society" any longer " often blinds us to see what's really important. If all that you add lack of commitment that is in almost everything we do sometimes find themselves frustrated and lost ... so presentations and reflections such as Emilio lasted, make no doubt you keep fighting . This post

not trying to "philosophize and be negative and much less", but to share a lecture that will make sure at least to think, laugh and ultimately be more positive ...

Before listening to this "crack of communication, optimism and enthusiasm", I leave you with some of her awesome reflections:
  • " of good leaders have good employees and managers sad, sad employees and unproductive "
  • " is very difficult for you you're with your partner 80 years if you have a passion and apasionarte must be intellectually active, surprising every day "
  • " I do not know how old you are, but over the next ten years will be worse and in twenty worse. Is the best day of his remaining "
  • " A depression in the Caribbean with a trainer is not the same as a depression at home without having to shut up and eat. Although not the primary cause of happiness, there is no direct relationship between happiness and money. "
  • "E n a time in my life I had a problem and began to study what was wrong, why were people from my school who did not approve or religion and everything went well and I, which in theory was very intellectually valid, some things were not going as I wanted. I began to consider how to increase happiness "
  • " In theory it was God, bulb life put me in my place by a series of personal blows and infarction because sales were down-fat Yoplait yougures when I was in charge, what made me wonder: Emilio, have you engañao? Is it the meaning of life? the Yoplait yogurt? ... because people are excited about the income of your business ... this is not normal:) "
  • " not learn to be happy in one day "
  • " People ask me, do you cast?, yes, the question is when "or even" My company go bankrupt? Sure, but not when sebemos; this is life "
  • " People fail because of emotional problems rather than rational and is convinced que el optimismo es la mejor herramienta para vivir más y mejor, por ello ve absolutamente necesario llevar buen humor a los centros de trabajo y contagiarlo. Piensa que sin compañerismo el trabajo se hace una carga muy pesada"
  • y la mejor de todas..."seguid locos"

In conclusion say that no matter how optimistic we are, if you have a bad streak, we must surround ourselves committed and positive people like you and help you out of this well where you can find ... the problem is that every day there is less commitment , all too quickly be replaced and a passion for something or someone is running just as fast as it began, and that's the real crisis with which we are facing .... and why I still dream that passion, energy, commitment, vitality and always wanting to do something better, is the engine of all of us, we can commit many errors ...

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Kind Of Hair Meagan Good Use

Where is the index

Welcome .
This blog is the domain of my book Extrapolation Fantastic.

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Days Of Delay Menstruation

10.10 The poet Neruda in the domestication of the atom, was also right.

10.10 The poet Neruda in the domestication of the atom, was also right.

Neruda, the poet par excellence, to predict that the day would be achieved by removing the atom energy in the hands of the warriors irresponsible, also was right. Our organization is, the 'Pythagorean rightly Almighty ", when had many millions, was able to take apart an enormous physical strength and unquestionable moral sound all its members. With this gigantic force managed to save humanity from the great nightmare of succumbing to a possible nuclear catastrophe. It met the desires of our honorary member Pablo Neruda, the desire for the peaceful energy of the atom serve all mankind. Better concentrate our attention a few minutes and read a portion of one of its many wonderful poems.

So the poet wished in:

De Pablo Neruda (Nobel Prize for Literature, 1971)

.... You do not have / secret / walks among men / no mask / terrible / hastening the pace / and extending / steps of the fruit, / separated / mountains / straightening rivers, / fertilizing, / atom / overwhelmed / cup / cosmic / back / a bunch of peace, / at the speed of joy, / back to cluster / nature / settings to our service, / and instead of the ashes / death / of your mask, / instead of hell unleashed / on your wrath, / instead of the threat / of your terrible clarity deliver us / your awesome / default / for cereals, / your magnetism triggered / to establish peace among men, / and so will not be hell / your blinding light, / but happiness, / morning hope / terrestrial contribution.

Paul was carried away by your advice, I finally heard! Today gives us his awesome power for the cereals, watermelons giant domes under air and illuminated on the surface of the moon. Now this gentle atom, with its infinite power, takes us from the Earth to the fantastical world of Cities-spatial to geostationary and ring-ring-moon takes us through the entire solar system! Perhaps you wanted to Neruda as you're in the realm of the immortals on Mount Olympus and also of eternity with your odes and poems, sure have read your monumental poem repeatedly atom because now they are amenable to persuasion, and most transcendental is that today have become our shirts and help at this time to keep the peace!

Paul, on our side, as you also did, we do not rest a minute and now we are many millions who take care not to convince the soldiers come to our peaceful atom to change its sound track.

Finally then I will repeat something I wrote in one of the preceding paragraphs of this chapter.

Part of the history of our universe we know from some fourteen billion years. If we take the universe from their last ten billion years known, the more objectively we know its history by the messages we send distant galaxy clusters, then we can divide this history separating four major stages as caused by a super developments: first, there is an enormous amount of time close to their 99.9 percent, corresponding to the entire universe alone in the world plunged inorganic material, and second, this world has evolved in its infinite inorganic variety of combinations with more than one hundred elements originating with the wonderful properties of carbon whose combinations are endless and in a dialectical moment led to the wonderful life that is the organic world, third, the organic world has evolved over the 0.0999 percent of the time known causing hundreds of thousands of species evolution in finishing this great ancestor of Homo sapiens; room, our predecessor, lurching and stumbling over a million years or 0.0001 percent at the time known and at the end of the penultimate last stage view extraordinary and magical reason is that now is a Homo sapiens. Then around the year two thousand and appears on the scene, combining the ratio with increasing microprocessors, Homo sapiens rightly so powerful and makes the blind end of evolution and revolution weapon speed and begins to change since then all the great and infinite universe. How much longer will finish completely beautify the Solar System? How long will that work even to bring order to the Milky Way?

Carl Sagan (1934-1996), the most famous astronomer and scientist of the last century, presenting the book "History of Time by Stephen Hawking said:" ... he had an unexpected conclusion after much effort: a universe without an edge space, no beginning and no end in time ... "

all content in this book have argued that our philosophy leads us to use the almighty Reason, that the amount of: space, mass and no time limits in any way. The existence of any of these three fundamental things we can put in doubt our intuition gene also does not permit objective and really think otherwise. Space, mass and time are infinite and is the first of the ten principles of "Theory of Permanence."

Queen Greatest Hits11 Hdcd

burned 10.9 The sages and poets sought.

burned 10.9 The sages and poets sought.

hundred years ago, when came the first man into space, I was only 32 years. He was professor of physics and mathematics in a secondary school named after a famous poet, "Liceo Pablo Neruda of Temuco. The poet Neruda was a former student of this college and Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. While Neruda was one of his many visits to Temuco, the city where he had been educated, I almost became a poet. I'll tell you a curious episode that I came up with this poet friend and billionaire friends. Normally when I arrived in Temuco driving to visit the places he knew from his childhood and where he had his first love poems, I accompanied him for example to investigate the location the house in ruins, its almost virtual love that he wrote "Where is the Guillermina?. By having this friendship with the poet, the wife of a English that I knew for several years, phoned me asking for my intervention to get closer to her husband the poet. That was how we were invited to dinner by this marriage had not yet met Neruda. Neruda accepted the invitation and for this reason he asked me to talk in more detail about them, I said it is an industrial baker brought from Spain along with hundreds of steps from the Consul of Chile in Spain Neftali Reyes, known as the poet Pablo Neruda, his wife Agnes Eulogio is a biology teacher who wants to meet personally with Neruda. I left immediately with my descriptions. Inés is a disciple of the respectable family of these messengers who work selflessly giving most of their time to teach people that the days of slavery is theoretically complete, but here in this region in practice 99.99% of those who carry Mapuche indigenous names or are slaves horribly discriminated against y. .. Neruda took notes while I describe this unselfish friend of mine and about ten minutes after Neruda said "we have done together a poem for Inés Eulogio, we have to sign both." I thought something undeserved put my signature next to that of Neruda, because the poem was undoubtedly more valuable to Agnes with only the signature of the poet of poets. As guests of honor for Agnes and her English husband, with Neruda and Matilde we went to dinner at a nice restaurant in Temuco. At dinner Agnes received this poem certainly excited and kept it as a great treasure.

few days after a horrific and bloody military coup, after looting his house, said the coup leaders Neruda died. We said he was killed, and who attacked and almost destroyed their home. This happened in a South American country Chile, my birthplace. His murder, for us who knew him personally, was very hard news. He was a poet of the times when life was endangered for many reasons, for demonstrating a hereditary syndrome, diseases caused by viruses or bacteria or by writing to live in a country without democracy. If the poet was not an unconditional dictatorial regime in power, his life was endangered because of the action of organized gangs and paid from some powerful countries in money. The bandits had orders to kill the ideas. Did not know what the rationalist philosophers repeated: "Ideas are immortal and can not be killed." Have a property in something like those of some earthworms, a biologist who discovered in 2002, and that treating kill, divided into 260 parts and a short time of those parts left other 260 clones of these worms. Pythagoras murdered and look what happened! Many thousands of Pythagoras were born in Greece and how many millions in the world! How many billions are now in the world fans of the ideas of the philosopher burned at the Sorbonne Giordano Bruno! How many millions are physicists who admire the uncompromising behavior of the father of physics, Galileo learned that despite life sentence with which he was punished continued to assert that the earth moves!

Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders

10.8 of Homo sapiens to Homo sapiens with powerful

10.8 of Homo sapiens to Homo sapiens with powerful Reason

The year 2019 begins the era of new artificial materials so important that we do not know when or how it will end. This year, after we got to the wonderful machine "Transforming the physical properties of the elements" or known as Transformer-pfe, all the inhabitants of the planet could begin to enjoy in their daily lives as momentous and very positive innovations. Since then, the Homo sapiens as a thinking jumps to a new stage in his continued improvement.

As our young generation will know our historical development, they feel proud to know that all we humans are now Reason possession of the omnipotent. Homo sapiens overcome that despite being aware of having used it because a high percentage wrong. With the proper use of reason to master the fire started, we became useful tools, steam engines built, master the laws of electricity, we took the energy stored in the atom transforming it into electricity ... With the power in the hands of unscrupulous and misusing the sacred grounds served: to take power, to slaves, to make firearms and even tried to self-destruct after its own hydrogen bombs, atomic challenging duel capitalist forces groups non-capitalist. The different sets of people pacifist, led by Bertrand Russell, a century ago that we started and we always kept fighting to tie the hands of these warriors. Just got in 2030 was eliminated from the arsenals the last damn bombs. We

because of a new type or super-Homo sapiens. We regret that only we are the holders, in the vast universe known, the amazing gene or rather the genes in every cell that give us the power to discern, that is the reason with which we can know even abstraction, part of the material world objective. However we are proud to have this gift so great shame and in turn that other men in the past had been used to such terrible things. We are confident that the reasoning we can achieve all the goals, are ambitious. We believe that through the art of reasoning, you get absolute power over the material world and we know that the entire universe is almost certain that only we possess the gift of reason. It is unfortunately almost certainly is so because we realize that in the solar system there is no trace of any living being not less than a living and rational.

the inorganic universe evolved, for an infinite number of years, until at one point, almost comparatively insignificant size, now called Earth, created the conditions for organic life was formed. The organic life of plants and animals evolved to create change by forming the dialectical reasoning man to Homo sapiens. This means, the reason he carried in his brain, evolved mentally present causing the wonder of wonders Homo sapiens Reason omnipotent. Now you do not kill their fellows, even racially discriminated against, left Earth and begins to be the giant in the proper place the infinite cosmos. Homo sapiens with the Almighty Reason was born relatively recently in this corner of the universe! We are holders of this powerful reason is the biggest jewel of infinite and irrational universe. We are holders a power with limits of insurance unknown but also those limits are endless! We can change the course, not just the rivers and the planets, but could if it was useful and reasonable to transform semi-suns the planets. We fire with nuclear energy and we do not do what it must not lend us any help. We can get into the depths of one's general laws governing the universe. We are the makers and owners, for now, only the Solar System. By machines we have amplified our muscle strength in hundreds of thousands of times. There are no limits to the growth of our forces. Using our computers, increasingly powerful, we make millions of times faster some operations of our mind. Robots help us be stronger and more intelligent. Our robots are only ancillary to the physical labor and intellectual well with his mind programmed by us. We are the really smart and not robots they usually do it much faster, but in an almost mechanical process, especially when it comes to our math, but not when issues typical of the mind. Computers are now a product of Reason-omnipotent. Not because these are our children, are only auxiliary to help us transform ourselves into more and more intelligent beings.

Some writers, in the last century, had thought that when advancing artificial intelligence, or AI should achieve full independence since the robots are getting better chip in his brain. They claimed that achieved the independence of the robots they would make us first in their servers and then when we do not need more, we eliminated. This alarmist position which was not new, not now produce any fears. We have a constant scientific information suitable depth that dominate this area of \u200b\u200bcomputing, these scientists educate and inform our youth by having them know the operation of these machines, eliminating ignorance about this matter. The youth will then scaring the belief that the super-intelligent robots will be released against us.

In the last century, most social groups, believed to behave like animals was nothing abnormal. The influence exercised by the ideas of the evolution of species, poorly taught in school, made it appear to those who killed the other from another species or of the same species as natural. For this the wrong information on the evolution of the species appeared to be science-based ideas, ideas of the last century, which always dominated the bad, is often heard largest fish eats the smaller, and so on. Taking like a very natural law the shameful abuses of the powerful in arms or money on poor people. No wonder that some writers think that if they become powerful robots will also be the supermalos. Now we are convinced that the man carries the Almighty Reason and this is a morality that is far from this false moral drawn from the evolution of species. It was inconceivable a world of good robot, and unemployment was to blame for the dismissal was not of mismanagement, it was this social group, but even he threw the blame on the robots because they were the work of several people. Have argued that these writers have learned from childhood that men guided only by their irrational instincts there was a constant phase over each other. This is the reason that the reason was against the futuristic robots. Reason-omnipotent we do and no computers or robots. If they obtain a hypothetical massive storage capacity and speed in his memoirs, like those we have, probably also acquire the Almighty Reason and we never eliminated, we would try progresáramos to their level of speed and mental ability. We are now happy every time I see a genius, computer or robot, new generation. The clear scientific explanation of the novelistic we wiped those doubts. Using computers to extreme lengths have sharpened our intelligence. With this powerful aid of computer technology has been possible to learn and master the material world to the edge of the Solar System.

other hand our positivist philosophy has much edified. That is thanks to this philosophy predicated on the principles of positivism that philosophy is the antithesis or opposite of pessimism and doom and gloom, we are growing stronger spiritually. We are confident that we can continue in the future, transforming the universe to be the ideal site for development the life of Homo sapiens from the future who will still thousands of times more power over nature that the enormous power that we have now. Thanks to good use because everything is possible, but now a calculable future.

This idea, this model with the power of the almighty Reason, everything is possible is because what we have now almost reached. The limits of our intelligence, through computerization, become infinite is also infinite as the universe of which we are the almighty Reason. Only an infinite may be another powerful reason for infinity.

Attention, attention Universe! The powerful reason to matured men. Universe Man Reason using its powerful you are placing new satellites and changing your site's natural satellite, is modifying and streamlining the trajectories of asteroids and comets in the solar system, is thinking of changing the rotation and orbit of some planets! You're really beautiful!

time is infinite existence of the universe we observe. It is possible to measure the time it takes the light emanating from some very distant galaxy clusters and this light takes to reach us, in some cases, at least 14 billion years. Have passed a lot more of these thousands of millions of years without any part of the universe, surely be aware of its very existence. Only in recent times we showed up that we are aware of the existence of the universe. The universe evolved and created their superstar to be rational. For this reason we are an important relic from the rest of the world blind to reason that despite being infinite in space, matter and time, is irrational.

We have an enormous responsibility to look after all we are always guided by the Almighty Reason. The set of irrational elements in the universe, hurricanes, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis or falls on the Earth from asteroids, not ever going to destroy us. They can no longer do, nor allow the emergence of our predators, we have long since we are the terminals of the evolution.

The weak latent danger of paralyzing our rapid progress is in some genetically ill people who wish to use some of its chronic and weak intellect to destroy the wonderful things that make their own peers. The danger of our destruction came close a few hundred years ago, with the threat of the use of hydrogen bombs. The danger caused by the warriors has not disappeared completely, but we're away their chances and their chances of destruction of civilization are dwindling. The enemy, so that power valuable treasure of human beings alone, there were originated in the illiterate culture, virgins on their mental development, unable to recognize that the effect always comes from a cause that produces it. And unfortunately there were dominated for millennia to its number one enemy to the people using their own reason and got his spiritual independence through self-education. Only partially escaped the followers of Pythagoras in hiding and resisting the Nabataeans by free elections for its leaders or living free and slavery. To practice this should have been locked underground for five centuries in the city of Petra in the desert until they reached the empire unfortunately Roman appended. Historical things of yesterday had not completely disappeared with the arrival of a weak democracy. At the beginning of last century (1914) have appeared warriors, putting almost everyone up in arms. By mid-century so-called axis of the three countries want the rest of the world to submit to its philosophy of extermination starting murder millions of Jews. But was defeated after a few years part of the winners want to keep showing off as warriors, obliterating an atoll with a single pump and watering the H-bomb the world with radioactivity. Besides threatening the existence of all mankind. Fortunately

science appeared revolution with its microprocessors and its Transformer-pfe created Homo sapiens to reason and made us omnipotent giant Titans. With this new material and clean nuclear power we are a small group that was growing. We have been chosen for all mankind, who has asserted his universal democratic right for us to remain, an important part of the guards to maintain universal peace. Has not completely passed the danger, we are always alert, suspicious of the amazing benefits of science are not required to believe in it but they can not force others to believe by force and not by reason in its different and strange arguments . We're like eyes always on alert making sure that no one, nor destroy endangered again, with nuclear threats, a part of this wonderful universe infinite in space and time that is inviting us to beautiful.

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In the early decades of this new millennium, with the huge advances in science, in all areas of impact was revolutionary. In biology, everything is accelerated and the letter from the human genome is fully decoded and then came the elimination of racial prejudice. Occurred in a historically very short time, achieving a world without borders, without wars, without misery, without hatreds. The conviction that all human beings are equal, became one of the most important things in human relationships of all peoples of the earth. Since this was not racial equality a simple idea of \u200b\u200ba philosophy but now there was indisputable proof that this equality of all races of mankind was an objective fact. As we said was caused by the deep study of the genomes of human cells. This study led to theoretically and practically one of the greatest advances for the rational. All caused by the practical fact of the elimination of disease and the indefinite prolongation of life. The letter read and decipher the human genome was ranks among one of the ten events, the greatest science.

With the penetration of the universe of genes in each human cell is not only resolved the problems associated with genetic diseases, but we get to explore other interesting subjects. To decipher the letter genetic background, we finally acquired the indisputable scientific capacity to touch more depth, the most interesting of all matters related to the topic of human intelligence. This was only possible now because of reading the human genome allowed us to enter to begin to study the regions where our intelligence comes from. Studies in this area can only be made now because the brain is there a giant combination of many genes. The human brain is a very special jewel in the entire universe, this mechanism is studied and continues to astonish researchers.

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Pythagoras, Galileo and the Almighty Reason

10.5 Pythagoras, Galileo and omnipotent Reason

We live in a small planet, perhaps an insignificant point in the material grandeur of the universe, but its inhabitants are the most important sound of all the known universe, this undoubtedly due to which we are aware that we live. We are the only living beings aware that we exist and we have only our ability to discern or to reason. We also have the wonderful ability to know by abstraction. We understand, we proud of our intellect. We even have a creative reason. We do very well in our claims when, through reason, we give an explanation of any part of the reality of our objective world. This powerful reason began to be made clear with its huge size and as very important since the time of Pythagoras, 569-480 JC By giving importance to reason and use it to meet the objective world Pythagoras was persecuted throughout his life and killed when he was aged more than eighty years. Wisdom-Pythagorean was crushed for over a millennium and reappeared again with force in the eighteenth century. With the use and application of reason may explain some important laws of the world around us are excited most of the thinkers and researchers as they rediscovered the only tool for achieving genuine scientific truth. It began with Galileo (1564-1642) and the principle of inertia and the law of falling the same for all bodies in a vacuum, we continued with Leibnitz (1646-1716) with differential and integral calculus and then came Newton (1642 -1727) conducting a physical accommodations in some of the principles of Galileo and going to use in physics, the "mathematician Leibniz infinitesimal calculus." The reason is again beginning to respect and enforce as an indisputable truth. Y Galileo said the inquisitor learned about this, "Well, to agree to what you have asked me to say, if you want to write to say, officially to the effect of their proceedings, that the Earth is stationary, then wrote the inquisitor told him, yet the earth moves. " For the latter, but the Earth moves, "was sentenced to prison anyway leaving him home for life. Inquisitors believed that ideas are jailed or killed, but Galileo's ideas were already spreading around the world and very quickly. The real facts were persuasive for any rational being. Galileo's ideas were written and this meant were free running across the world. The content of his ideas was a true and rational beings like the truth and the truth finally prevailed. We

powerful reason to put it on the pedestal it deserves, saying it is not only important but is the most important of all the wonderful things we have.

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10.7 10.6 Education for All. 10.5

10.6 Education for All.

Achieving get an equivalent educational background for all, was the first step to get to match all humans and destroy the unjust cultural differences and pass an end to racial hatred. I'll tell a little story about it. In the early years of this millennium, unfortunately most countries consisted of a population marked by uneven economic and cultural levels. As a result of our new scientific advances and globalization, the measures taken towards gaining an education, of at least six years, extended free and compulsory in less than twenty years around the world. This was an objective reality and checked when the International Congress of Educators 2029, he realized that the whole earth, there was no region nor with illiterate adults with less than six years of education. In each new decade, these cultural differences between people were severely diminished and this served to be softening the human relations between us. The task of education was a primary concern of governments, was provided free by the same everywhere in the world. Education became free and compulsory also for those who had only gone for a few years at school and was also compel the attendance of children to the systematic teaching. In 2040 the minimum compulsory education, of at least twelve years of study, it became a reality in almost every corner of our planet. In 2050 after twelve years of study minimum required to turn professional was also a requirement. However it was and is entirely voluntary for each person the choice of of profession you want to have. 2050, was considered the year in which the match had finished almost all human beings, the most important thing is, at the least have all the cultural level. When it comes to choosing a profession, you know they can call using your little super mini computer to the internet and ask for good advice from professional guidance. I give this advice after delivering a lengthy questionnaire response, new specialized computers and of course the last generation. They are holders of huge properties in terms of amount of memory capacity and speed and artificial intelligence specialist, they provide free. These electronic counselors are the best professional guide. The vast majority of our teenagers choose professions, with many years of scientific study and training. Most young people today want to be the best professionals in order to optimally serve the local community and also allows them to integrate fully into the great adventure of building the bright future more and more interesting and exciting. Future that we are all responsible for successfully carrying forward what is coming is programmed as a changing world whose goals help us to live more happier and better. These new targets have been met prior to the time almost always calculated.
What happened at the beginning of this century, sixty years ago, with respect to different levels of culture is something that today we have overcome almost completely. Not only illiterate but also there are no adults who do not have a profession.

I tell something about my past. I was born, raised and educated me afterward worked as a teacher for another twenty years in Chile. I went to reside in the land where some of my ancestors lived, to Germany. As a result of having lost the war, happily racist ideas in Germany had almost completely disappeared. Later, these ideas fell sharply, with the evidence delivering science. The objective science of genetics denied any argument for the superior intelligence of certain races. The classic Nazi claims that are much smarter people and their descendants who have: a white skin color, size, comparatively high volume settings of the specially-shaped head ... It further argued that the intelligence of these people was hereditary, asserting that their infants at birth were more intelligent than other peoples children. All these statements were, of course, absolutely false, as later proved without a doubt the science of genetics that gave us the very genome for all human beings. She gave us an identical genome, which also indicated that we had all the same conditions for developing amazing mental functions in the brain cells we all human. Whether we are natives of a region or we are living in equatorial or polar regions or in the cosmic regions.

Thanks to globalization, it could quickly inform and educate in this right direction racist to all mankind. It was great news as scientific proof that happily still standing that all men in all latitudes of the planet were absolutely equal intelligence at birth. This came to be fully demonstrated as the cells of all human beings did not differ, in their genes, even one in a thousand. That is proved that all humans have a gene or genome identical letter.

us who were of the positivist, we confirmed and proved that we were wrong to argue, for so long the equality of all human beings. We had also the ideas that the appearance of man is the greatest thing happened in the universe. Together we held, and now it is confirmed that there happily cerebral equality of all normal people. This possess this precious treasure of the same brain and accompany it with the information led us to have a new weapon in the Reason-omnipotent. This then does not belong to any particular race but is now a membership of all human races. Now again we say with much greater strength of the man that has important, not skin color or eye shape, how wonderful it is his new thinking. I repeat that all the 20,488 genes that we have in each of our cells is the same number that exists in other people anywhere on Earth. The transcendent is also born with this huge number of genes in each cell and a colossal amount of cells immortal brain that is linked to virtually all accompany us forever and she is just at birth in all of us humans.

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10.4 The comparative history of time known stages.

10.4 The comparative history of time known stages.

The summary of the history of time, known in this part of the universe, we can see roughly shaped, not very complicated, comparing approximate percentage of the stages of both the inorganic universe as the further development the organic world. Taking into account, as reference points, the times considered today as important and transcendent.

Part of the history of our universe we know from some fourteen billion years. If we take the universe from their last ten billion years known, the more objectively we know its history by the messages we send distant galaxy clusters, then we can divide the history of the past ten billion years four periods. These four milestones are as caused by a kind of super evolution and they can be.

first stage, there is an enormous period time close to their 99.9% for the whole universe alone in the world plunged inorganic material.

second stage, the inorganic world also had its own evolution held in its infinite variety of combinations with almost all its elements. Here emerged brilliantly showing off the element carbon. The carbon originated with its wonderful properties of infinite combinations a great revolution. In a small place in the universe in the solar system in one of his tiny planet Earth and at some point something unusual dialectic originated, originated by combinations of carbon, wonderful life. This gave birth to organic world.

third stage, the organic world has evolved over the 0.0999% of the time known, causing hundreds of thousands of species of life, ending this great evolution in Homo sapiens.

fourth stage, the ancestors of Homo sapiens are stumbling and tumbling over a million years or 0.0001% of the known time and in its penultimate stage makes only about 150 thousand years discover they have extraordinary and magical reason. Now in its final stage allying with microprocessors, it becomes a new reason the Almighty Reason and does end up like the blind evolution and revolution weapon speed and begins to change since then all the great and infinite universe. How much longer, the Homo sapiens with Reason, omnipotent, finish fully embellish the Solar System? How long will that work even to bring order, not just the Solar System but our galaxy or the Milky Way?

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10.3 The extreme ease of moving in the cosmos

10.3 The extreme ease of moving in the cosmos

With current space spacecraft gravitational atomic jet engine better known as light-space-atomic Ships, we comfortably in just hours to the nearest planets. They are jet-propulsion engines and this continuous light allows the spacecraft as well maintained and kept in the course of normal gravity at the surface of the Earth. To fly long distances between the planets or the way of flying is the wonder of wonders. Atomic space-craft-stands for something really fantastic. When flying, as a result of always keeping inside a pressure of gravity is identical to that of Earth, its passengers, especially the inhabitants of our planet, they feel as comfortable as if they were on their surface. But for us this pressure caused by the hateful gravity for a few hours, is almost unbearable especially for those who live for many years and at liberty gravity. This type of tourism trip is ideal for those who still live under the Earth's gravity and for this convenience is flying by hundreds of thousands each month as tourists to the GEO. His visits are welcome by us. The momentum for these space-atomic-Naves, midway, is measured in a fantastic amount of hundreds of thousands of kilometers per hour. From halfway to the goal is reversed the direction of the ship and constantly braking jet engines letting within normal gravity. This means spending twice the power and also limit ten times less the number of passengers of the spaceship. Traveling in these conditions to maintain normal gravity trip to the moon, which is about 400 thousand miles, takes about three hours, taking the ship halfway double speed that carries the earth around the sun The journey to Mars , where is about 78 million miles through space-nuclear Ship-light jet, it is only about 49 hours. The speed you take this talent after several hours of continuous propulsion exceeds several times the speed of the Earth, or is greater than 29 km / sec, which is the speed of Earth around the Sun

In cosmos speeds are quite relative. The solar system travels in an orbit around the center of the galaxy, at a fantastic rate for us, speed 792 000 km / h or 220 km / sec and all the greater is the velocity of our galaxy, the Milky Way, in relation to the common gravitational center of the cluster of other distant galaxies. This relativity of speed is that now we have this tremendous power available, we walked through space at high speeds with confidence. The danger is like moving to these high speeds to be stopped. Skip

speed of light with our ships, it was a necessity, when it came to travel within the solar system or spacecraft to travel between the planets. However, the problem presented to us to communicate with interplanetary spacecraft, we occupied the only photons moving at the speed of light, 300 thousand miles per second. This low speed was a big inconvenience to us but it predicted that sooner or later it would change. For example, when Mars was in superior conjunction with us, or at maximum distance to the other side of the sun, equivalent to 378 million miles from us, they needed to wait sometimes more than twenty minutes to receive a communication from our friends at the citadel of research on Mars. Our response is delayed another twenty minutes only on the return trip, or had to have almost an hour to get a simple communication by letter. Talk in real time or is awaiting a response to each statement was impossible. Of course this problem should ever be surpassed. Pass the speed of light was a challenge because we had for the communications-related effects. When flying between the planets need a communication that is as far as possible, almost instantaneous, the speed of light is almost instantaneous for internal purposes here on Earth. The team of physicists Albert Einstein Jewish, to somehow explain some recent phenomena in the early last century in the research being conducted in physical science, to exit Step postulated that the speed of light was the maximum speed in the universe. This happened in the first decade at the beginning of last century when nobody thought they needed a higher speed, then it was accepted almost without discussion. The authority of these physical impairments produced for experiments to demonstrate that they were wrong. These drawbacks to research were given at the beginning of last century by the prejudices that could not be put into question the sacred principles of the Theory of Relativity supported by this eminent group of physicists. Nevertheless, this rate was suddenly overcome, in U.S. laboratories, several times and in 2000. Now you can send messages to many thousands of times the speed of light. The stars that we have come very close communication with this increasingly rapid. We've become a sort of omnipotent rational beings in the universe to which we all, 15 billion human beings Census 2060, helping to transform. From the experience drawn from this unusual application of the speed of light, and according to our philosophy of science conclude that nothing is sacred, immovable or unreachable. What seems impossible today, the future with the rapid scientific progress, it will naturally possible.

The giant spacecraft now and most of the other wonderful things we have built today are simply amazing. When I was young I could only think that these wonders, could come to have in a real world in many hundreds of years. For example thought that these types of spacecraft, may come after a hundred years or more beyond the year 2500. In any case I thought of these huge vehicles like spacecraft that we know today, but I never imagined them with a transport capacity of 5000 people. At the end of last century, in the conversations at tea time, when we played this topic chatting with friends, always came Question: Do you think teacher in flying saucers? Question that was very fashionable, it involves believing in the possibilities of a spacecraft that traffic speeds were necessarily higher than that carried the planets themselves. This was to respond immediately because it is impossible to give these dishes these enormous speeds energy expenditure is brutal! But more than one, with much imagination, he insisted saying that he engaged people of other civilizations developed. Continued to argue that those who come on these ships to visit us from other planets, they come no matter the speed of any planet because they have nuclear power. Their ships acquired high speed as they had enormous energy available, compared to what we used. This was not original to some people but it was a very famous invention. So they invented the stories of the appearance of flying saucers were "Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs." These flying saucers in terms of speed, the spacecraft was envisioned as similar to those we have now. As regards the conduct of the alleged owners of UFOs, for us they are just as dangerous enemies imagined. All they said claimed to have seen the Martians or Saturnian who came in there were so monstrous. They had not spoken with them, but claimed that they did not come to no good. Today we know that any civilization of rational beings will never destroy another civilization made by other rational beings. How we would be glad if we found other rational beings in this universe so huge! If we are a civilization more advanced civilization than criminal and absurd they would kill them. Since earnestly seek and desire to help find them master the laws of nature or whether they are more advanced than we ask them to help us. We want to help other hypothetical rational beings who exist in any other corner of the universe and how we enjoy a powerful Reason we do not destroy them. We learned to love our neighbors. The barbarian mentality that dominated the Indian military conquerors of colonial times and has happily disappeared. These conquerors used the first scientific and technological advances to atrocities. They ruled that the use of crushed metal and killing human beings living in the stone age. This unpleasant and shameful historical situation and was largely superseded by the new Homo sapiens now using his powerful right.

How rational beings would proceed if we found somewhere else in the universe because we have these amazing spacecraft each new generation continues to exceed the speed double the above?. The probability of this happening is negligible. And we leave as we previously established that our realistic calculations indicate the possibility of finding other rational beings is almost nil. This also makes us think then that without any doubt find rational beings, be it an event that we'll be happy to everyone. If the new Homo sapiens treat them badly, so this would be a criminal and irrational attitude as shameful colonial past episode when they killed the Indians.

In this tiny corner of the universe finally triumphed at the end of the second decade Reason of this century-omnipotent. Like so many other consequences arising from the revolutionary triumphant appearance of our Reason, omnipotent hit so often before, there were dramatic changes and transcendent things continue to emerge in all corners of the Earth.

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10.2 The subject of the mysterious attraction of gravity

10.2 The subject of the mysterious attraction of gravity

We have learned that if a planet or satellite that has a greater attraction of gravity than Earth has the worst disgrace to our claims to be able to live there. Try to live in this kind of place can not be solved or the theoretical or practical. If the force of attraction of gravity is less than ours we can artificially increase with a simple rotary motion but the reverse, or reduce or eliminate being close to the surface of the Earth is only possible in free fall. For those who are still in our home planet's gravity is impossible to remove, being supported on the surface of it. This is "forbidden" in the axiomatic foundations of the principles of physics. But gravity is eliminated in the Earth's surface over time or be in the seconds that elapse during the entire free fall. Gravity does not exist for the paratroopers, for example, in the early days when these people are released from an airplane or in minutes prior to elapse before the parachute opens. Also removed for a few minutes while a plane down to Earth in a very steep curve apparent that removing aircraft motion parameters and the Earth is actually the same in a vertical free fall.

We believe and accept that in nature there are a range of infinite degrees of attraction of gravity. We say that it is a quality of all matter in the universe and is caused mainly by the amount of matter in our vicinity. This amount of matter is measured just watching this attractive force is gravity. There is thus a zero gravity begins when we are in orbit this is increasing with unknown limits with increasing body mass that originates. How does it affect life and especially human life these different degrees of severity of this pressure? Since the last century many hundreds of the cosmonauts were tested, some experienced weightlessness for more than a year. Now we live more than half of the world's people in the World-weightless. The experiments of the last century and current experiences allow us to draw some important conclusions.

The biggest attraction of gravity than does the Earth is absolutely proven to be very detrimental to the development of life. Raises the interesting question considering that there are different degrees of gravity throughout the universe. When we were living on Earth, then we were in the ideal spot to sustain life? If this were so, then, living in a universe with less gravity pull of the Earth would also be very negative for this purpose, with regard to the development of human life. Fortunately, the ideal point to consider seriously the one with the Earth was completely wrong, it was a false assumption as false as it was formerly assumed that the Earth was the center of the universe. The answer is provided by our own experience and it indicates that zero gravity is much better to keep our lives as rational beings, must submit the whole life we \u200b\u200bhave the heavy gravity on Earth. The first astronauts who walked on the surface of the moon and felt the urge to run and under the intoxicating effects chacotear pleasant to live on the lunar surface that is one-sixth the gravitational pull of the earth's surface. Now we know how tremendously pleasant it is to live in these situations go shedding the heavy pull of gravity is the so-called normal pull of the Earth. Achieving live without gravity was our goal since Yuri Gagarin dream did, we organize and finally succeeded.

The World-weightless delight we can enjoy only us, thanks they are rational beings and by reasoning we could have accurate awareness of the new conditions in which we live in the orbital cosmic world. Only we can manage to live and enjoy the benefits of this new world, it is because we and only we reason and we consciously adapt to new conditions fantastic and avoiding the negative and positive conditions by taking this brave new environment. We know how to deal with relatively minor problems of adaptation, drink water or urinate. These new situations are caused by having no weight, but otherwise the advantages of having no weight is enormous, starting with the break for our bones and muscles. One of the best advantages of having no weight is caused by the ease with which we move flying, just with our muscle strength are capable of moving at high speed. With gravity you have to live virtually in only two dimensions, ie more or less than a flat or almost flat surface. World-weightless, you live and dominate the three dimensions, ie not living in a flat, but in a real three-dimensional space, also for this reason we feel much more free and independent in all our movements.

pets that have moved to live in the cosmos, does not have weight, of course they could not live here without our help, to live here you need a special degree of consciousness and which is denied then we must teach them patiently. In these animals, we have taken the Rings-housing, have ready only after their habitats that have been specially prepared in stalls attended by skilled personnel and robots designed and programmed in this direction. The stables and the regions of fruit tree plantations, are located in a ring that moves perpendicular to the Ring-geostationary and two miles away. There is one stretch of road made of these rings, stables gravity for turning a mile-geostationary ring around its core. Elsewhere that do not yet have built these rings have been built stables other curious animal rooms. For this very special environment have made a number of instruments. Each animal has a set of plastic restraints that hold a degree of freedom but rather fixed to the ground. With the aim of meeting the animals have made very nice things, such as stables for all floors are magnetic and animals have soled shoes have metal and other metal horseshoes. A team of robots specially programmed to meet animals in the weightlessness of the cosmos, they just relief animals begin to miss the balance.

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10.1 Probability of existence of other rational beings in the universe.

Chapter 10


10.1 Odds existence of other rational beings in the universe.

This is an issue that involves a series of interesting questions about it. These questions are about to move to increasingly dominate not only the solar system, but much of the outside universe. It is our desire to develop the answers, or answer, to many of these questions about the possibility of the existence of other rational beings. We will develop here a couple of answers to them.

What are our chances us to find life elsewhere in the universe to other rational beings and also calculate what stage of its existence is more likely to find them?

If optimistically think that one day, even in hundreds of years more, we find another man in this event we attribute to one hundred percent. Assuming that they have developed in the periods of time as we on Earth, that is, taking as an example our own fabulous story, then the hypothetical other rational beings we can apply the same percentage chance of finding them develop. within this one hundred percent to the different periods of time lived on Earth for the Homo sapiens and their ancient ancestors.

Most likely, probably 99.9 percent, or what is the same for every thousand planets on which we can discover inside living rational beings, in 999 of these planets we find human beings living at the time the they only have discovered, Homo sapiens, the art of how to make fire. This assumption is based on that we had to survive knowing only how to use fire during one of the longest periods in the time of our existence as human beings. Finding a rational being like the man coming out of the caves by using fire and spears and arrows in his possession has a much greater chance to find it at other stages of his long life. Finding a living human being the period where a few men-robbers, using tools of war dominated the men for a long period of time, or humans living at the mercy of countries colonizers and dictators like the Roman Empire or of the Pharaohs of Egypt are therefore a less than even chance of finding the caveman. Find perhaps a living human being, almost a millennium, in the ongoing wars in the Middle Ages is still much less than finding under the Roman Empire. Be on another planet with a kind of human being living in liberal democracy on our planet had only slightly more than a hundred years there is still much lower. As a junior when having to face the hypothetical chance to live with a human being living a short period of us human beings or living together in symbiosis with microprocessors or possession of a Reason is much less powerful and still almost a negligible probability .

In summary, the probability of finding as we are rational beings on other planets, is very remote and the probability of finding Homo sapiens in the last stage in which we live today is almost unthinkable. Locate thinking beings living in an upper stage to ours is also much more unlikely. These thinking beings would be possible we find before us than we hypothetically assume them as having means much better than ours for this meeting.

We can make other numerical approaches on the objective probabilities of rational life on other worlds or not we have the opportunity to get to know other Homo sapiens. But an interesting part of the question can be answered without a doubt the point of view of logic.

Because the universe is infinite, the answer can not be negative. So naturally it is possible to find rational beings somewhere in the universe, apart from Homo sapiens came from Earth.

If you think only about the chances of finding living the problem is somewhat simplified. In this delicate problem, if we limit the universe in the field of our galaxy, then it can seriously consider a type of response. In our Galaxy can calculate the odds of living creatures exist in a calculation more delicate and profound who are rational beings and finally the probability that there are rational beings even at our stage of development or with Reason omnipotent.

our Galaxy or Milky Way, which is immersed in the Sun 2 / 7 of its center, is shaped like a disc with a diameter equivalent to 120 thousand light years and consists of 100 000 billion stars. The stars in their vast majority have serious difficulties to have a habitable planet. A lot of stars is the kind of double stars and triple and therefore move together around a particular center of gravity, if one has a planet it must move in a highly elliptical orbit and this rules out any possibility of life. Highly elliptical orbit means that it zooms in and out of the rock star and this makes temperature at an unbearable level for life. There are many other problems that can better appreciate the focus for this topic the other planets of the Solar System. Unfortunately in the solar system only Earth is eligible to develop life. It is only possible life on a planet that has a temperature ranging between the Earth. This inconvenience and continue to add new parameters entering the calculation did not do nothing but remove the chance of survival. Thus science will absolutely rule out the possibilities of life first course in all the stars that have planets and then discarded those with planets are binary but also all the other stars that are forming part of a group. You have to discount then, those stars have planets being lonely too large compared with the Earth's gravitational field implies unbearable in its surface and so-so. With our powerful tools has been carefully explored all sites found within 30 light years. It remains to explore the other side much larger than our Galaxy, but the probability of finding life hopes are still very remote. This is not a pessimistic approach because we have this great joy of collecting these excellent conditions in which we have developed and for sure we will expand to the infinite. Following

use and abuse of mathematics in terms of probabilities, I must warn you also have to find life in the cosmos of our Galaxy even at the level of mammals is a fantastic event, your chances are so negligible that if this happens then it would be a coincidence almost incomprehensible. When the time had perhaps thousands of years and after finding life on many millions of stars, the probability that there is one rational beings life is still very low. The Earth must have passed by many billions of years before life appeared and when it appeared living millions of years passed in a slow evolution, all this happened before the appearance of the man who through his omnipotent reason became terminal of evolution on Earth.

pass I will tell something very specific that is not speculation, which has already been a finish and answer the question. Is there life in the Solar System? Here the answer will very briefly telling drawbacks to the development of life have different planets of the Solar System. Begin by analyzing the difficulties of the planets closest to the sun to reach the most distant past of our Solar System.

Within the Solar System is not just coincidence that our Earth was a paradise for the beginning of life. Better if another planet in our system then life would have evolved, at least, thousands of years before there and also if your paradise for the evolutionary development of life is higher than on Earth, then that would still be better for the environment life on our planet. These human beings, being in our solar system, we have visited at least a thousand times.

know for sure, for having tested several times by our astronauts researchers, once colonized by us unfortunately there was no life, no part of our Solar System. The reasons for this are now very clear and known and then the recall. Mercury is a planet with a thin atmosphere, if this can be called atmosphere, and on its surface, being the closest to the sun, you infernal temperatures hundreds of degrees (330 ° C) on the surface because this temperature certainly can not be kept there or the state water liquid. The planet Venus, our nearest neighbor, having a very positive thing, that is to have almost the same size as Earth, but unfortunately it has an atmosphere with elements harmful to human beings and the surface has a temperature of 450 ° Celsius and a pressure equivalent to that of the old steam boilers. Where then all life on this planet is totally impossible that may be developed. Our conclusion to live on the surface of Venus is that it is unthinkable as it is to believe in the possibility of living within a caldera, with many atmospheres of pressure and temperature hundreds of degrees.

After finding all possible trace of life on Mercury and Venus, two planets closest to the Sun for its temperatures as hell, always follow my description from the Sun, in third place is situated our Earth. As a planet, having oxygen atmosphere and temperature, is a haven of havens to develop and sustain life. In recent times, with the departure of Yuri Gagarin into space and found our paradise had a tremendous amount of things for us to live. This first visit to the cosmos on the other hand allowed us to realize that unfortunately had a very damaging thing for the prolongation of life and of course to keep our happiness, this was having to live within a gravitational field caused by the Earth itself. Having to live dragging this enormous weight of sixty or more kilos was a great misfortune that is resolved later.

Following our analysis of the potential development of life in the solar system we know that after the Earth, always moving away from the Sun, followed by Mars. The planet Mars, relying on computers made by our great technology, is the only planet that can partially support some of its own natural conditions to live. It has a nice attraction of gravity of a third that of Earth. Starting from 2020, living there taking turns each year, some scientists astronauts. Mars does not have an oxygen atmosphere such as ours, in its thin atmosphere has some carbon dioxide which is known formula CO ². By having only a tiny amount of carbon dioxide have not been able to use even for an emergency, the decomposition of CO ² very scarce, for this disintegration some of their oxygen. Given these difficulties all the initial oxygen to fill housing sites was from the Earth's atmosphere. The places where people live on Mars are under tight hoods. The people of our colony on Mars by renewing the oxygen green plants which should be helped with artificial light as sunlight is very weak there. Oxygen is a real treasure and especially when we are living beyond our planet. The Sun seen from Mars very dwarfed. At night the temperature is very inhospitable, is less than 65 degrees Celsius. To live on its surface, of course astronauts should stay there, in domes with air at normal pressure. It needed to get air, not only to Mars but many other parts of the cosmos, the Earth's atmosphere was and is our inexhaustible reservoir of oxygen. Has been necessary from Earth, during the last thirty years, large quantities of air at different places in the Solar System. The air is now sometimes carried into space in a natural, normal pressure in large drums. The most common case is to carry air down to ten atmospheres, in drums of 50 meters long, or in some special cases in small liquid containers. It takes this liquid and its temperature is lowered dramatically to reach critical temperature and pressure. As the procedure is costly is carried from Earth in order to reduce its volume, making it more convenient for transport and to carry only emergency in the spacecraft. LNG is a very simple process consisting not press it and lower its temperature to minus 193 degrees Celsius. The planet Mars is having some good conditions compared to other planets, such as the attraction of gravity which is 0.377 of Earth being under the force of gravity produces a very nice situation. Possess only 37.7 percent of our weight we can have much more strength there and may move into the hoods with air very easily. Mars, unfortunately has the disadvantage that has virtually no atmosphere, it is very thin surface. The thin atmosphere that is left is mostly carbon dioxide and therefore toxic, and with no free oxygen. Mars has two moons Phobos and Deimos are very irregular and low mass. These satellites have recently been able to draw many of its minerals and served for the construction of numerous cities and space. Permanently from there are brought large pieces of rock hundreds of feet long, the volume of minerals brought from Deimos and Phobos is enormous.

planets beyond Mars, have very inadequate conditions for life because the Sun is visible from them very small, almost like a star. Apart from that Jupiter has another drawback much older, has 318 times the mass of the Earth and this causes an attraction of gravity on the surface of 2.5 times that of our planet. Living on the surface we crush car unable to bear our own weight, if we tried to live there or something similar would happen to us worse than the way in which crush the whales as they become stranded on beaches or out to sea.

Saturn is 95.2 times Earth's mass and therefore gravity too unbearable, also has no "surface or land." Jupiter and Saturn, two planets are due to its enormous size a temperature of over one hundred and eighty degrees on the part of its atmosphere.

Of the planets that follow, after Jupiter and Saturn, always moving away from the Sun, most have unbearably low temperatures, over a hundred degrees below zero. The Sun is visible from that area, almost like a star, so much in them is eternal night. The major and insurmountable obstacles, so live on the surface of a planet, is generated by the inconvenience of having more gravitational force than does Earth. This unfortunately happens in almost all planets beyond Mars. As larger and have more mass have more gravity than Earth, apart from other drawbacks to life, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, the only smaller in diameter than the Earth is the last, Pluto. Life on the latter planet is utterly inconceivable. Its huge distance from the Sun makes its surface there is a extremely low temperature, it is less than 230 degrees Celsius.

This possess greater gravity than does the Earth is of course a natural consequence of those planets have more mass than ours. Supporting our own weight only our bones would not hold much time there on the surface of planets like Jupiter and Saturn. Another problem is that they are very far from us and the sun and we are responsible for colonizing and also we do not like dark places and distant and much less with the hated gravitational attractions. When the computer analyzes the probabilities associated with our claims to be able to live on the surface of a planet or satellite, you must provide all the latest information about it. After a few seconds warns us, the computer, first thing if we go there and making a statement on a question Have you thought that this star is more serious than even the odious and terrible gravity of the earth?. There on the surface can not stay alive even for an hour!

In summary, the rational life like ours or any life something similar, as we have practically demonstrated, there is nowhere else in the solar system and theoretically demonstrated that there is probably no rational life anywhere else in the known universe . Except that we, at this time, we leading many of its corners.

Every day of the year by our powerful tools we call star, asking about the existence of other rational beings. We do not kick in all directions and from all corners of the universe, seeking a response to some hypothetical rational.

The answer does not come even though the ship at a speed of more than half a million times faster than the speed of light. No response to our desperate calls, even making use of the fantastic new infrafotones speed or the old speed of photons of light. It is becoming more likely in this area almost infinite field space and time, only we are aware that we live and also have knowledge that there is the infinite universe. Now by the judicious use of reason here for his new conditions we call it Reason, omnipotent, we have become the most powerful of the universe The great universe now known!

We have stopped the classical evolution and have taken a different evolutionary direction wise up to become the be fair, most good and have more energy, strength and power, never even imagined by any civilization, Homo sapiens above.

Thanks to the spread of education, which originated by globalization of cultures, a few decades ago that the love of others is regarded as something inborn in every normal rational beings, whatever their skin color or eye shape. Realizing that no human beings in the cosmic elsewhere, we have consciously become the protectors of all peoples who unfortunately had inferior education and culture. Now, from children, we learn that our brain is a jewel in the rest of the universe and all races of human beings without exception are cerebrally equal. We are told that we have many fantastic instruments, one of them sent to the below cosmos photons moving with a speed of more than half a million times faster than light. We also teach that we are owners of the infinite cosmos giants, who constantly sent messages to all the thousands of stars with planets around us asking if there are rational beings. Since there is no response we understand that unfortunately there probably other rational beings with our culture or cultures over our area at least in areas within a radius of thousands of light years.

But we're not lonely, we multiply each year at a rate higher than the previous year. Our robots also increase rapidly in number and help us in each new generation more effectively. The concept of cosmic loneliness an anguish is not, becomes a source of pride for us to possess the Almighty Reason.