Friday, March 25, 2011

Meralgia Paresthetica Anyone

Japan, Part 15

continent of Asia, Oceania and America
Asia and America
natural Fenomeno
Dale notes kick in , and read the information

Thursday March 24, 2011:

El-prototipo2: ALL
living Japan, America and the Pacific:

Japan; security radiation:
Nuclear Safety Agency of Japan said today that the reactor containment vessel number 3 of the Fukushima nuclear plant could be damaged, after detection in the water with high levels of a wheel radiactividad.En press, a UN spokesman said the water Japan Radiation may come from the reactor core, so it "can not rule out" that you damage the containment vessel but insisted "it is premature to offer conclusions."

added that it is also possible that the fluid comes from the fuel storage pool of same reactor, although they considered a less probable.
Two employees subcontracted by TEPCO, the operator of the nuclear plant were hospitalized yesterday after being exposed to excessive radiation when working in a turbine room near the reactor 3 and flooded with contaminated water.
According nuclear safety agency, the liquid had a concentration of 3.9 million becquerels of radioactive material per cubic centimeter, a level 10,000 more than would normally have water within a nuclear reactor active.
Fukushima Operators, with the help of firefighters from Tokyo and the city of Kawasaki, resumed today water injection on units 2, 3 and 4 of the plant, while trying to revive the bombs to launch their refrigeration systems.
The earthquake and tsunami that struck two weeks ago northeastern Japan caused serious damage to the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, where operators work day and night ever since to contain the leakage of radioactivity.
The government evacuated a 20-kilometer radius around the plant while recommended to those who live within a radius of between 20 and 30 miles to stay in their homes, while today the minister spokesman Yukio Edan, encouraged these people to voluntarily leave the area. Edan
insisted that by the time the Executive has no plans to expand the evacuation zone, but said it was "preferable" that people leave the site voluntarily to the trouble to get them supplies.
Japan, Salio radiation from the country for 2 passengers:
Two Japanese who traveled from Tokyo to Wuxi, a city of central China (Jiangsu province) did not pass the control dosimetry at the airport, so they were admitted to a regional hospital immediately upon arrival on board the flight ZH 9056.
The check in the arrivals area was a high X-ray emission, although during the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant both were at a distance of 200 to 350 kilometers from the source of radioactive contamination, as reported to the authorities responsible for safety and quarantine.
The State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said in a statement that the control "indicated a high excess of standards established by the two passengers," without specifying what the exact level. The statement said the X-ray dose received no danger to people around those affected, only for themselves. However, the case was considered so serious that "their luggage and clothes were destroyed."
After the accident in central Japan, the authorities further monitoring in all parts of its border controls to prevent some radioactive substances from entering the territory. Pay special attention to control of food products imported from Japan. Special Services maintains a daily monitoring of the presence of radioactive nuclides in sea water and air.
A similar control is performed in the Russian Far Eastern regions. Thus, in the Khabarovsk region nearly 1,300 passengers Japan underwent a dosimetric control in the two international airports in this country. Carried out regular tests of radiation in airplanes flying in coastal areas and rivers. So far there has been no case of radiation levels above acceptable limits as established, worldwide exposure rate between 4 and 16 microroentgens per hour, while up to 25 mR / h correspond to the standard established in this area.
Meanwhile, the Japanese engineers reported in a section of the turbines in Fukushima radiation levels exceeding 10,000 times the maximum levels consistent with human presence. High levels of radiation might be the result of deterioration in a container tank reactor 3.

Japan: Follow the radioactivity:
The high radioactivity makes the efforts of workers in some areas of the Fukushima nuclear plant, where water has been detected with a radiation 10,000 times the normal.A early today, looked out white steam from the reactors 1.3 and 4, whose temperature you control from the earthquake that struck two weeks ago northeastern Japan and severely damaged the nuclear power plant to 250 km Tokyo. Yesterday, two subcontractors of TEPCO, the company operating the plant, were hospitalized after being exposed to a radioactivity of between 173 and 180 millisievert while extending electrical wires near the reactor 3, in a turbine building flooded.
TEPCO today detailed the water in that building had a radiation level superarior 10,000 times normal, with a concentration of 3.9 million becquerels of radioactive material per cubic centimeter.
This could be due to damage to fuel rods that are in the reactor or pool storage unit 3, according to experts consultados.Esta situation forced to temporarily evacuate the vicinity of the unit, while Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Banri Kaieda, spoke today of "security failures."
The high radioactivity also makes the work in other areas of the plant, as recognized today for Nuclear Safety Agency of Japan.
addition to the two hospital employees, a third was yesterday exposed to radiation up to 180 millisievert in the same place, which are now 17 operators in Fukushima exposed to more than 100 millisievert, usually considered the maximum under emergency conditions.
However, for the specific case of the plant in Fukushima Japan Government has authorized to raise up to 250 millisievert.
Since Monday it has been partially restore electricity in the control rooms of units 1 and 3, while continuing the work of water injection and efforts to restore the cooling system of the plant.

Japan, 2 weeks in a nutshell:
Two weeks before the earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan, the Nuclear Security Agency of that country acknowledged Friday that the vessel containment reactor number 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station could be damaged, after the area was detected in the presence of water with high levels of radioactivity.

In a press conference, Hidehiko Nishiyama, spokesman for the agency, said water with radiation could come from the reactor core, so it "can not rule out" that you damage the vessel or tank containment, while stressing that "it is premature to offer conclusions." Japanese engineers working in the Fukushima nuclear plant, located 240 kilometers north of Tokyo, reported that the water in reactor number 3 shows levels of contamination 10,000 times more radioactive than normal.

The earthquake and subsequent tsunami caused serious damage to the nuclear power plant, whose reactor 3 was damaged by a hydrogen explosion on 14 March.
On Thursday, two workers were hospitalized after their feet exposed to contaminated water without using appropriate protective boots while trying to restore power in that reactor. Taken
unsung heroes who are exposed to unknown dangers, some 300 engineers working in Fukushima day and night to contain the leaks of radioactivity in the complex of six reactors.
However, on Thursday had to leave some parts of the complex when the workers they replaced a cable near the unit number 3 were exposed to high pollution when standing on radioactive water.
All were taken to a hospital with possible radiation burns after they dropped water on his boots. Measures

Meanwhile, the authorities ordered the implementation of new emergency procedures in the area.
The government decided to evacuate a 20-kilometer radius around the plant in Fukushima and recommended to those living in a radius of 20 and 30 miles to stay in their homes, although the Minister spokesman Yukio Edan, went further and advised them to voluntarily leave the area.
Operators of the plant, with the help of firefighters, resumed Friday on water injection units 2, 3 and 4 of the plant, while trying to revive the bombs to start spraying cooling systems with seawater.

Official sources reported that the death toll from the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan exceeded 10,000, while hundreds of thousands of people still live in temporary shelters.
Some 660,000 families still have no water service and more than 209,000 remain without power.
Fears of radiation on the ground and beyond, radioactive particles were found in Iceland is the worst crisis in Japan since the Second World War.
As Tokyo correspondent adds, Mark Worthington, two Japanese tourists who arrived in China on a flight from the Japanese capital are being treated in hospital for high levels of radiation, although it is unclear how it contaminated.
addition to causing the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl in 1986, the earthquake and tsunami left nearly 27,400 people dead or missing in the northeast.

In update within 24 hours of the day

is a divided by dates so that you can have better quality of vision and This information is not heavy on their computers:
(Give them the dates kick)

Friday March 11
Saturday March 12
Sunday March 13
Monday March 14
Tuesday March 15
Wednesday March 16
Thursday March 17
Friday March 18
Saturday March 19
Sunday March 20
Monday March 21

Updated every day that passes

El-prototipo2, mantubo was reported from the turning point to and the continuing reports of all the details in Japan and America.
keeps you better informed now live.

The correct information

* More than 100 earthquakes in Japan the "March 12, 2011" and continued until the last moments
* 35 earthquakes of 2.2 to 4.7 in America are registered in the tsunami
Gif animator. Dale kick:)


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