Friday, March 25, 2011

How Can Replace A Rizla

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natural Fenomeno
Dale notes kick in , and reads the information
Friday March 25, 2011
spokesman for the Office of Emergency Situations Ministry of Russia in North Ossetia Julia Starchenko. According to his accident occurred around noon today. The cause of the accident on the gondola ski station Tsey was a strong wind.
-Due to a strong gust of wind broke the string "old" cable car, which broke the power cord for the car "new" cable - says Yulia Starchenko. From the cable car stop suddenly suffered 12 years of adolescence. The boy came to the area with his family in Moscow. Now a child with a leg injury was taken to a children's hospital in Vladikavkaz.
Rescuers international police departments and Nara of the North Ossetian search and rescue team immediately MOE reach people who were in the cable car.
The rescue operation lasted about two hours. From the place of PE 115 people were evacuated.
сообщила руководитель пресс-службы Управления МЧС России по Северной Julia Starchenko Ossetia. According to her accident happened around noon today. The cause of the accident on the cable car ski resort Tsey was a strong wind.
- Due to a strong gust of wind was broken rope "old" cable car, which broke the power cable to the "new" cable car - says Yulia Starchenko. From the sudden stop ropeway suffered 12 years of a teenager. The boy arrived at the resort with his family from Moscow. Now a child with injuries leg was taken to a children's hospital in Vladikavkaz.
Rescuers tional police departments and Nara North Ossetian search and rescue group MOE immediately reach the people who were on the cable car.
rescue operation took about two hours. From the place of PE were evacuated 115 people.


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