Saturday, March 26, 2011

Real And Fake Aquamaster Watches

c'mon, we already

I'll take
Colombo deivit

Friday, March 25, 2011

How Long Does It Take Tapeworm Medicine To Work

Another year


The usurer porrudo is seen that there is very lucky to be said with sponsorship. In fact his bank never sponsored anything ever. Now that the promised retirement is happy with Ferrari, Alonso, the girls in the paddock, Lobato .., for nothing. A year patomarporculo the car is worth. You can now make way for getting the Kers and rear spoiler mobile ortho. No more early mornings for this.

As Alonso only comment that has been severely affected by the syndrome of Carlos Sainz, that is, two championships and counting. The last year and was severe leaving snatch the championship in the final race with an agonizing "about to overtake" as background sound. There

na do ..


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Peru, 90 days to improve the EIA

Aamer Continent (South)
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Friday March 25, 2011
The MEM gave this term to remedy the Southern comments Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the copper project in Arequipa.
The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) reported that the Southern Peru Copper Corporation will have a maximum of 90 working days to address the full of the observations made by the United Nations Office Services for Project Services (UNOPS) for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Tia Maria copper project.
The head of the General Directorate of Mining Environmental Affairs (DGAAM) Felipe Ramirez, said his office is the competent body that assesses the Tia Maria project EIA using as main input the comments made by UNOPS.
also emphasized that these observations will be complemented with those made by the technicians themselves DGAAM and exposed in the participation process. "UNOPS has issued a first report with observations on the copper project which, once reviewed by the Board shall be forwarded to the company so that they may remedy them within 90 working days," he said.
He added that once made the relief by Southern, and if found not to comply with any comments or raise not filed the level of detail requested, a second report will be issued requiring the miner to lift the remaining observations within the time allowed for it.
For the evaluation of the mining project EIA Tia Maria in the Southern Peru, the ministry requested the assistance of UNOPS signed an agreement which, under the General Administrative Procedure Act.
Peru 21

How To Clean Galvanized Trailer

Peru, 720 km in danger

Continent of America (south)
natural phenomenon
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Friday March 25, 2011
720 km square glaciers in Peru in 1970, are now only 510, said today at a conference Cesar Portocarrero, engineer Glaciology Unit of Peru.
said the retreat of small glaciers is much faster, some are 70 percent less surface now than in 1970, he warned.
said that in addition to environmental impact, the sliding of one part of the glacier sometimes carries with consequences for the population.
"In remote areas does not affect people but can be a part of the glacier falling on a pond "in the Cordillera Blanca nearly 830, he said.
Calls preventive measures to avoid risk to the population
Although, according to official figures, only about three or four lakes located in Huaraz, Carhuaz and the famous Callejon de Huaylas, constitute a high risk to the inhabitants of the Peruvian highlands.
"The glacial lakes, which are formed by melting snow, are those that generate floods, push all the material without distinction, although sometimes levees are "strong enough to protect the inhabitants, said the expert.
To Portocarrero, is essential to implement prevention measures, including citing the drain of the pond and building dams to prevent disasters like the 1941, when a flood in Huaraz killed about 5,000 people.
aware of the danger of floods, engineers undertook in the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca 34 works to protect the population and was soon joined by new, as projected for a pond that stores 17 million cubic meters of water (compared to 3.6 million in 2003). Efe

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Bolivia, Rains affect the country

Continent of America (south)
natural Fenomeno
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Friday March 25, 2011
rains that have hit Bolivia in recent months have displaced thousands of families and killed around 70 people.

Heavy rains, which experts say are related to the weather phenomenon La Nina, also caused widespread damage.
In recent weeks the World Food Programme United Nations across the country distributed tons of food to help the victims.
However, many communities still need funds to rebuild infrastructure damaged by the water and give a home to those who lost everything. BBC

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Peru, Apurimac Emergency Overflow of river

Continente de America (Sur)
Fenomeno natural
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Friday March 25, 2011
Pacucha Lagoon overflowed and affected more than 100 homes. Meanwhile, the Executive decided to extend the state of emergency in the area.
Pacucha Overflow lagoon in the province of Andahuaylas, Apurimac, far left two thousand people homeless. The fact is the result of heavy rains that occur over several weeks in the area.
estimated rainfall has inundated more than one hundred homes and destroyed several fields in nearby communities such as Tahuantinsuyo and Anccopaccha, RPP reported.
While Mayor Pacucha, Plácido Onzueta, requesting support for the Civil Defense Committees and the Regional Government, the Executive decided to extend the state of emergency in various localities of the department.
The supreme decree, published today in the official gazette El Peruano, seeks the implementation of immediate action in reducing and minimizing the risks and as in the work of care and rehabilitation.

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Outside the planet, polar exploration

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Friday March 25, 2011
launches automatic interplanetary station "Luna-Resurs" and "Luna-Glob" for the exploration of polar regions Earth's natural satellite is planned for the years 2013-2014, according to Victor Jártov, builder and general director of the Company Lavochkin Research and Production, a company that deals with the construction of spacecraft.
As reported by the specialist, the exploration program of the Moon called 'Luna-Glob "which will be held to consider the satellite from orbit and conduct several experiments on its surface, was fixed late last year.
According to this correction, the program will build two interplanetary automatic stations: A space station and one that will be used to make a landing in a polar region of the Moon. Also, the launch of 'Luna-Glob "is planned for 2013-2014.
addition, currently Russia's cooperation with India is developing another project to study the Earth's satellite, "Luna-Resurs', in India called Chandayan-2-. The work for this project are being carried out under the program. The launch of the interplanetary station "Luna-Resurs' is planned for late 2013, Jártov.
The specialist also reported that India's portion for this project develops an orbital mill, and a tiny 'Lunokhod', a small rover remote control, and provide the GSLV carrier rocket for launch. In turn, the Russians are building a lander which will place the complex scientific devices and the 'rover' Indian.
Russia has vast experience in exploring the Earth's natural satellite. The Soviet robotic probe 'Luna 16' for the first time succeeded in bringing to Earth 105 grams of lunar soil. The automatic station 'Luna 17' led to the moon 'Lunokhod 1', the first research vehicle driven from the Earth's surface of another celestial body. This mission came into the history of space flight with many records beaten yet. Rt

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Russian satellite, with all

Continent of Europe and Asia
natural Fenomeno
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Friday March 25, 2011
spokesman for the Office of Emergency Situations Ministry of Russia in North Ossetia Julia Starchenko. According to his accident occurred around noon today. The cause of the accident on the gondola ski station Tsey was a strong wind.
-Due to a strong gust of wind broke the string "old" cable car, which broke the power cord for the car "new" cable - says Yulia Starchenko. From the cable car stop suddenly suffered 12 years of adolescence. The boy came to the area with his family in Moscow. Now a child with a leg injury was taken to a children's hospital in Vladikavkaz.
Rescuers international police departments and Nara of the North Ossetian search and rescue team immediately MOE reach people who were in the cable car.
The rescue operation lasted about two hours. From the place of PE 115 people were evacuated.
сообщила руководитель пресс-службы Управления МЧС России по Северной Julia Starchenko Ossetia. According to her accident happened around noon today. The cause of the accident on the cable car ski resort Tsey was a strong wind.
- Due to a strong gust of wind was broken rope "old" cable car, which broke the power cable to the "new" cable car - says Yulia Starchenko. From the sudden stop ropeway suffered 12 years of a teenager. The boy arrived at the resort with his family from Moscow. Now a child with injuries leg was taken to a children's hospital in Vladikavkaz.
Rescuers tional police departments and Nara North Ossetian search and rescue group MOE immediately reach the people who were on the cable car.
rescue operation took about two hours. From the place of PE were evacuated 115 people.

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Rafagas Namibia, The first environmental studies by Tsumeb

Continent of Africa
environmental study
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Friday March 25 2011 English
The first results of an ongoing environmental impact of the Tsumeb smelter were announced at a public meeting last week.
The study, being conducted by Synergistics Environmental Services of South Africa, was commissioned again in 2009 by Namibia Custom Smelters to identify environmental risks associated with foundry operations .
samples of air, water, soil and noise and measurements taken in and around Tsumeb smelter and in the last two years was the basis of the impact assessment.
The results confirmed that the annual emissions of sulfur dioxide exceeding international guidelines in some places, while the concentrations of lead and cadmium released into the atmosphere fall below international exposure guidelines.
also found that the historic sites of debris located in the foundry to have some levels of arsenic, lead and cadmium. However, it was found that the buffering capacity of the soils underlying dolomitic prevents exhaust pollutants in the soil profile. Other areas southwest of the smelter signs show that the trace elements come from natural mineralization.
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were considered high in water that escapes the tar pits, but are usually insoluble.
The evaluation showed that some wells north of the old tailings dam is characterized by high levels of sulfates caused by chemicals used when copper and lead were recovered from the old Tsumeb mine. It also showed that some soils of the northwest of the smelter had levels high levels of some pollutants from dust smelting operations.
however, confirmed that the water out of the foundry property is within the guidelines for drinking water.
"Fundamental noise impacts identified in the assessment are related to the level of noise emissions from the smelter operations based oxygen and occasional explosions" from the slag tapping. However, levels noise are well within the international reference values \u200b\u200bfor both day and night times.
On the ecological side, we found that sulfur dioxide levels higher than guidelines for the protection of vegetation and ecosystems around the immediate periphery of the smelting site. There were also reports of minor damage to plant leaf gardens of the city. There has been no visible change in vegetation cover around the foundry since 2000, although the local foundry to show signs of invasion of invasive plant species, "the company said in a statement.

The first results of an Ongoing Environmental Impact Assessment of the Tsumeb Smelter Were Announced at a public meeting last week.
The study, which is being conducted by Synergistics Environmental Services of South Africa, was commissioned back in 2009 by Namibia Custom Smelters in order to identify environmental risks associated with smelter operations.
Air, water, soil and noise samples and measurements taken in and around the smelter complex and Tsumeb over the past two years formed the basis of the impact assessment.
The results confirmed that annual sulphur dioxide emissions exceed international guidelines in some places, while concentrations of lead and cadmium released into the atmosphere fall below international exposure guidelines.
It was also discovered that historical waste sites located at the smelter have some levels of arsenic, lead and cadmium. However, it was found that the natural buffering capacity of the underlying dolomitic soils prevents the contaminants from escaping into the soil profile. Other areas southwest of the smelter show signs that trace elements originate from natural mineralisation.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were found to be high in water leaking from tar pits, but these are generally insoluble.
The assessment showed that some boreholes north of the old tailings dam are characterised by elevated levels of sulphates caused by chemicals used when copper and lead were recovered from the old Tsumeb Mine. It also showed that some soils northwest of the smelter had elevated levels of some contaminants originating from dust from smelter operations.
However, it was confirmed that the water outside of the smelter property is within drinking water guidelines.
“Key noise impacts identified in the assessment are related to the level of noise emissions from the smelter-based oxygen plant and occasional operational “explosions” from slag tapping. However, the noise levels fall well within international guideline values for both day and night times.
On the ecological side, it was found that sulphur dioxide levels exceed guidelines for the protection of vegetation and ecosystems around the immediate periphery of the smelter site. Reports were also received of minor plant leaf damage from some gardens in town. There has been no visible change in vegetation cover surrounding the smelter since 2000, although the smelter premises show signs of encroachment by invader plant species,” the company said in a statement.

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Japan, Part 15

continent of Asia, Oceania and America
Asia and America
natural Fenomeno
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Thursday March 24, 2011:

El-prototipo2: ALL
living Japan, America and the Pacific:

Japan; security radiation:
Nuclear Safety Agency of Japan said today that the reactor containment vessel number 3 of the Fukushima nuclear plant could be damaged, after detection in the water with high levels of a wheel radiactividad.En press, a UN spokesman said the water Japan Radiation may come from the reactor core, so it "can not rule out" that you damage the containment vessel but insisted "it is premature to offer conclusions."

added that it is also possible that the fluid comes from the fuel storage pool of same reactor, although they considered a less probable.
Two employees subcontracted by TEPCO, the operator of the nuclear plant were hospitalized yesterday after being exposed to excessive radiation when working in a turbine room near the reactor 3 and flooded with contaminated water.
According nuclear safety agency, the liquid had a concentration of 3.9 million becquerels of radioactive material per cubic centimeter, a level 10,000 more than would normally have water within a nuclear reactor active.
Fukushima Operators, with the help of firefighters from Tokyo and the city of Kawasaki, resumed today water injection on units 2, 3 and 4 of the plant, while trying to revive the bombs to launch their refrigeration systems.
The earthquake and tsunami that struck two weeks ago northeastern Japan caused serious damage to the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, where operators work day and night ever since to contain the leakage of radioactivity.
The government evacuated a 20-kilometer radius around the plant while recommended to those who live within a radius of between 20 and 30 miles to stay in their homes, while today the minister spokesman Yukio Edan, encouraged these people to voluntarily leave the area. Edan
insisted that by the time the Executive has no plans to expand the evacuation zone, but said it was "preferable" that people leave the site voluntarily to the trouble to get them supplies.
Japan, Salio radiation from the country for 2 passengers:
Two Japanese who traveled from Tokyo to Wuxi, a city of central China (Jiangsu province) did not pass the control dosimetry at the airport, so they were admitted to a regional hospital immediately upon arrival on board the flight ZH 9056.
The check in the arrivals area was a high X-ray emission, although during the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant both were at a distance of 200 to 350 kilometers from the source of radioactive contamination, as reported to the authorities responsible for safety and quarantine.
The State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said in a statement that the control "indicated a high excess of standards established by the two passengers," without specifying what the exact level. The statement said the X-ray dose received no danger to people around those affected, only for themselves. However, the case was considered so serious that "their luggage and clothes were destroyed."
After the accident in central Japan, the authorities further monitoring in all parts of its border controls to prevent some radioactive substances from entering the territory. Pay special attention to control of food products imported from Japan. Special Services maintains a daily monitoring of the presence of radioactive nuclides in sea water and air.
A similar control is performed in the Russian Far Eastern regions. Thus, in the Khabarovsk region nearly 1,300 passengers Japan underwent a dosimetric control in the two international airports in this country. Carried out regular tests of radiation in airplanes flying in coastal areas and rivers. So far there has been no case of radiation levels above acceptable limits as established, worldwide exposure rate between 4 and 16 microroentgens per hour, while up to 25 mR / h correspond to the standard established in this area.
Meanwhile, the Japanese engineers reported in a section of the turbines in Fukushima radiation levels exceeding 10,000 times the maximum levels consistent with human presence. High levels of radiation might be the result of deterioration in a container tank reactor 3.

Japan: Follow the radioactivity:
The high radioactivity makes the efforts of workers in some areas of the Fukushima nuclear plant, where water has been detected with a radiation 10,000 times the normal.A early today, looked out white steam from the reactors 1.3 and 4, whose temperature you control from the earthquake that struck two weeks ago northeastern Japan and severely damaged the nuclear power plant to 250 km Tokyo. Yesterday, two subcontractors of TEPCO, the company operating the plant, were hospitalized after being exposed to a radioactivity of between 173 and 180 millisievert while extending electrical wires near the reactor 3, in a turbine building flooded.
TEPCO today detailed the water in that building had a radiation level superarior 10,000 times normal, with a concentration of 3.9 million becquerels of radioactive material per cubic centimeter.
This could be due to damage to fuel rods that are in the reactor or pool storage unit 3, according to experts consultados.Esta situation forced to temporarily evacuate the vicinity of the unit, while Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Banri Kaieda, spoke today of "security failures."
The high radioactivity also makes the work in other areas of the plant, as recognized today for Nuclear Safety Agency of Japan.
addition to the two hospital employees, a third was yesterday exposed to radiation up to 180 millisievert in the same place, which are now 17 operators in Fukushima exposed to more than 100 millisievert, usually considered the maximum under emergency conditions.
However, for the specific case of the plant in Fukushima Japan Government has authorized to raise up to 250 millisievert.
Since Monday it has been partially restore electricity in the control rooms of units 1 and 3, while continuing the work of water injection and efforts to restore the cooling system of the plant.

Japan, 2 weeks in a nutshell:
Two weeks before the earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan, the Nuclear Security Agency of that country acknowledged Friday that the vessel containment reactor number 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station could be damaged, after the area was detected in the presence of water with high levels of radioactivity.

In a press conference, Hidehiko Nishiyama, spokesman for the agency, said water with radiation could come from the reactor core, so it "can not rule out" that you damage the vessel or tank containment, while stressing that "it is premature to offer conclusions." Japanese engineers working in the Fukushima nuclear plant, located 240 kilometers north of Tokyo, reported that the water in reactor number 3 shows levels of contamination 10,000 times more radioactive than normal.

The earthquake and subsequent tsunami caused serious damage to the nuclear power plant, whose reactor 3 was damaged by a hydrogen explosion on 14 March.
On Thursday, two workers were hospitalized after their feet exposed to contaminated water without using appropriate protective boots while trying to restore power in that reactor. Taken
unsung heroes who are exposed to unknown dangers, some 300 engineers working in Fukushima day and night to contain the leaks of radioactivity in the complex of six reactors.
However, on Thursday had to leave some parts of the complex when the workers they replaced a cable near the unit number 3 were exposed to high pollution when standing on radioactive water.
All were taken to a hospital with possible radiation burns after they dropped water on his boots. Measures

Meanwhile, the authorities ordered the implementation of new emergency procedures in the area.
The government decided to evacuate a 20-kilometer radius around the plant in Fukushima and recommended to those living in a radius of 20 and 30 miles to stay in their homes, although the Minister spokesman Yukio Edan, went further and advised them to voluntarily leave the area.
Operators of the plant, with the help of firefighters, resumed Friday on water injection units 2, 3 and 4 of the plant, while trying to revive the bombs to start spraying cooling systems with seawater.

Official sources reported that the death toll from the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan exceeded 10,000, while hundreds of thousands of people still live in temporary shelters.
Some 660,000 families still have no water service and more than 209,000 remain without power.
Fears of radiation on the ground and beyond, radioactive particles were found in Iceland is the worst crisis in Japan since the Second World War.
As Tokyo correspondent adds, Mark Worthington, two Japanese tourists who arrived in China on a flight from the Japanese capital are being treated in hospital for high levels of radiation, although it is unclear how it contaminated.
addition to causing the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl in 1986, the earthquake and tsunami left nearly 27,400 people dead or missing in the northeast.

In update within 24 hours of the day

is a divided by dates so that you can have better quality of vision and This information is not heavy on their computers:
(Give them the dates kick)

Friday March 11
Saturday March 12
Sunday March 13
Monday March 14
Tuesday March 15
Wednesday March 16
Thursday March 17
Friday March 18
Saturday March 19
Sunday March 20
Monday March 21

Updated every day that passes

El-prototipo2, mantubo was reported from the turning point to and the continuing reports of all the details in Japan and America.
keeps you better informed now live.

The correct information

* More than 100 earthquakes in Japan the "March 12, 2011" and continued until the last moments
* 35 earthquakes of 2.2 to 4.7 in America are registered in the tsunami
Gif animator. Dale kick:)

How Much Oil Do You Need In Sausage Roll Pastry?

Peru, rainfall in the south of the mountains and jungle

Continente de America(Sur)
natural Fenomeno
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Friday March 25, 2011
Today there will be strong showers and thunderstorms for central and southern highlands and jungle, predicted the specialist of the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology, Weidy Flores , who recommended that people to take precautions.
The link said that the regions that will support more intense rainfall are Cajamarca, Amazonas, Loreto, Ucayali and San Martin.
meteorologist estimated that the present Peruvian coast sunshine, with temperatures reach 25 degrees Celsius, even at night - he said - would be recorded slight wind currents.

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Spain, move the clock ahead one hour

Continent of Europe
kick Dale observed in , and read the information
Friday March 25, 2011
the early hours of Sunday March 27 when summer begins and watches shall forward a hour (at 02.00 will be 03.00), a change which every English household is estimated to save six euros in electricity consumption.
According to the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDEA), the potential savings in lighting by the time change may account for 5 percent of electricity consumption in lighting, or about 300 million euros .
Of that amount, 90 million correspond to the potential of English households, representing a saving of six euros per household during the period called "summer time" while the other 210 million will be saved in the buildings sector tertiary and industry, according to IDEA estimates.
To achieve these savings, the IDEA, however, recommended to perform responsible behavior at home at the time of dispensing with artificial lighting when not needed, as well as the use of efficient technologies in industrial buildings and others.
These technologies consist of photocells or light sensors that shut down or regulate the artificial lighting according to natural light provided to the area through windows or skylights.
In this sense, the IDEA has mentioned that the Technical Building Code and makes mandatory the installation of these systems in new buildings and existing lighting support for reform in the tertiary sector buildings.
The time change began to spread, albeit unevenly, from 1974, when it produced the first oil crisis and some countries decided to move their clocks to make better use of sunlight and consume less electricity and lighting.
Since the adoption of the ninth directive by the European Parliament and Council of the Union in January 2001, this change applies for an indefinite period (this policy is incorporated into English law by Royal Decree of 1 March) .
The indefinite nature of the application of the time change has taken on the grounds that "the proper functioning of certain sectors, not only the transport and communications, but also other sectors of the industry, requires stable, long term, "recalled the IDEA in a press release.
This directive establishes a permanent basis starting dates of the period of summer time and the end (when the clocks go back an hour), taking place the last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October respectively.
addition, regardless of the time change, the Ministry Industry, Tourism and Trade and the IDEA (public entity that ministry) have advised citizens to contribute to energy savings throughout the year making clever use of lighting.
"Following certain patterns or habits can afford, without sacrificing comfort, save up to 100 euros per year, and avoid polluting emissions into the atmosphere," have been secured.
Among the recommendations: using colors in the decoration of the house (the room is brighter), regularly clean light sources, as the dirt makes the proper dissemination, and picking the right light bulbs . Efe

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The galaxy, Water vapor in exoplanet

The universe
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Friday March 25, 2011
measure the presence of water vapor in the exoplanet GJ 1214b, though the possibilities of life as we know it are nil.
Perhaps someday we can look back and see the steps that led us to detect life in some remote exoplanet. Since then our philosophical and scientific conceptions of what life is change. Some of these steps have been small and given one after another, with effort and tenacity of scientists who have gradually been winning their share of the ocean of ignorance.
Doppler was started detecting giant planets like Jupiter and then found what was called super-Earths. Of them came to know the orbital parameters of its orbit. The transit method enabled us to detect smaller planets and even measure its diameter. Remember that as the Doppler technique detects primarily the most massive planets, the transit technique does with those closest to the star. So statistical samples obtained in both cases are not representative of real people.
While all this was achieved, planetary formation models, structure Planetary and spectrometric have been providing new results. The outcome today is that we know hundreds of exoplanets, some of them with features that we had never imagined. But its composition is inferred that part of the time only through models, is rarely measured directly (although there is always a model behind any action.) In fact we can only know the atmospheric composition of these exoplanets, unless of course we travel there. But atmospheric composition can tell us a lot of opportunities there are conditions for life on a planet or even confirm its existence. To determine the composition of a planetary atmosphere we can assert spectrometry. Or by the light reflected by the gases of the atmosphere or because they absorb when placed in front of the disc from its star as our perspective.
a while ago measured the presence of certain gases in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet Jupiter. Now it has managed to take a spectrum of an Earth-like "super-Earth" and confirmed the presence of water vapor in its atmosphere. For both measures has been used the Very Large Telescope, and Spitzer as MEarth mini-telescope project.
It GJ 1214b, exoplanet discovered in 2009 by MEarth that M star orbits in the constellation Ophiuchus. It has a very short orbital period, because it takes only 1.6 days to complete one orbit around its star. But this proximity to the star prevents the temperature is low enough to be habitable. Its diameter is 2.7 times the Earth and its mass 6.6 times that of Earth.
Previous results obtained previously, and not very good quality, could fit into a planetary model in which the planet would have an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. They have now managed to eliminate that possibility with a statistical confidence of 99.99%. The second possibility was that the planet contains a large amount of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. This possibility was confirmed when tested with a 99.97% confidence (3 σ) that its atmosphere is composed of 10% water vapor. The temperature, however, seems to be around 280 degrees Celsius according to the calculations.
According to the models of planet formation planet's atmosphere could be formed from two different scenarios. In the first, the atmosphere is formed during the process of global aggregation, this would lead to an enrichment of light gases such as hydrogen and helium. The second scenario would place the formation of this body beyond the line icing and then move toward the innermost orbit, creating an atmosphere rich in heavy elements to sublimate the ice. This result confirmed the second stage.

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Onu, gene patenting Fund to avoid 10 countries monopolize 90%

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Friday March 25, 2011
A team of scientists, including English Carlos Duarte, asked in the journal Science the creation of an international pool of patents for genes sea to achieve equitable and ethical resources of the sea and prevent only ten countries monopolize 90 percent of those patents.
This fund would be coordinated by an agency under the United Nations has confirmed Duarte, researcher at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), who added: "It would centralize authority that patents may not only marine organisms, but all organisms. "
The goal, has continued, is to ensure, first, the rights of countries in whose waters the bodies are obtained, now you do not declare to patent, and, secondly, to establish fair compensation to those who have made the discovery, ensuring access for all its benefits.
The ten countries that control 90 percent of the 677 marine gene patents in the world with international validity hold 20 percent of the costs, according to this work.
United States, Germany and Japan account for 70 percent of these patents, and among the ten countries are Switzerland, which has no jurisdiction even marine waters, as well as France, UK, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands and Norway . (Spain has 5 patents to genes and 16 genes sea in total and is, according to Duarte, ranked 15 countries with more patents marine).
Only 31 of the 194 countries of the world have applied for patents on genes sea, according to this research.
The reason for this imbalance in access to technology for marine exploration and exploitation of genetic resources, so the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fund was created to avoid being only countries with more advanced technologies login with these means, as Duarte.
For the scientist, is also important to ensure this common ethical and equitable access to resources.
"It is not acceptable to patent a gene does not need to state where the sample was taken, nor is required to identify which body extracted, among other things because the new techniques allow us to discover massive sequencing genes before knowing what species they belong, particularly for microorganisms, has riveted.
this researcher has suggested that some countries refuse to address this issue, explained that the applications of many genes are marine biology, biomedicine, energy and food.
Duarte coordinates the Malaspina expedition, aimed at assessing the impact of global change on the ocean and its biodiversity study .
"pioneering exploration of genomic diversity of the ocean that we are Malaspina throw out the discovery of millions of new genes, many could have applications in biomedicine, energy, food technology, "he said.
The framework of" Wild West "in a few countries" appropriated through patents, of biological resources of the ocean does not seem ethical or acceptable, but non-proprietary, patented by others who come purely commercial interests ".
Hence the need to develop an international framework ensure equitable access to marine genetic resources, especially in international waters, accounting for 65 percent the surface of the ocean, the researchers note.
The work, which the authors have also requested that marine genetic resources are proclaimed the common heritage of mankind, is coordinated by Sophie Arnaud, IFREMER (France), and in it, apart from Duarte, part Jesus Maria Arrieta, the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (Spain). Efe

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United States, Cats guilty of death of birds and wind turbines not

American continent (North)
United States
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Friday March 25, 2011
A U.S. study appears to give the reason the canary Tweety Bird (Tweety). In the cartoon, the Bird Sylvester flees, who pursues him to eat. Now scientists say that the domestic cat is one of the major predators of birds.
research is to know who were the predators of the birds and the main causes of death of chicks leaving the nest.
So far the focus on mortality of birds was not on the cats, but in wind turbines to produce wind energy. The number of these large generators that has grown and bird collisions.
order to discover the causes of death in birds, scientists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the University Towson, Maryland, USA, placed small radiotrasmisores in birds before they leave the nest and they could follow their journey once flew.
"It was not surprising in the sense that at that stage we knew that small birds are very vulnerable, are not adept at running away from predators, and not even be quite right to follow their parents," she tells Peter Marra, an author of the study.
"But what yes we were surprised that the top predator of birds turned out to be the domestic cat, "adds the scientist.
Of all birds in the experiment, predation was the cause of death of 80% of them . And more than half of these predators were cats.
And even though it is a small-scale research, scientists say that this is only a scientific proof of a phenomenon known: the cats are invasive species are responsible for the predation of small reptiles, birds and mammals.

Protected birds
The cat is one of the most popular pets worldwide. Domestication is relatively recent, but Hunter is an animal instinct.
Its impact on bird populations is immense, as determined conservationists. For example, are responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds that inhabited islands.
The study found that in areas of the U.S. city of Washington, where the experiment took place and where many cats live longer, the young bird populations are smaller and tend to decrease, we Marra said.
According to estimates of the Bird Conservation Agency of the United States each year 500 million birds die as a result of attacks by domestic cats half and half by wild cats.
Do not have cats? "The solution is to not have cats, but try to get these pets do not go outside and stay indoors," says Marra.
According to this scientist, not good for cats to be outdoors, as there life expectancy is reduced by half. Are more prone to disease, car accidents and dog attacks, for example.
"It's about being responsible with our pets and the environment, to ensure that the balance of our wildlife is maintained properly, Marra added.
" Cats are not the only threat to the survival of birds, so are climate change and habitat loss. But man can try to reduce the impact of cats if you do not let them leave home, "says the scientist.

The impact of the turbines
Its impact on bird population is huge , as determined conservationists. For example, are responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds that inhabited islands.
The study found that in areas of the U.S. city of Washington, where the experiment took place and where many cats live longer, the young bird populations are smaller and tend to decrease, explains Marra.
According to estimates of the Bird Conservation Agency of the United States each year 500 million birds die as a result of attacks by domestic cats half and half by wild cats.
Do not have cats? "The solution is to not have cats, but trying to make them pets go outside and stay indoors, "says Marra.
According to this scientist, not good for cats to be outdoors, as there life expectancy is reduced by half. They are more prone to disease, car accidents and dog attacks, for example.
"It's about being responsible with our pets and the environment, to ensure that the balance of our wildlife is maintained properly, Marra added .
"Cats are not the only threat to the survival of birds, so are climate change and habitat loss. But man can try to reduce the impact of cats if you do not leave home leave, "said the scientist.

The impact of the turbines
While wind power is a renewable energy source that causes very little impact on environment, one of its negative side is that large numbers of birds die each year from collisions with the blades of the generators.
Huge wind farms are often located in areas that serve as a migration path of birds. The presence of the turbines can generate a change in the migration route or make some disoriented birds.
According to the Bird Conservation Agency in the United States, about 444.000 birds die each year because of its impact with the turbines, but that figure is expected to increase to one million in 2030, to measure increase the number of wind farms to meet growing energy demand.
AlternativasLa south coast of Spain is an area where, twice a year, birds from Africa across the Strait of Gibraltar on their annual migration to Europe. It is also the European country with the richest of birds.
And several companies have implemented different measures to try to minimize the impact of wind farms on bird populations.
"Companies Fare zone detection using advanced systems of birds, using video cameras installed in wind turbines, which alert you when birds come and give a signal to reduce their speed turbines or are off" He explains Heikki Willstedt, energy policy director of the Wind Energy Association.
Another way to protect the birds have to do with the color of wind turbines.
"We know that color attract insects such as yellow, and the more insects, more birds. Therefore, some wind farms are choosing to paint the blades of windmills in purple, to repel the birds, "adds Willstedt.
Another English company has developed an audio system to output signals roll away birds, like a reminder of approaching a danger zone.
And while intensifying efforts to protect birds from wind farms, Tweety will run from cats, which is a predator number one.
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