Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Unblock Farmville On Facebook Feed

click of a mouse: Future of the Internet or this real?

First of all, I would like to dedicate this post to my friend Laura Guillot , whom I admire and that undoubtedly is a well of wisdom and humility, as well as a visionary of the network and the possibilities of it. Its strength, tenacity, knowledge and experience make it as a Google predictive, since it is one of the people most knowledgeable about the gaming world, prediction markets, as well as media and entertainment sector in general. And just this dedication with a phrase that both Laura and I are present or future looks around, not just the network: `` All converge and collective intelligence will much to say in this new paradigm, and I hope that is not entirely virtual'' .

Well, back to today, and following some thread of my previous post, I'd do a little reflection on the lack of ongoing commitment that is in everything and its direct relationship or indirectly to the `` world of online clicks.''

As we said, rather the internet and so impulsive and almost addictive use we have, not only does the way we communicate, find information and relationship changes, but honestly I'm terrified to see the downside to all this may result, which is none other than `` click-option so we become too '' nomadic selfish and lonely.

The great possibility of not only click-entertainment and online, along with living in the culture of the challenges and professional development, many of us are afraid almost total commitment stage.

to all this we add the uncertainty over today almost every day, due to continued negative messages and doom the big launch of this new society of which it will ... or just in case, we see a commitment fades almost entirely from our culture, with everything that entails .

I always say as a joke that is the fault of Ikea, and other television series that we sell certain values \u200b\u200bof the easy and cheap entertainment and libertine . I laugh with my people thinking we're going to finish all alone in the independent republic of our loft, albeit with a dog and a good wifi connection for no then think we are alone. :))

I know it's a bit radical about this, but looking at the rate of separation and the average time we last in a company (not always the fault of the worker but also some bad managers), makes me think that my idea of \u200b\u200bthat commitment, or rather the fear he is losing the battle against the `` clicks''virtual world, or almost as real.

In conclusion, I will say something similar to what I discussed last week, and at least try to make good use of common sense and try to surround yourself with things and good people and productive, and not just cheap entertainment as an end.

therefore once again encourage people to use vertical sites as and other insurance that will arise. And I say ... why do not we support and engage with each other to create a better, more humane and productive in this digital age ?....

I leave you with an interesting video that certainly makes you think and not quite to today's unconnected:

seen the video, I wonder the following:
  • For both exponential growth and so if we can not assimilate? ... exponential consumerism and big puppets
  • Everything becomes obsolete too fast and not only material products but work and personal relationships are increasingly more like a consumable product and easily replaceable ... It's just one click!
  • virtual scary, because a lot of artificial intelligence and supply of clicks they exist, human feelings and love of a loved one and committed, can never be replaced by a robot or avatar, has much commercial interest in it all again ... virtual or viral.


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