Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sound Blaster Audigy Se Front Panel

virtual or real money in social networks and lack of commitment

I recently read that Facebook has reached a distribution agreement `` gift card money facebook''with the second largest chain of U.S. supermarkets.

few days ago that Tuenti also commented that every day is closer to the giant Zuckerberg, also threw their `` credits''tuenti .

see by as much as two horizontal social networks are betting on increasing their business, while diversifying it by monetizing your users with the launch of gaming applications, where they can play or simply customize .

Social networks are here to stay, although there are many skeptics who are not very clear how are you mega social platforms are really money because not everyone can compete with Facebook's advertising revenue (over 500 million users and estimated advertising revenues for 2010 of about 1280 million dollars).

Therefore, I see a general trend and thus convergent to social or `` 3.0''to use the network, makes other horizontal and vertical networks are increasingly investing in opening their platforms to a large segmented marketplace and professional. For now it's mainly gaming applications, with all its potential, but the rest is coming, and not just facebook.

The great advantage that these social networks is that these platforms have greatly helped to segment users and recent studies confirm that people every day gives more weight to the recommendations of other users, the last thing you do increasingly often in these `` viral platforms.'' Therefore, I see that social networks in general and in particular verticals, will have a key role in managing their communities to make their users are professional and serious as possible. Thus, those users will collaborate directly or indirectly to the network to which they belong is a place of great reputation where both buyers and sellers to find safe and full of recommendations to carry out a more confident, comfortable and secure business transactions, whether tangible or just professional services of any kind.

We have already seen such as in the fashion industry, business community as a kind punto.com BuyVIP or Privalia among others, have had great success.

all converge and the key is to see how big and not so great move tab when creating a social or private Internet more secure and reliable where you can buy and sell products and services in a simple and direct. At the end of the day, the Internet is another sales channel and interaction among many existing ones. All these channels (offline, TV, mobile ...) eventually converging in a way or another, but it is clear that the Internet has a unique viral power and above all measurable and auditable.

The theme of this post goes a long way to talk about, and I would like some discussion on it. Anyway, I'll keep talking about it in the coming weeks, treating it from another perspective more concrete, such as the importance of means of payment in such transactions `` social''as well as the tremendous potential for applications gaming on these platforms and of course its possible consequences.

To write this post I have drawn on many sources, from techcrunch , to the visionary and excellent Enrique Dans.

Finally I would like to throw another thought related to the topic of today, as I said, goes a long way to talk about, so ...

collective intelligence "is equal to prediction markets?
or collective intelligence "is equal to attractive markets / products?

Conclusion : vertical social networks = collective intelligence.

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