Monday, September 13, 2010

Mario Salieri Movies List

Battle for the conquest of gaming on social networks

And not just gaming ...

each passing day we see how the battle between Google and Facebook are more and more like it suffered for some time the Redmond giant, Microsoft, when everyone wanted to end their monopoly almost insulting in the world of software.

As we know, in business and in life, which reaches or given first, hits twice, and in the particular case of social networks, it seems that Google is late.

Following the previous post thread when we talked about the huge impact that has led to the advent of social networks, we now turn to discuss the open battle with the Titans on several fronts Facebook and Google.

Well, as we all know, Facebook is a horizontal network with a growth actually unusual (over 500 million users) and is displacing the Mountain View and time in traffic generated through use.

This is just a piece of information which is the threat of Zuckerberg, but where I want to focus is Google's latest strategy of trying to position itself in the market social networks.

My opinion is that Google has relied too much on his power, and thought that sometimes Orkut (only strong in Brazil and India in particular) and other "inventions" as the failure wave or buzz, would to be also the kings of social media. That complacency has made them get confused and lose positions, and now I think I can afford to pay the estimated value of Facebook, about $ 33.7 billion.

Google has always been a social media trailer , buying companies or competing ideas of what was coming to market, as was the case with the acquisition of Jaiku, to try to compete with the already successful Twitter back then. Personally I think it has lost many times in too many advanced and developing complex products such as Wave, among others, so I think their strategy has been to think very long term, releasing very good products, but complex, when users demanded nothing more simple and modern. Therefore, I think Facebook has won for now, because it is simple, it is viral and has taken advantage of the boom 2.0 social networks like no other.

Everything moves at a dizzying pace, but the online world and how we consume on the network, it changes every day but at a pace that almost anyone can follow, and hence the importance of companies like Google and smaller must devote every effort in trying to create trends. In other words, should be the first to create something and then be sufficiently able to retain and engage their users, and if they are not the first, they should at least evolve and adapt quickly to try convert your old users and potential new customers.

Well, it appears that Google will take a radical turn in the field of social media, and finally seems to have been the batteries and have heard rumors that the Mountain View have given top priority his new project compete with Zuckerberg.

The title of the post talking about gaming on social networks, and this is where it seems that Google wants to attack harder Facebook. have put in charge of Google me one of his best officers, Vic Gundotra , which must use its experience in managing Google's recent acquisitions in the gaming field, among which are:

· Google Ventures invests in ngmoco which develops games for iPhone that will surely give a boost to Android.
· SocialDeck Purchase, which makes mobile social games.
· Google buys Jambool , monetization platform for virtual goods, those who used a World of Warcraft and other "social games"
· And if you have a stake in Zynga (creator of Farmville to facebook), they also acquire Slide, famous for their games with a social focus.

With these purchases, I am inclined to think that what purports Facebook Google is attacking one of its strengths, as recent studies found that 40% time consumed in this network is using gaming and entertainment applications.

therefore once again reiterate that the strategy of Google and other giants of the network is to "entertain" while using the network. In fact gaming market is the third world industry growth and potential , behind the all powerful drug and arms. Continues to grow, and there is much interest for this to continue and indeed other strong industries such as banking, telecoms and media are converging and diversifying their products one way or another to the gaming. To cite Some examples of the latter I recommend reading the following articles:

As I always say that everything will eventually converge or converging , and in this case we see how the convergence is focusing on integration with the gaming world, since there muchísmo and interest on the money.

In conclusion, we say that Google has decided to attack the market of social networking through gaming, and it will use not only the vast network of companies that have purchased for it, but has an advantage and which today still dominates the advertising market to promote their products. Additionally, you can leverage its multi-channel through Google TV, Internet and mobile entity other ... but do not be too long, because the online advertising market increasingly spending more on social platforms, where they found a huge market and tremendous potential.

The problem or challenge will be to convince existing facebook users to migrate to their platform, which should provide added value and especially the future option to migrate the content (friends, photos ...) already have in the network of Zuckerberg.

The user is generally faithful , let alone in the world online, where supply and competition are a single click to hit. Knowing this, I think the key is to segment the market very well and users to adapt and anticipate their changing needs almost always.

The key is to have it all integrated, but where the professional and staff are clearly separated and the challenge is to see that in the coming years the network and its services evolve. And I hope that is not only a place for entertainment, so you still have a small room for hope: the anticipation of the great, and to create added value and quality to end users. In other words, systems migrate vertical and collective intelligence / productive.

The problem is to see if your bet big gaming and entertainment to win the battle, pure and simple vertical use of the network, among other interesting battles and variants to be given in a looming future uncertain, intense and interesting.

And now I throw a few questions:

Giants Will they give a vertical application to the network or just buy from those that do so?

If you buy them, as are going to integrate into their mega horizontal platforms?

Is the gaming and entertainment the most successful Google's strategy to conquer the social media market? ...


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