Thursday, December 2, 2010

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or two theoretical explanations about the origin and the coherent structure of the universe. 8.3

8.4 The two cosmologies or two theoretical explanations about the origin and the coherent structure of the universe.

depth knowledge of many areas of science such as the universe of stars and galaxies can not be explained clearly and simply, but only by experts and also about using the latest generation of astronomical science instruments and has renewed this year year. In 2002, some telescopes discovered galaxies at the distance of nearly 14 billion light years. Then the reporters asked the astronomers making the controversial question. How old is the universe?. Were three types of responses, such as the Big Bang come from holding for ten years was 14 billion years gave the wrong answer saying is fourteen billion years, acceptable response, at least about fourteen thousand million years. Our correct answer, most likely an infinite age years! Who will it prove? Large telescopes, the Large Telescope VLT (Very Large Telescope) of ESO, located in northern Chile, and in April 2002 found a cluster of galaxies located 13.5 billion light years. It is fair to say that the most likely as older age of the universe is infinite years. With each new generation of telescopes discovered a new area further away, as above, where the light takes back more billions of years to reach us what we already knew.

Our telescopes are our objective tools to think correctly on these hot topics. The place is located, the VTL complex formed by the four large telescopes and telescopic instruments twelve other attachments, is a part of a desert is at a great height above sea level. There, in the high desert of northern Chile, was my former professor and friend Guillermo Romero measuring weather conditions for stargazing. Guillermo with good reason was nominated and recognized as the first astronomer in Chile, he was the one who discovered that this place was the best in the world for the development of ground-based astronomy. This place has a SI, which is a time of clear days of almost 365 days a year. Of 360 cloud-free nights per year are a very important thing to take advantage of the valuable tools and programming for astronomers. Let

something funny to tell apart from a simple fact but much justice, astronomers at the VLT show that are very progressive, like all true scientists, and was named after the four large telescopes VTL complex in the classical language is not English was the custom, but in the language of those who were at that time very badly treated and discriminated against indigenous people of Chile. The names of the four telescopes are: Antu (Sun), Kueyen (Luna), Melipal (Cruz del Sur), Yepun (Sirius), which means in the Mapuche language Sun, Moon, Southern Cross and Sirius respectively. Given the importance of the VLT telescopes and making a posthumous justice with the Araucanian, now these names are mandatory in encyclopedias worldwide.

Around the beginning of our millennium electronics complex and powerful set of instruments and space telescopes have become larger and new discoverers of distant galaxies, especially the Hubble Space Telescope and charged in their studies of the universe at the beginning of this century had galaxies at distances so vast that light takes to reach us almost infinite time of year. This telescope could, at least until they remained in use, penetration to observe galaxies whose light has taken longer than fourteen billion years to reach us. The Hubble telescope was the first verified that these galaxies were there "Back in the past" since at least makes these fourteen billion years. Compared with the time of less than a couple of million years of existence as we use tools and only one hundred and fifty thousand years as rational beings, these fourteen billion years is therefore a practically infinite time. With our current telescopes the universe appears to us fully expanded in detail and with a depth many times greater than at the beginning of the century. Large space telescopes now working synchronized at different points of the LEO orbits those in other size of this orbit, but perpendicular to the ecliptic and joint space telescopes act as if it were a single radio telescope equivalent to the radius vector of the Earth's orbit. All the old telescopes like the Hubble, who arranged in 2002 increased to ten the main building, were not sufficient to answer many of the disturbing questions. Were built as gigantic telescopes like the Hubble these are dwarfed, but they are respected and kept in museums have been pioneers in giving us real and objective information of the distant outside world around us.

Another sample question, perhaps one of the most senseless practical, but philosophically very interesting because our central computer likes play to be asked and answers: When was the known universe? Hypothetical answer some idealist philosophers and astronomers. "All the great universe was born in the big bang the Big Bang, 15.128 billion years ago 125667 years 62 days 23 hours, 25 minutes and 13 seconds." Unacceptable response

as true for us, much less for all the ten computers with Artificial Intelligence. Since this view, answering to the age when the universe was born, and entering in some situations be impossible to demonstrate how to start accepting that there were: infinite density, infinite temperature and curvature doubtful spacetime also features infinite. In addition, and it is very serious, not to obey the minimum scientific standards, we have no right to make a huge expansion of this simple assumption of a radiation, extrapolated to the entire universe yet known to man. Assume for a slight radiation away from Earth discovered that the universe had a birth in 15.128 billion years ago 125667 years 62 days 23 hours 25 minutes and 13 seconds this is just a big fantasy to assume that of course discredits science. So emphatic was the respectable view of the unanimity of criteria for the ten computers with Artificial Intelligence. I must add that with these assumptions and the mathematical arrangements this hypothetical universe would only slightly more than 15 billion years, this great course goes directly against our intuition respectable as all experiences with such issues have always driven that the universe is more and more ancient than previously supposed. For many years he held the belief that the universe was born in the so-called Big Bang explosion. It was a cosmological theory where all the main assumption was stated in a false physical demonstration. In the physics of near-Earth space, no one doubts that if a star moves away or approaches the Earth emits light, to reach us experience a shift of spectral lines known. Ie we know exactly if the body that issued it away or toward us. The spectrum is not the same as when the emitting body is still, relative to us. The odd thing is that the light emitted by almost all the stars in galaxies comes to us accusing an apparent continuum of galaxies away from our Earth and the oddest thing that happens to observe distant galaxies in all directions. The shift of spectral lines of the spectrum emitted by distant galaxies is taken as if it was supposedly the result confirms the assumption of a galaxy away. What happened really was that because of this objective observation of the shift of spectral lines was hypothesized that could be due to a hypothetical galactic distance. At the recent international astronomy conference made last year in the month of December 2060, the majority of our astronomers argued that this apparent shift of spectral lines is explained by the distance of galaxies and thus the photons, which are fine particulate matter, suffer the wear of the frequency change as an effect of the huge cosmic field to cross, creating the appearance that the galaxies are receding from us in all directions. Now we argue that There is scope in the galactic cosmic large rise or cause this alteration of the photons and we will call hipermagnetocósmico field. All fields have their specific properties and this is one that has the field in question to be operating with photons and so huge distances. It is an objective fact the displacement of spectral lines accusing hypothetically as if to stay away galaxies. We interpret this unusual fact of this shift of spectral lines in simpler form. This shift indicates that the proportionality only if more is further away from us a galaxy from another. Then taken to the large galactic distances This fact does not indicate the rate of removal but a cosmic distance. In the cosmos this phenomenon then causes an intergalactic special field has this property. To be more clear I will remind you that when we lived on Earth physics teachers we told our students, like all things fall, then we must assume that the cause is still unknown and some specific name and we call the gravitational field, we think he acts as if the earth had something like an attractive force, something we regard as similar to the two opposite poles attract a magnet. The gravitational force instead of magnetic makes no difference to any type of material and this singular fact without further discussion we named him we call in physics and gravitational field. The support for us that there is a special field in the space between the galaxies act on the tiny material particles called photons is by no means a scientific atrocity. This is of course an assumption, but logic, as is actually assumed that galaxies of the universe known to us away and still the farthest would go away even faster. This is similar to when it was held that all stars move under the earth. In 1965 A.

Penzias and R. Wilson, who did not seek this precisely, they found a cosmic radiation in space near Earth, because of its characteristics would be subject to speculation and great news. Those interested in the Big Bang the precise characteristics attributed to this was taken as a cosmic background radiation. Was regarded as concerned as another point of support for the theory, the initial instant of the universe or Big Bang is the fact that if the universe was born from the explosion must have been hot in all space, without taking into account the radiation stars, remnants of the initial heat, but only charging a few degrees above absolute zero, which is -273.16 degrees Celsius.

Supporters argued the initial explosion proof was found and that was just the product of 3 degrees Kelvin came very well with calculations related to the alleged date of commencement of the universe. Ultimately it was proclaimed with great pomp to all corners of the Earth that was found was nothing less than the remains of the Big-Bang. Solemnly stated by these astronomers, who had placed the Big Bang team shirt, these remnants were in all the space covered all the spaces between galaxies and their words they are made to these remains found in this small corner of the universe as the background radiation around the area known and unknown. These sectarian statements have nothing to do with science. This was not a good way not a good practice in science. Those who did not believe in this fantastic assumption were regarded, by those who had the shirt of the Big Bang, not only as belonging to the group called non-believers but also branded as ignorant.

This radiation is only a weak measurement first observed only in the vicinity of the Earth, possibly created in the inner solar system. It is unscientific to maintain that throughout the grand universe there is something that probably only find here in our neighborhood, or perhaps only in the Solar System. Radiation is negligible, if that we found throughout the solar system or even our entire galaxy would not be sufficient evidence that it is in all intergalactic space and all the countless galaxies. Throughout the cosmos there are areas elliptical radiation varied. In our Solar System have discovered a number of slots or areas with radiation of different types, some so wide and extensive that we talk about millions of miles. Research in this direction is just beginning.

We, of course, we also have our own ideas regarding the origin and structure of the universe. So we have our cosmology, sustained only in the strong pillars objective observations. Now we install instruments on outer space with very specific objectives and related for example to the measurement of all particles and their movements in all directions in space. The space-based instruments indicate that matter in the cosmos is divided into infinite number of sizes. Minimum or maximum limits on the sizes of the material are endless. The instruments also indicated to us that the smaller the particles are greater quantity, the amount is still somewhat above the law that the total amount of matter is divided into space in inverse proportion to size. There is therefore many more than a thousand particles of a gram of one kilogram. Smaller particles are constantly integrating the largest and this is what happens objectively in our vicinity. If this happened in our galaxy could say that in a process measured in many billions of years after planets form and the stars and so on. This is a guess, but it's a good theory because it allows us to draw good conclusions reassuring our spirit and it is a hypothesis based on science.

In the future, leaving our solar system with our instruments may measure other parameters as that matter is distributed in space and then surely we will make another assumption regarding the formation of more massive bodies. We're never going to be so boastful that one of these observations we say the universe was born makes 777 billion years, five months, twenty-eight days, 36 minutes and eight seconds.

Some items we can be artificially with an atom of departure and by nuclear transmutations caused or adding particles to the nucleus of the atom, we find another element. The matter before us consists of more than hundred different types of elements. Several of these atoms form more complex structures called molecules. Atoms contain within them a huge amount of different subatomic particles, whose number grows every day and know them in increasing order as: to discover the xxx, neutrinos, infrafotones, photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, subatomic tens discovered and thousands to be discovered.

sizes that the material is presented in increasing order of size of the particles to galaxies are ..., interstellar gas, cosmic dust, particulate matter, asteroids, satellites, planets, stars, galaxies, clusters galaxy, trying to discover the super and hyper clusters of galaxies, and so on.

The same material can be found not only in the solid state but in a lot of other states depending on the temperature at which it is located. The same field with the temperature changes the movement of molecules causing physical states such as in ascending to his movement: no molecular motion and -273.16 ° C is called a state of super smooth, solid, liquid, vapor, gas , plasma, surely it would be discovered super and hyper plasma, etc..

Reason With our almighty internees us to do research related to the changes experienced by known properties of the elements, if rationally govern the movement orbital electrons, this does not occur in nature only change the properties of an element of chance such as carbon allotrope is graphite or diamond, with properties quite different, especially the properties related to hardness . Also carbon, observed from another angle, can occur in nature as coal, charcoal, coal, graphite and diamond. In all these ways is the same element or pure carbon. In all these representations are not chemically combined with any other element. Here's where we got us to work hard, look for many years until we find the explanation because one element could change so radically their properties. Our group, 'Pythagorean rightly omnipotent "discovered, affirming our new theory, why this huge shift occurred in the hardness of carbon. This provided a basis for developing the procedure and be able to physically change the properties of an element, affirming what was happening naturally with the unusual hardness property acquired by the carbon in the form of diamond. This was what produced the revolution of revolutions, began as an entirely rational creation and original designed to change the properties of an element. Was the product of a special type of carbon research aided by the increasing use of artificial intelligence in the new computer. And was from 2019 and the elements that form the matter can be changed so radically unlimited in all its properties, using the machine to transform the physical properties of the elements. This wonderful machine is very popular course for you, we know for short as the Transformer-pfe.

This amazing device is actually a complex of tiny mini robots that perform at high speed changes of orbits of electrons around the nucleus of the atom in fantastic shape. Chapters Past explain in detail why you spent much time that could not be built and as a result of the constant revolution originated in the speed of microprocessors, or the entire computer could be reached to build this amazing machine robot.

The most important natural or intuitive cosmology is only the objective observation of the development process of matter from outer space with the passage of time. Scientific cosmology includes those hypotheses that guide us to understand, in what way they are formed and grouping the bodies moving in the infinite space of the cosmos in a process typically measured in billions years.

there in the universe of infinite dimensions and infinite amount of matter moving in endless time. It has been discovered in outer space with the same amount of matter is in a greater proportion of particles forming larger bodies concluded that proportionately the fine or small mass and size exists in greater abundance, not only in numbers but in the global mass.

observe in the cosmos that the fate of the small bodies is growing continuously absorbing the even smaller than them. In this cosmic battle mathematics help us to predict how long the smaller bodies are adding subject to double or triple in size and mass. All bodies are growing constantly, such as the size of our planet to the star as its temperature rises steadily growing inside. In general, it happens in other parts of the cosmos that when the heat and internal pressure are capable of producing the fusion of hydrogen into helium and radiating the energy from this huge merger is then given birth to the stars. Through this process of nuclear fusion, the stars are releasing radiation and other types of matter back into space and then the cycle continues indefinitely. It is known that stars including the Sun launch constantly subject to outer space consists of: neutrinos, photons of light, x rays, electrons, and a number of other particulate materials.

time, space and matter are our basic concepts and postulated here as infinite in length in size and quantity respectively. Give date of birth to matter to space and time, is evidently only a very personal assumption of a writer and in no way this has a scientific handle.

Since 2020, just spend ten years when there are new and more powerful and potent instruments for measuring and monitoring in all areas of science. The monthly appearance in scientific journals by some new instrument to observe the matter is an eloquent example of what I am saying. The wonderful instruments such as telescopes ever larger, ever more powerful microscopes, charge that the limits imposed by the previous instruments, are again extremely outdated.

These limits for the consideration of both the stars and for the cellular or microscopic observations, are expected to be broadly achieved, each time they show the other new generations of instruments for observing whether the telescopes or microscopes. Able to change these limits is important in research micro and macro-cosmic, obtained by using the above techniques is the main objective is obtained from each new generation of derivatives of the rapid development of new scientific arts.

These results continued expansion of the instruments used by science, of course it is one more confirmation of the first principle of the theory of retention, in our theory there are no absolute limits. Again, in other words what this principle: there are infinite amounts of matter in the universe, the dimensions of the universe also are infinite, and limitations on the length of time is absurd and that time will last forever. All of this is the first principle of ten of our new physical theory, the theory of permanence. As accuses our philosophy, is only a utopia, or rather a mere illusion, trying to determine. We live in an infinite world and therefore the claims of finding the limits for the matter, space and time are an illusion because they are infinite. Analyzing

that we humans had a short existence in time, for example compared with respect to the long existence of the Solar System, we can say that the universe has required an infinite time, to create us as a rational being. The universe took a very long time but is justified as it was for a wonderful creation. The universe has given us an awareness of the length of time the universe itself and also awareness about the role we play in this cosmic nature ourselves.


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