Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kates Playground Complete Gallery

10.3 The extreme ease of moving in the cosmos

10.3 The extreme ease of moving in the cosmos

With current space spacecraft gravitational atomic jet engine better known as light-space-atomic Ships, we comfortably in just hours to the nearest planets. They are jet-propulsion engines and this continuous light allows the spacecraft as well maintained and kept in the course of normal gravity at the surface of the Earth. To fly long distances between the planets or the way of flying is the wonder of wonders. Atomic space-craft-stands for something really fantastic. When flying, as a result of always keeping inside a pressure of gravity is identical to that of Earth, its passengers, especially the inhabitants of our planet, they feel as comfortable as if they were on their surface. But for us this pressure caused by the hateful gravity for a few hours, is almost unbearable especially for those who live for many years and at liberty gravity. This type of tourism trip is ideal for those who still live under the Earth's gravity and for this convenience is flying by hundreds of thousands each month as tourists to the GEO. His visits are welcome by us. The momentum for these space-atomic-Naves, midway, is measured in a fantastic amount of hundreds of thousands of kilometers per hour. From halfway to the goal is reversed the direction of the ship and constantly braking jet engines letting within normal gravity. This means spending twice the power and also limit ten times less the number of passengers of the spaceship. Traveling in these conditions to maintain normal gravity trip to the moon, which is about 400 thousand miles, takes about three hours, taking the ship halfway double speed that carries the earth around the sun The journey to Mars , where is about 78 million miles through space-nuclear Ship-light jet, it is only about 49 hours. The speed you take this talent after several hours of continuous propulsion exceeds several times the speed of the Earth, or is greater than 29 km / sec, which is the speed of Earth around the Sun

In cosmos speeds are quite relative. The solar system travels in an orbit around the center of the galaxy, at a fantastic rate for us, speed 792 000 km / h or 220 km / sec and all the greater is the velocity of our galaxy, the Milky Way, in relation to the common gravitational center of the cluster of other distant galaxies. This relativity of speed is that now we have this tremendous power available, we walked through space at high speeds with confidence. The danger is like moving to these high speeds to be stopped. Skip

speed of light with our ships, it was a necessity, when it came to travel within the solar system or spacecraft to travel between the planets. However, the problem presented to us to communicate with interplanetary spacecraft, we occupied the only photons moving at the speed of light, 300 thousand miles per second. This low speed was a big inconvenience to us but it predicted that sooner or later it would change. For example, when Mars was in superior conjunction with us, or at maximum distance to the other side of the sun, equivalent to 378 million miles from us, they needed to wait sometimes more than twenty minutes to receive a communication from our friends at the citadel of research on Mars. Our response is delayed another twenty minutes only on the return trip, or had to have almost an hour to get a simple communication by letter. Talk in real time or is awaiting a response to each statement was impossible. Of course this problem should ever be surpassed. Pass the speed of light was a challenge because we had for the communications-related effects. When flying between the planets need a communication that is as far as possible, almost instantaneous, the speed of light is almost instantaneous for internal purposes here on Earth. The team of physicists Albert Einstein Jewish, to somehow explain some recent phenomena in the early last century in the research being conducted in physical science, to exit Step postulated that the speed of light was the maximum speed in the universe. This happened in the first decade at the beginning of last century when nobody thought they needed a higher speed, then it was accepted almost without discussion. The authority of these physical impairments produced for experiments to demonstrate that they were wrong. These drawbacks to research were given at the beginning of last century by the prejudices that could not be put into question the sacred principles of the Theory of Relativity supported by this eminent group of physicists. Nevertheless, this rate was suddenly overcome, in U.S. laboratories, several times and in 2000. Now you can send messages to many thousands of times the speed of light. The stars that we have come very close communication with this increasingly rapid. We've become a sort of omnipotent rational beings in the universe to which we all, 15 billion human beings Census 2060, helping to transform. From the experience drawn from this unusual application of the speed of light, and according to our philosophy of science conclude that nothing is sacred, immovable or unreachable. What seems impossible today, the future with the rapid scientific progress, it will naturally possible.

The giant spacecraft now and most of the other wonderful things we have built today are simply amazing. When I was young I could only think that these wonders, could come to have in a real world in many hundreds of years. For example thought that these types of spacecraft, may come after a hundred years or more beyond the year 2500. In any case I thought of these huge vehicles like spacecraft that we know today, but I never imagined them with a transport capacity of 5000 people. At the end of last century, in the conversations at tea time, when we played this topic chatting with friends, always came Question: Do you think teacher in flying saucers? Question that was very fashionable, it involves believing in the possibilities of a spacecraft that traffic speeds were necessarily higher than that carried the planets themselves. This was to respond immediately because it is impossible to give these dishes these enormous speeds energy expenditure is brutal! But more than one, with much imagination, he insisted saying that he engaged people of other civilizations developed. Continued to argue that those who come on these ships to visit us from other planets, they come no matter the speed of any planet because they have nuclear power. Their ships acquired high speed as they had enormous energy available, compared to what we used. This was not original to some people but it was a very famous invention. So they invented the stories of the appearance of flying saucers were "Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs." These flying saucers in terms of speed, the spacecraft was envisioned as similar to those we have now. As regards the conduct of the alleged owners of UFOs, for us they are just as dangerous enemies imagined. All they said claimed to have seen the Martians or Saturnian who came in there were so monstrous. They had not spoken with them, but claimed that they did not come to no good. Today we know that any civilization of rational beings will never destroy another civilization made by other rational beings. How we would be glad if we found other rational beings in this universe so huge! If we are a civilization more advanced civilization than criminal and absurd they would kill them. Since earnestly seek and desire to help find them master the laws of nature or whether they are more advanced than we ask them to help us. We want to help other hypothetical rational beings who exist in any other corner of the universe and how we enjoy a powerful Reason we do not destroy them. We learned to love our neighbors. The barbarian mentality that dominated the Indian military conquerors of colonial times and has happily disappeared. These conquerors used the first scientific and technological advances to atrocities. They ruled that the use of crushed metal and killing human beings living in the stone age. This unpleasant and shameful historical situation and was largely superseded by the new Homo sapiens now using his powerful right.

How rational beings would proceed if we found somewhere else in the universe because we have these amazing spacecraft each new generation continues to exceed the speed double the above?. The probability of this happening is negligible. And we leave as we previously established that our realistic calculations indicate the possibility of finding other rational beings is almost nil. This also makes us think then that without any doubt find rational beings, be it an event that we'll be happy to everyone. If the new Homo sapiens treat them badly, so this would be a criminal and irrational attitude as shameful colonial past episode when they killed the Indians.

In this tiny corner of the universe finally triumphed at the end of the second decade Reason of this century-omnipotent. Like so many other consequences arising from the revolutionary triumphant appearance of our Reason, omnipotent hit so often before, there were dramatic changes and transcendent things continue to emerge in all corners of the Earth.


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