Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gay Dark Room Etiquette

10.1 Probability of existence of other rational beings in the universe.

Chapter 10


10.1 Odds existence of other rational beings in the universe.

This is an issue that involves a series of interesting questions about it. These questions are about to move to increasingly dominate not only the solar system, but much of the outside universe. It is our desire to develop the answers, or answer, to many of these questions about the possibility of the existence of other rational beings. We will develop here a couple of answers to them.

What are our chances us to find life elsewhere in the universe to other rational beings and also calculate what stage of its existence is more likely to find them?

If optimistically think that one day, even in hundreds of years more, we find another man in this event we attribute to one hundred percent. Assuming that they have developed in the periods of time as we on Earth, that is, taking as an example our own fabulous story, then the hypothetical other rational beings we can apply the same percentage chance of finding them develop. within this one hundred percent to the different periods of time lived on Earth for the Homo sapiens and their ancient ancestors.

Most likely, probably 99.9 percent, or what is the same for every thousand planets on which we can discover inside living rational beings, in 999 of these planets we find human beings living at the time the they only have discovered, Homo sapiens, the art of how to make fire. This assumption is based on that we had to survive knowing only how to use fire during one of the longest periods in the time of our existence as human beings. Finding a rational being like the man coming out of the caves by using fire and spears and arrows in his possession has a much greater chance to find it at other stages of his long life. Finding a living human being the period where a few men-robbers, using tools of war dominated the men for a long period of time, or humans living at the mercy of countries colonizers and dictators like the Roman Empire or of the Pharaohs of Egypt are therefore a less than even chance of finding the caveman. Find perhaps a living human being, almost a millennium, in the ongoing wars in the Middle Ages is still much less than finding under the Roman Empire. Be on another planet with a kind of human being living in liberal democracy on our planet had only slightly more than a hundred years there is still much lower. As a junior when having to face the hypothetical chance to live with a human being living a short period of us human beings or living together in symbiosis with microprocessors or possession of a Reason is much less powerful and still almost a negligible probability .

In summary, the probability of finding as we are rational beings on other planets, is very remote and the probability of finding Homo sapiens in the last stage in which we live today is almost unthinkable. Locate thinking beings living in an upper stage to ours is also much more unlikely. These thinking beings would be possible we find before us than we hypothetically assume them as having means much better than ours for this meeting.

We can make other numerical approaches on the objective probabilities of rational life on other worlds or not we have the opportunity to get to know other Homo sapiens. But an interesting part of the question can be answered without a doubt the point of view of logic.

Because the universe is infinite, the answer can not be negative. So naturally it is possible to find rational beings somewhere in the universe, apart from Homo sapiens came from Earth.

If you think only about the chances of finding living the problem is somewhat simplified. In this delicate problem, if we limit the universe in the field of our galaxy, then it can seriously consider a type of response. In our Galaxy can calculate the odds of living creatures exist in a calculation more delicate and profound who are rational beings and finally the probability that there are rational beings even at our stage of development or with Reason omnipotent.

our Galaxy or Milky Way, which is immersed in the Sun 2 / 7 of its center, is shaped like a disc with a diameter equivalent to 120 thousand light years and consists of 100 000 billion stars. The stars in their vast majority have serious difficulties to have a habitable planet. A lot of stars is the kind of double stars and triple and therefore move together around a particular center of gravity, if one has a planet it must move in a highly elliptical orbit and this rules out any possibility of life. Highly elliptical orbit means that it zooms in and out of the rock star and this makes temperature at an unbearable level for life. There are many other problems that can better appreciate the focus for this topic the other planets of the Solar System. Unfortunately in the solar system only Earth is eligible to develop life. It is only possible life on a planet that has a temperature ranging between the Earth. This inconvenience and continue to add new parameters entering the calculation did not do nothing but remove the chance of survival. Thus science will absolutely rule out the possibilities of life first course in all the stars that have planets and then discarded those with planets are binary but also all the other stars that are forming part of a group. You have to discount then, those stars have planets being lonely too large compared with the Earth's gravitational field implies unbearable in its surface and so-so. With our powerful tools has been carefully explored all sites found within 30 light years. It remains to explore the other side much larger than our Galaxy, but the probability of finding life hopes are still very remote. This is not a pessimistic approach because we have this great joy of collecting these excellent conditions in which we have developed and for sure we will expand to the infinite. Following

use and abuse of mathematics in terms of probabilities, I must warn you also have to find life in the cosmos of our Galaxy even at the level of mammals is a fantastic event, your chances are so negligible that if this happens then it would be a coincidence almost incomprehensible. When the time had perhaps thousands of years and after finding life on many millions of stars, the probability that there is one rational beings life is still very low. The Earth must have passed by many billions of years before life appeared and when it appeared living millions of years passed in a slow evolution, all this happened before the appearance of the man who through his omnipotent reason became terminal of evolution on Earth.

pass I will tell something very specific that is not speculation, which has already been a finish and answer the question. Is there life in the Solar System? Here the answer will very briefly telling drawbacks to the development of life have different planets of the Solar System. Begin by analyzing the difficulties of the planets closest to the sun to reach the most distant past of our Solar System.

Within the Solar System is not just coincidence that our Earth was a paradise for the beginning of life. Better if another planet in our system then life would have evolved, at least, thousands of years before there and also if your paradise for the evolutionary development of life is higher than on Earth, then that would still be better for the environment life on our planet. These human beings, being in our solar system, we have visited at least a thousand times.

know for sure, for having tested several times by our astronauts researchers, once colonized by us unfortunately there was no life, no part of our Solar System. The reasons for this are now very clear and known and then the recall. Mercury is a planet with a thin atmosphere, if this can be called atmosphere, and on its surface, being the closest to the sun, you infernal temperatures hundreds of degrees (330 ° C) on the surface because this temperature certainly can not be kept there or the state water liquid. The planet Venus, our nearest neighbor, having a very positive thing, that is to have almost the same size as Earth, but unfortunately it has an atmosphere with elements harmful to human beings and the surface has a temperature of 450 ° Celsius and a pressure equivalent to that of the old steam boilers. Where then all life on this planet is totally impossible that may be developed. Our conclusion to live on the surface of Venus is that it is unthinkable as it is to believe in the possibility of living within a caldera, with many atmospheres of pressure and temperature hundreds of degrees.

After finding all possible trace of life on Mercury and Venus, two planets closest to the Sun for its temperatures as hell, always follow my description from the Sun, in third place is situated our Earth. As a planet, having oxygen atmosphere and temperature, is a haven of havens to develop and sustain life. In recent times, with the departure of Yuri Gagarin into space and found our paradise had a tremendous amount of things for us to live. This first visit to the cosmos on the other hand allowed us to realize that unfortunately had a very damaging thing for the prolongation of life and of course to keep our happiness, this was having to live within a gravitational field caused by the Earth itself. Having to live dragging this enormous weight of sixty or more kilos was a great misfortune that is resolved later.

Following our analysis of the potential development of life in the solar system we know that after the Earth, always moving away from the Sun, followed by Mars. The planet Mars, relying on computers made by our great technology, is the only planet that can partially support some of its own natural conditions to live. It has a nice attraction of gravity of a third that of Earth. Starting from 2020, living there taking turns each year, some scientists astronauts. Mars does not have an oxygen atmosphere such as ours, in its thin atmosphere has some carbon dioxide which is known formula CO ². By having only a tiny amount of carbon dioxide have not been able to use even for an emergency, the decomposition of CO ² very scarce, for this disintegration some of their oxygen. Given these difficulties all the initial oxygen to fill housing sites was from the Earth's atmosphere. The places where people live on Mars are under tight hoods. The people of our colony on Mars by renewing the oxygen green plants which should be helped with artificial light as sunlight is very weak there. Oxygen is a real treasure and especially when we are living beyond our planet. The Sun seen from Mars very dwarfed. At night the temperature is very inhospitable, is less than 65 degrees Celsius. To live on its surface, of course astronauts should stay there, in domes with air at normal pressure. It needed to get air, not only to Mars but many other parts of the cosmos, the Earth's atmosphere was and is our inexhaustible reservoir of oxygen. Has been necessary from Earth, during the last thirty years, large quantities of air at different places in the Solar System. The air is now sometimes carried into space in a natural, normal pressure in large drums. The most common case is to carry air down to ten atmospheres, in drums of 50 meters long, or in some special cases in small liquid containers. It takes this liquid and its temperature is lowered dramatically to reach critical temperature and pressure. As the procedure is costly is carried from Earth in order to reduce its volume, making it more convenient for transport and to carry only emergency in the spacecraft. LNG is a very simple process consisting not press it and lower its temperature to minus 193 degrees Celsius. The planet Mars is having some good conditions compared to other planets, such as the attraction of gravity which is 0.377 of Earth being under the force of gravity produces a very nice situation. Possess only 37.7 percent of our weight we can have much more strength there and may move into the hoods with air very easily. Mars, unfortunately has the disadvantage that has virtually no atmosphere, it is very thin surface. The thin atmosphere that is left is mostly carbon dioxide and therefore toxic, and with no free oxygen. Mars has two moons Phobos and Deimos are very irregular and low mass. These satellites have recently been able to draw many of its minerals and served for the construction of numerous cities and space. Permanently from there are brought large pieces of rock hundreds of feet long, the volume of minerals brought from Deimos and Phobos is enormous.

planets beyond Mars, have very inadequate conditions for life because the Sun is visible from them very small, almost like a star. Apart from that Jupiter has another drawback much older, has 318 times the mass of the Earth and this causes an attraction of gravity on the surface of 2.5 times that of our planet. Living on the surface we crush car unable to bear our own weight, if we tried to live there or something similar would happen to us worse than the way in which crush the whales as they become stranded on beaches or out to sea.

Saturn is 95.2 times Earth's mass and therefore gravity too unbearable, also has no "surface or land." Jupiter and Saturn, two planets are due to its enormous size a temperature of over one hundred and eighty degrees on the part of its atmosphere.

Of the planets that follow, after Jupiter and Saturn, always moving away from the Sun, most have unbearably low temperatures, over a hundred degrees below zero. The Sun is visible from that area, almost like a star, so much in them is eternal night. The major and insurmountable obstacles, so live on the surface of a planet, is generated by the inconvenience of having more gravitational force than does Earth. This unfortunately happens in almost all planets beyond Mars. As larger and have more mass have more gravity than Earth, apart from other drawbacks to life, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, the only smaller in diameter than the Earth is the last, Pluto. Life on the latter planet is utterly inconceivable. Its huge distance from the Sun makes its surface there is a extremely low temperature, it is less than 230 degrees Celsius.

This possess greater gravity than does the Earth is of course a natural consequence of those planets have more mass than ours. Supporting our own weight only our bones would not hold much time there on the surface of planets like Jupiter and Saturn. Another problem is that they are very far from us and the sun and we are responsible for colonizing and also we do not like dark places and distant and much less with the hated gravitational attractions. When the computer analyzes the probabilities associated with our claims to be able to live on the surface of a planet or satellite, you must provide all the latest information about it. After a few seconds warns us, the computer, first thing if we go there and making a statement on a question Have you thought that this star is more serious than even the odious and terrible gravity of the earth?. There on the surface can not stay alive even for an hour!

In summary, the rational life like ours or any life something similar, as we have practically demonstrated, there is nowhere else in the solar system and theoretically demonstrated that there is probably no rational life anywhere else in the known universe . Except that we, at this time, we leading many of its corners.

Every day of the year by our powerful tools we call star, asking about the existence of other rational beings. We do not kick in all directions and from all corners of the universe, seeking a response to some hypothetical rational.

The answer does not come even though the ship at a speed of more than half a million times faster than the speed of light. No response to our desperate calls, even making use of the fantastic new infrafotones speed or the old speed of photons of light. It is becoming more likely in this area almost infinite field space and time, only we are aware that we live and also have knowledge that there is the infinite universe. Now by the judicious use of reason here for his new conditions we call it Reason, omnipotent, we have become the most powerful of the universe The great universe now known!

We have stopped the classical evolution and have taken a different evolutionary direction wise up to become the be fair, most good and have more energy, strength and power, never even imagined by any civilization, Homo sapiens above.

Thanks to the spread of education, which originated by globalization of cultures, a few decades ago that the love of others is regarded as something inborn in every normal rational beings, whatever their skin color or eye shape. Realizing that no human beings in the cosmic elsewhere, we have consciously become the protectors of all peoples who unfortunately had inferior education and culture. Now, from children, we learn that our brain is a jewel in the rest of the universe and all races of human beings without exception are cerebrally equal. We are told that we have many fantastic instruments, one of them sent to the below cosmos photons moving with a speed of more than half a million times faster than light. We also teach that we are owners of the infinite cosmos giants, who constantly sent messages to all the thousands of stars with planets around us asking if there are rational beings. Since there is no response we understand that unfortunately there probably other rational beings with our culture or cultures over our area at least in areas within a radius of thousands of light years.

But we're not lonely, we multiply each year at a rate higher than the previous year. Our robots also increase rapidly in number and help us in each new generation more effectively. The concept of cosmic loneliness an anguish is not, becomes a source of pride for us to possess the Almighty Reason.


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