Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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housing in lunar orbit

7.8 The Ring-housing in lunar orbit
Housing is also built around, or bypassing, the whole Earth and situated at 400 thousand miles away, Futuristic is a huge housing complex, and is used in combination for other multiple uses

Ring-housing in the lunar orbit is also ranked as the geostationary ring-around the entire Earth, but located not at 36 thousand kilometers as it is the geostationary, but around 400 thousand miles away from the surface of the Earth, is a formidable new futuristic-housing complex and it is also multifunctional. The Moon in your area has a gravity equal to one-sixth of Earth's gravity, if we move vertically from its surface is rapidly losing the tenuous gravity. This ring-moon is projected to be built in the future with large buildings each year is needed, larger, all these constructions should naturally lead orbital speed around the planet one kilometer per second, with this speed are forever in the same orbit that goes from the Moon . Obviously that all of this orbit, which is also in the equatorial plane, it's like all the other absolutely weightless. Is just beginning to be populated, in the future be extended across the path through which the moon makes its way around the Earth. It is located at a distance from the Earth's surface of 400 thousand miles is more than eleven times greater than the distance between the ring-geostationary and our planet, is it much farther. It is also, as the Ring-geostationary, a huge housing complex, while the new features is a multifunctional and futuristic. It is multifunctional because apart from serving as residential zone, buildings used for institutions such as universities, hospital complexes, museums, zoos, botanical gardens, parks. We are thus in the construction of the beginning of the second-ring around the Earth dwelling now known as the Ring-lunar shortcut. The ring-moon began to build, just a year ago, ie in 2060, exactly the same way as it moves made by the Moon is being built in orbit around the moon. From the surface of the Moon is being pulled most of the construction materials and even water is obtained by pulling from his deep polar craters where accumulated since time immemorial, it does not serve to make but it serves to obtain, separated by electrical, valuable constituent elements such as oxygen and hydrogen. The ring-moon is being constructed as an almost exact copy of its predecessor, the ring-geostationary. Has the same basic elements: the space-housing complexes, as straight raw hex, the prism of locomotion, with trains and road vehicles; the area of \u200b\u200bfactories and agriculture to two miles away from the ring-moon, and orbital platforms gravitational attraction caused mechanically or POG also planned to build them every 500 miles away a another and rotating around one of the Complex-space of the Moon.

have been sold a very large number of apartments built in these space-housing complexes, the ring-moon and are the classical way as those built for the Ring-geostationary. Besides now being sold outside of those classic places housing departments, many other places spacious, well formed hexagonal prisms with the classic of the same dimensions: six boxes of a hundred meters wide and a thousand feet long closed by hexagonal hundred meters per side. Most of these, located in the path of the Moon, are the prisms-special, not only used as dwelling places but accommodated to other new requirements. Already being cleared: For electronic factories, gymnasium and sporting institutions a tremendous amount of deferential universities, beginning with the Universities-Lunar: Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, etc.. For the sport was all a must as there have been many Interesting sports regulations and operations for different levels of severity, including zero gravity. World-weightless has beautiful sports in which competitors must of course comply with the strict rules laid down. Flying the hundred meters, making a record with the minimum of time, no other help than the hands and feet has become a classic test, as classic as running the hundred meter dash at the surface of the Earth. Other space-housing complexes, special-Ring-mole that has been allocated only to practitioners of a specific and are attached to the respective universities: the physicists, biologists, the chemists, astronomers and so on.

Ring-Moon has a capacity to deliver futuristic to place housing at 75 billion people, this huge capacity is for when you finish building covering the entire longitudinal region of the orbit of the Moon around the Earth.

When it is finished its dimensions are huge, the length you will have to be the complete orbit of the moon is doing when he moves once around the Earth two and a half million miles long! Two and a half million-spatial-housing complexes. When completed in the year 2110, about 50 years, have room live comfortably for 75 billion people. The census conducted in 2060 indicated that we were only fifteen billion. Ring-Moon will have capacity for five times the population of 2060. Twelve times the number of inhabitants of the Earth was in 2000. The ring-moon is doing with futuristic approach to satisfy the desires of leaving to live abroad that now have almost all the inhabitants of the earth and to accommodate the increase in world population until the year 2110. There is currently a campaign to increase the number of inhabitants, is awarded to large families, are encouraged to produce children for couples who do not. It is estimated that For these reasons, the global population in the year 2110 about 75 billion. All the inhabitants of Earth had the right to buy a room in the geostationary ring, and now those who remain on Earth have extended this right to buy the apartments they want in the ring-moon, there is only one clause is not can live there without the basic amenities of space so this clause requires the department to purchase a minimum of one hundred square feet if it is for one person. In just five years, ten percent of what you earn each family, it is possible to save the money more than enough to pay cash for their rooms beyond Earth.

The existence of water on the moon was quite a surprise. It was discovered and given this spectacular and futuristic story of a research satellite in 1999. At that time he was not given the tremendous importance now. Water from the Moon serves the vital uses we already know. However, we can split water into oxygen and hydrogen. As in the cosmos using atomic energy and sunlight as an energy source we can turn them into a power source, then it is almost free the split water by electrolysis into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is a formidable power source and has unlimited applications in chemistry. Oxygen is also staple for the respiration of the inhabitants of the Rings-housing. Water discovered on the moon was more practical value than if it had discovered a large gold mine.

Although there are no places to buy apartments in the Ring-geostationary continues even today carried out the incessant movement with thousands of people who daily go from Earth to the cosmos also weightless Ring-Moon. A portion of the incessant traffic to the cosmos is deviating from the traditional route to the Ring-geostationary goal now taking the new road to the Ring-Moon. In this place there are many departments offer, now a large part of the inhabitants Land is currently investing in lunar orbit and traveling to that destination. In the orbit of the Moon is available many places to buy apartments housing. For a ring-lunar year is starting to be built at the same rate that was done to the Ring-geostationary. This ring-moon will be occupied immediately. Also the basic units are hexagonal prisms, closed at their ends by hexagons of one hundred meters per side and also compounds with six rectangles whose sides are: a hundred meters wide and a thousand feet long and as we have said more than once with up to thirty thousand people. Nearly fifty percent of the prisms are left, beyond the target rooms for other purposes of various kinds: factories, universities, plantations, botanical gardens, sports clubs and so on. The 166 large companies, state-funded Cosmic Ring-geostationary agreed to continue funding the expenses for the transfer of all persons who wish to ring-moon. Because all these countries continue their important task of moving people and possessions of all human beings in their own countries who wish to leave the Earth gravity. The new applicants to live outside the heavy gravity terraqueous have a guaranteed job in the ring-moon. It is complying with this new human right has now spread into space, each person is free to live wherever you want. There are no customs borders between countries, a common currency for all, you can choose more than one nationality, and so on. So far no state has done its laws violate these beautiful arrangements and also the other important parts of the new human rights are increasing every year.

summarize what the main buildings for a living, we have in the world outside our planet. Now we already have two rings around the Geostationary Earth and the Moon over the city-space-certified. For the Earth's orbit around the sun or have already installed a miniature copy of our planet called City autonomous-space-is icosahedral and planetary. It is popularly known with a second short name of city-space-planet or planetoid that is already operating without failure since 2060. There are also several other of these cities or planetoids under construction, they also have aspirations to form a super ring around the Sun with the buildings that are planned will be room for all the people remaining on Earth, and wishing to go into space even right now. With huge projects that are already beginning to walk will be room for the entire population of Homo sapiens with powerful reason that we even in fifty years.

air transported from Earth to the geostationary ring, it seems a huge amount to do the calculations but we have flown in space to hold more than half the global population fails to be either one-thousandth of the air is the Earth's atmosphere. When they move to live outside all the inhabitants of Earth will take less than two per thousand of the air that is our planet. If we keep removing the air from the atmosphere in the same proportion as we have done so far and we fill the ring-lunar-space-housing complexes the amount of air taken in the year 2110 will be approximately one percent of atmospheric air of the Earth. However serve to live comfortably all 75 billion people will be in the world by the year 2110. Great find that our birth on Earth had this enormous wealth of air, water, plants, etc.!. We had to migrate traveling the cosmos for a place with incredible wealth, compared with the existing poverty desert on the other planets, but unfortunately this place has an invisible pull of gravity that can not be controlled or destroyed and would not let us live until we wanted, the pull of gravity before they kill us a hundred years. Our Reason Almighty made us discover that it was useless fight this invisible enemy in its own virtual ground. To defeat it we did from our trench the GEO. Now dominate the solar system and do not neglect this precious heritage we have on Earth, thanks to our wonderful Air-to-motor-atomic-to-reaction-light located on the equator, the earth can bring, not only air and water, but all we want. There are a cargo spacecraft that are coupled to two or more or that are equipped with double the capacity and strength can carry over more than twice the classic 300 tons to lunar orbit. These new spacecraft bring whole trees, over sixty feet high, and bring not only but those are far from Earth every day to transplant to the great forests that are being formed in the ring-moon! The company "Afforestation Ring-Lunar Prisma bought a whole-especially with a platform orbital attraction of gravity revolve around him. Has been afforested, with more than five thousand ancient trees of many species, the entire length of 100 meters wide and a thousand feet long lunar huge public park. Tourists and especially the friends of the green vegetation and have there own paradise. Fly over the trees better than if they were birds, more perfect than the hummingbird or as the poets call him nightingale or hummingbird!. The hotels in the orbital platform attached gravity attraction, which revolves around this wonderful forest, beat a record, have reserved rooms for five years. They have no room available until 2066.

Of course the ring-moon is becoming according to the needs of population growth and the desire to do things at great length. If someone or some company makes a project and build it can fund more exotic things that come to mind. What's left there is space. Are they listed with a brief commentary hundreds of interesting projects submitted to build on this new ring-moon have to write other six hundred pages.

The tremendous error to believe in the Malthusian catastrophe excess of the world population remained until after 2020. Many of the leaders of major countries still believed he had to limit population growth. They saw this was a criminal act, but argued that it was criminal to use our own cells to make us a new organ. They said solemnly nature take its evolution as it always has. Unaware that blind evolution is not a scientific issue or a product of reasoning. If we had left to take its course of evolution probably the man would almost extinct For many millennia ago by the cold caused by shifting of glaciers, the reason he did discover the fire and escaped death in a natural process. Just a couple of centuries ago did the same, for pests caused by bacteria and viruses, using his reason managed to stop this destruction. Combat the factors underlying these diseases has been to stop the blind evolutionary process by reason. As I said and you will recall, capping the population growth was a serious error of appreciation came from the British in the nineteenth century, Malthus, who argued that the population grew in geometric progression and the inhabitants of Earth in an arithmetic progression. He stated in this false and absurd "mathematical statement, which had no math. Well justified with the words poverty and famine spent millions of Europeans. Excused in this way as abstract gross mismanagement of the society of those times.

Today such things are very clear, has gone racism and class differences practically do not exist. There is universal awareness that comes equipped with a priceless jewel that is our brain, we know that every child is a wonder to care for and train. Every rational being anywhere in the world has a unique value greater than the material surrounding it. Things are negligible compared to the enormous significance of every human being. We are too few fifteen billion deal with this gigantic universe around us. Every day more new sciences that researchers need. Not enough human beings to develop huge projects to beautify the Solar System. Our cradle, Earth, is a giant museum are also beautifying the building look much of the past. We have left the administration of our society and particularly its economy in the hands of our powerful computer science. The rule of law as a whole also is managed by the powerful computers. No and a political party is bad and good, this show has been exceeded. The electronics that meet the mills is not disputed. They know not promise not to lie. Democracy has not been eliminated but perfected. Today all human beings actively participate, we respond directly consulted at least once a month to questionnaires sent to our PCs, to any amendment of our constitution or its laws. Throughout the last century and the beginning of this century, ombudsmen were active directly in the democratic management of society only the elected representatives of us, delegates, governors, congressmen, presidents. We expected Patients meeting their pretty promises and submit to parliament a new law promised. Law that would favor us according to what we were told when we called for the vote, usually the law was never presented. Now we vote directly to approve or disapprove the majority of all projects. There is a general rule referendum once a month and extraordinary to solve local problems almost every week. Democracy-scan has helped greatly improve traditional democracy and this has been another big hit on that has distinguished the new Homo sapiens rightly omnipotent.

Apart from housing projects underway, which have given so much satisfaction to million buyers, there are other very successful walk for retirees, they are entertaining as a hobby with orchards and poultry farms especially quail eggs which have bad cholesterol. For this new type of volunteer work they do by buying special places for these purposes. They sell these special places in the Archipelago-Pacific and the ring-moon.

Almost all people on Earth who do not want to leave, citing various reasons, already own anyway any department in the cosmos. There are some who have bought properties even in the ring-moon, even if they do not think to go yet. Have it as a holiday away from Earth. This is not a fantasy since Starships do major difference in the fare to go to the Ring-Ring-geostationary or lunar and this is equivalent to traveling from one continent to another. All workers, since more than twenty years, there have been professionals. What wins each professional is measured monthly starting from one kilogram of gold up.

These early stories about the way how do these constructions could be colossal and I have noted in previous chapters, leave me some discomfort because they can not consider, for lack of space, hundreds of giant projects in progress with other noble and interesting as the previous targets.


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