Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where To Buy Shadow Pikachu

innovation in payment methods and the sharing of cake

The Customers are more demanding than ever and expect more from their banks and payment providers, among others. They are looking for positive experiences and hope that their needs are met instantaneously.

At the same time, banks and suppliers have a lot of challenges ahead, due in part to the growing pressure from regulators ( although there has been much reform after the crisis, reforms are not as stringent as those who suffer "the ordinary "...) , increased competition and ever-changing future.

So a few services Pay flexible, scalable and reliable can help banks and suppliers to increase fee income and diversify their risk / revenue. For all this possible, investment in the modernization of payment systems and especially the change of mentality in certain markets where payments "offline" are almost the only recourse (as in Spain for example), are vital. However, only large banking and other industries such as Telcos powerful and increasingly emerging gaming (in the case of Spain) may help the new paradigm of payment methods to make such a vital part of almost every self-respecting business strategy. Because: did you used to sell if you do not offer payment solutions / collection to suit your client, where safety and ease of use are key for both the customer and the merchant that the implant?

Following this, new needs and business models that banks and suppliers must meet. These are :

Banking industry and institutions

Instead of banking on a single country focus, companies now want a centralized global approach payments. For example, you may want to cover a payment instruction in Spain in U.S. funds, and often will expect that the transfer is made in minutes or seconds. Banks can offer a global service will be best positioned to make the most of this business so profitable. In this sense, we can mention new models already in place such as SEPA, where the roll-out operational and functional at the European level is greatly facilitating things to end customers (companies and institutions and users in general).

Banking to final consumers

So, what meaning means more flexible payment for customers? They want to use the new payment channels, such as prepaid cards and mobile P2P payments, thus forcing banks to innovate . Customers are increasingly questioning the banks about not receiving services. How can cancel payments more easily? Can you link the mobile payment for a card? How to ensure flexibility and security of my billing / charges? The banks that anticipate some of these questions will have a competitive advantage.

A new era: the added value of payments

With more institutions seeking to improve payment services and infrastructure, that will succeed will be those that offer added value to the service. This means to offer a differentiated customer experience , scalable and unified , which is spreading throughout the world as it adjusts to changes and needs. All this will allow banks and other actors of the payment means to implement certain service levels for different customer segments and for different payment types, such as home, transboundary high volume or high value . This new way of dealing with payments offers a combined approach needs customer and continuously improve the way to process payments / collections.

In conclusion we can say that everything is moving very fast and payment methods and multiple solutions operational, functional and management will be key for every business / person, whether in an offline environment or online, because everything converges payment methods are the key to this convergence, as are the instrument to "monetize and facilitate both forward" . Therefore, nobody wants to miss this huge part of the cake ... much less the banks ....

And I say ... this will help to ecommerce in Spain finished off ...???

Related Posts:

means of payment as a key strategy in social networks and ecommerce in general 20/09/2010

Future of payments 07/11 / / 2008


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