Saturday, October 30, 2010

Vids Of 14 Yo Wanking

Battle in M-Commerce: Who will dominate the "mobile payments"?

The mobile payments have always been the eternal promise, the potential is huge. In Spain there have already been several attempts to introduce this new form to make payments with Mobipay to the head. However, despite the fact that behind these projects have been major figures in the sector "digital" as D. Julián Inza , this technology has not as it should just penetrate the market. In the case of Spain, I have my opinions, where one of them is still delaying in "technological issues." many other factors, but again, this is a subject for debate for very long ...

As regards other markets, we use, failures and successes of a variety of forms, going from very advanced to the Japan market tremendous potential and mobile usage in Africa and countries with less infraestrucura offline bank.

With this post I will just comment on the battle that exists today between Gadgets, the NFC and Apps for be the dominating technology of the mobile payment sector . In this battle there are many actors where everyone wants their cake, and where we see how they fight, from banks, telecoms providers, payment (Paypal, etc), software companies (Intuit, etc.) to giants like Apple or Google among others.

* That said, we'll start talking about the "Gadgets" :

Intuit recently created Mophie iPhone accessory called " Complete Solution Credit Card " . Mophie, which specializes in things like battery extenders and chargers, has created the hardware, one for credit card reader that attaches to the iPhone, while Intuit has developed the software to pay (Go Payment App) already operating in the iPhone 3G.

On the other hand we have the case of the company Square, where its CEO (and founder Jack Dorsey of Twitter), offers another card acceptance system "via gadget" designed for use in smartphones. Finally comment

another major rival of "gadget sector, which is none other than the agreement between Verifone giants Paypal, which will not be too sure glad Mr. Jack Dorsey who is watching his draft Square did not just take off mainly because of problems in risk management issues / repudiation), and variants.

Each of the above mentioned have similar features, but from the commercial point of view there are many differences, from pricing, commissions, or stays with a particular mobile operator: Battle gadget is served.

* Now we will talk about technology NFC (Near Field Communication) , another large sector of M-Commerce:

Company Bling Nation has partnered with Paypal to boost their "Bling label," an NFC tag that sticks to the back of any mobile phone. NFC technology is a short-range high frequency wireless communication that allows the exchange of data between devices. In this case, the label of Bling replaces a credit card and use it, just tap the phone on the merchant "bling." Bling Nation payments are linked to your account at a financial institution, and now, optionally with PayPal. The money is immediately debited to associate at the time of purchase.

Unfortunately, Bling tags only available from financial institutions that support this technology as well as those merchants who accept their business.

On the other hand, commenting that it seems that Apple will introduce serial NFC technology in its next iPhone. Have hired to do one of the gurus of the NFC, Benjamin Vigier, and safer than Steve Jobs will have to speak in this respect, as they do with everything they do.

Visa is starting trials of its contactless payment technology, payWave, integrated into a protective case for iPhone special, developed in collaboration with DeviceFidelity . Mastercard, on the part is also doing the same with its PayPass system . The battle is served ...

* Finally, we refer to Payments Apps , another great actor in this campaign:

The apps are in, and last year we saw several m-commerce solutions, Boku including , Zong , Obopay (purchased by Nokia) , MoneySend MasterCard, etc. We

other giants like Amazon Google and are also doing things in this "scene." Amazon with its Mobile Payment Service offers a well designed and integrated into any merchant to adhere to it.

Google for its part, provides an integrated solution to its Chrome browser where users of Google Checkout enjoy a safe and convenient way to pay. The problem is that it only works for Google Checkout in principle, thus severely limits the potential of this app built-in browser.

Finally, we return to Paypal, a giant growing bigger, we see that is present in the payment apps, besides being in NFC and Gadgets ...

Possible problems:

several questions arise when it comes to see what are major problems in each of these technologies in mobile payments, ranging from its usability costs, to the topic that really cares, which is none other than the security .

The issue of possible bank failures and unauthorized use , are of great importance, since today there's no sound legislation in this area, as opposed to whether there is on issues of card payments debit / credit cards, where if there is protection from misuse or unauthorized use of them. The same applies to cash transactions are automatically deducted from a bank account.

Consumers 'have nots' because find out what protections apply to every company that offers other payment solutions. The key is to bring all this tendency to use a fair legislative framework for the end user. Unfortunately, there are many interests involved, like almost everything and as usual, where "large" push to impose trends and further develop technologies and solutions can not always be followed from the legislative standpoint and adaptive use. Everything becomes obsolete too quickly and my opinion is that progress and innovation are key, but not the cost of a possible consumer ... are checked to make sense of innovation, but also of responsibility, but that sometimes does not matter ...

Who will win the battle?:

Each market has its own characteristics , since not all users in this world "global" are the same needs and habits when it comes to do something. addition, each market has a few quirks economic, political and very different development. That said, we can say that for example, the NFC has been a success in other parts of Europe and Asia. In Africa, where access to traditional banking is quite complicated, mobile payments has been widely deployed, especially through application "SMS."

still too early to know who will win, but what is clear is that it is a matter of imposing the brand or technology over another. And that like most things, depends on the degree of trust and reputation you acquire a company or another, so that successful marketing in this sense is key.

That said, we like Paypal, with a strong brand and a huge mass of customers, has won much, but everything will come ... I vote for a future of key and strategic alliances within the area of \u200b\u200bmeans of payment the rest of the many players in the ecommerce ...

is a question of branding and key partnerships, but should take great care where the product operation in a market, because although we are a world "global" there is still room for some ideas and business models that can secure give much to talk ...


The M-Commerce has great potential, where in the field of payment methods, we see great ideas and opportunities, but be seen as legislation in this regard for its potential, is implemented in a fair and safe .

On the other hand, we see once again as means of payment, but overall risk management and safety of themselves, are to my knowledge one of the key pillars for the final launch of trade in general and electronic commerce in particular.

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innovation in payment methods and the sharing of cake 20/10/2010

means of payment as a key strategy in social networks and ecommerce in general 20/09/2010

Future of payments 7.11 / / 2008

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Go to download

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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innovation in payment methods and the sharing of cake

The Customers are more demanding than ever and expect more from their banks and payment providers, among others. They are looking for positive experiences and hope that their needs are met instantaneously.

At the same time, banks and suppliers have a lot of challenges ahead, due in part to the growing pressure from regulators ( although there has been much reform after the crisis, reforms are not as stringent as those who suffer "the ordinary "...) , increased competition and ever-changing future.

So a few services Pay flexible, scalable and reliable can help banks and suppliers to increase fee income and diversify their risk / revenue. For all this possible, investment in the modernization of payment systems and especially the change of mentality in certain markets where payments "offline" are almost the only recourse (as in Spain for example), are vital. However, only large banking and other industries such as Telcos powerful and increasingly emerging gaming (in the case of Spain) may help the new paradigm of payment methods to make such a vital part of almost every self-respecting business strategy. Because: did you used to sell if you do not offer payment solutions / collection to suit your client, where safety and ease of use are key for both the customer and the merchant that the implant?

Following this, new needs and business models that banks and suppliers must meet. These are :

Banking industry and institutions

Instead of banking on a single country focus, companies now want a centralized global approach payments. For example, you may want to cover a payment instruction in Spain in U.S. funds, and often will expect that the transfer is made in minutes or seconds. Banks can offer a global service will be best positioned to make the most of this business so profitable. In this sense, we can mention new models already in place such as SEPA, where the roll-out operational and functional at the European level is greatly facilitating things to end customers (companies and institutions and users in general).

Banking to final consumers

So, what meaning means more flexible payment for customers? They want to use the new payment channels, such as prepaid cards and mobile P2P payments, thus forcing banks to innovate . Customers are increasingly questioning the banks about not receiving services. How can cancel payments more easily? Can you link the mobile payment for a card? How to ensure flexibility and security of my billing / charges? The banks that anticipate some of these questions will have a competitive advantage.

A new era: the added value of payments

With more institutions seeking to improve payment services and infrastructure, that will succeed will be those that offer added value to the service. This means to offer a differentiated customer experience , scalable and unified , which is spreading throughout the world as it adjusts to changes and needs. All this will allow banks and other actors of the payment means to implement certain service levels for different customer segments and for different payment types, such as home, transboundary high volume or high value . This new way of dealing with payments offers a combined approach needs customer and continuously improve the way to process payments / collections.

In conclusion we can say that everything is moving very fast and payment methods and multiple solutions operational, functional and management will be key for every business / person, whether in an offline environment or online, because everything converges payment methods are the key to this convergence, as are the instrument to "monetize and facilitate both forward" . Therefore, nobody wants to miss this huge part of the cake ... much less the banks ....

And I say ... this will help to ecommerce in Spain finished off ...???

Related Posts:

means of payment as a key strategy in social networks and ecommerce in general 20/09/2010

Future of payments 07/11 / / 2008

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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Retargeting and the way to set-up a marketing strategy

Every new website

Could Mean Another distraction for Your Potential customer, Malthus Increasing the likelihood of losing a customer Who Stood at your doorstep, knocked on the door But Turned around to leave Before Taking the final step inside and BUYING your services / products. (It, s just one click!) Most of
the companys invest large amounts of money in marketing, focusing mainly into acquisition tactics such as SEM, SEO, affiliates... The problem is that they should care about how much money and effort takes to bring a customer into a website, and therefore they must change the strategy into a more sales-driven one. What is the point of having a flashy website if you do not focus on "driving" your potential or exisiting customer to the sale?
Fortunately, personalized retargeting is the remedy to re-acquire the departed shopper . A recent study of top online retailers found that retargeted prospects are 70% more likely to buy than non-retargeted previous visitors. You may lose a sale in the first visit, but the key is that when you re-target you must focus on the the "customer journey" to the sale . It is about retaining/acquiring a customer by providing an excellent service (live chat, call backs to non closed sales, tailor-made promotions...)
The growth of Internet shoppers and ecommerce in general, is a double-edged sword. At one end, online retailers have more opportunities to interact and engage more shoppers than ever before, thanks to the ever evolving technology. As these opportunities continue to increase, merchants should focus on designing a proper marketing strategy, where all the departments in the company work in the same direction . From customer services, to the marketing department, where most of the times they do fight in a very silly way in getting more budget for acquisitions, retention, eCRM..., when they should all be focused on one thing: following a well designed sales strategy managed by one leader that directs the right managers into one only goal which is to make sure they sell, and keep the brand reputation/operations always at the top.
At the other end, you have thousands of sites offering similar products driving the shopper to conduct “comparison shopping” and forget their original purchase intentions. Before you know it, your almost-customer is off to another site in search of a product they had originally intended to buy on your website.
Retargeting is a proven marketing tactic used to prevent "shopping distractions". Retargeted ads drive highly your highly qualified prospects back to your website. You have already spent acquisition money to attract these customers, however, by nature more than 95% leave before making a transaction. The question is: "make sure you measure why they leave and get control over it"
Although the basic levels of retargeting (static and segmented retargeting) do the job, personalized retargeting is key to get more out of those "distratected" customers, and therefore we do mention the importance of customer and data segmentation .
Product-level personalization of ads increases both CTR and conversion since the ads are more relevant to the specific product interest of the consumer. When a consumer clicks on a product image within the ad — they are brought directly to the “buy now” page for the product — expediting the product purchase cycle.
Another study showed that retargeted prospects spend 50% more than non-retargeted prospects. Retargeting technologies that have the capability of showing your potential customers additional product recommendations could actually increase the original order value by up-selling and cross-selling products and services.
With retargeting, your acquisition money have not gone without reward. Many companies think they can get away with the assumption that the shopper will automatically revisit their site, but as your competition diversifies and online shoppers become more "experts", the likelihood of this happening is not nearly as likely as in years prior.
If you’re not re-engaging the visitors who have gone away, then you’re simply wasting a good portion of the money you’ve spent in search and acquisition tactics. Although you cannot control the rate at which shoppers initially leave your site, with the personalized retargeting you can control the manner in which you bring them back to finalize your sale. It is about focusing on the above mentioned "customer journey".

It is hard to conclude this post, as marketing it is such a broad area that covers almost everything in what a business should do to sell and succeed.

Key aspects :

My personal opinion is that there seems to be a lack of strategy, or if there is one, there is only designed for the short term. Therefore a good company must have a good leader that directs their people (assets) to the right direction, and to do so all departments within the business must work together and redisign the whole structure of their most of the times wasted and boomed resources.

Internal communications is key as well as a well designed team pulling in the same direction.

Everything must be connected; from CRM, ERP to departmental communication , BI tools and good WHERE CAN help the business analyst to avoid "getting lost"

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Monday, October 11, 2010

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a potentially habitable planet outside the solar system

discovered the first potentially habitable planet outside our solar system.
Astronomers at the University of California at Santa Cruz and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the planet, just discovered a planet orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581, just 20 light years Earth. Located in the constellation Libra. The orbit is allowed that had water on its surface and that is potentially habitable.
With a mass three to four times that of Earth and an orbital period of just under 37 days, the planet has been named Gliese 581g.

Gliese 581g If you have a rocky composition similar to Earth, its diameter would be about 1.2 to 1.4 times that of Earth, and possess a sufficient gravity to retain an atmosphere, according to Steven Vogt professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California at Santa Cruz.

The surface gravity would be roughly equal or slightly superior to that of Earth, so that a person could easily walk upright on the planet, "said Vogt. "The fact that we were able to detect this planet so quickly and so close tells us that planets like this should be really common.

However, not all of the planet would be habitable for humans: only a part. And is that one side always faces the star and the other always in darkness, so its climate is extremely hot and cold respectively. However, the intermediate zone between the two would be habitable.

The planet has
been discovered by analyzing 11 years of observations with a high resolution spectrometer Eschelles Keck Telescope, located in the WM Keck Observatory in Hawaii.

The spectrometer, which was designed by Vogt, measured the radial velocity of the star, ie its movement toward or away from Earth.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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new chemical elements: Copernicia

The 112 new chemical element has a name: Copernicium

The heavier chemical elements, recognized by the atomic number 112, already has an official name, Copernicium , and a chemical symbol, Cn. This element which completes the table that we studied in school, was discovered a few years Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GSI, Germany.

The name has been officially approved and announced by the IUPAC International Chemical and honor the scientific and Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), which laid the foundations for the heliocentric theory, which placed the Sun, not Earth in the center of our system.

IUPAC accepted the name proposed by the international team of researchers led by Professor Sigurd Hofmann. The team had suggested 'Cp' and the chemical symbol for the new item. However, this abbreviation was related to other chemical meanings, and finally it was agreed to change to 'Cn'. The Copernicium is 277 times heavier than hydrogen, making it the heaviest element in officially recognized by the IUPAC. The name in honor of Copernicus is in the tradition of naming the chemical elements with names of eminent scientists.

Santa Clara Appraisal District


2011 is the International Year of Chemistry, the worldwide celebration of the achievements of chemistry and its contribution to the welfare of mankind.

The declaration of 2011 as International Year of Chemistry is an initiative of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, its acronym in English) and UNESCO, and was decreed by the UN General Assembly on December 30, 2008.

Under the theme "Chemistry: our life, our future" ("Chemistry - our lives, our future"), the goals of this commemoration are to increase public appreciation of chemistry as a key tool to meet the needs of society , to promote interest in chemistry among young people, and generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry.

The year 2011 coincides with the centenary of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry given to Marie Curie and the founding of the International Association of Chemical Societies. The celebration emphasizes the contribution of creative science chemistry as essential to improving the sustainability of our lifestyles and to address critical global problems of humanity, such as food, water, health, energy or transportation.

Over 2011 are held worldwide activities to commemorate the International Year of Chemistry, which will affect several areas and will target audiences of all ages.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Install Side Console Boat

Better Facebook is monetizing / diversifying and now in the hands of "Skype?

seems that the agreement between Skype and Facebook is imminent. VOIP company looks to eventually integrate with the 500 million users of Facebook giant. Skype already has 560 million registered users, but most of these use only the free services of the same. Many companies use skype payment services to lower entry costs and improving sales conversion rates and more. Skype is unstoppable with his recent announcement of IPO, in addition to closing a partnership agreement with the giant telecommunications solutions Avaya.

The post talks about Facebook and the recent rumor according to Skype, but the really interesting issue is to see how battle between Facebook and Google still open . Each follows the battle for him, but from my opinion, I think Facebook is becoming stronger in almost all fields, reaching strategic agreements with companies from different sectors , and now Skype.

Google also
has a VOIP service, which for now only works in USA, Google Voice , but I have started late as Skype have today nearly all the market share in this sector.

We see once again all converge where social networks are taking advantage of their membership and are trying to monetize their platforms by launching new services such as in this case the "Skype in facebook."

Zuckerberg giant has never managed to have a tool effective and stable chat and telephony, and now with this agreement may increase its market position by offering its users the quality of a reputed Skype.

The key to this deal is that both Facebook and Skype take out slice of it. One hand Facebook can get even more users (skype migrate to their platform) in addition to providing a quality VOIP service. On the other hand, Skype should try to monetize and monetize their video chat service and increase the number of paying users of its services.

The agreement is there now to be seen as monetized each other. My view is that both agreement announced Skype and some other "covered" what it claims is that its output recently announced public offering earn interest "and commercial market."

Finally, I insist that Google seems to lose strategic positions in many fields and is using Facebook very well flip boom 2.0 network with very strong strategic partnerships and monetized while Google is still a giant trying to diversify their income while on all fronts (VOIP, Mobile, Operating Systems ...) but where is your strategy seems somewhat scattered and which is late for many sites perhaps because the booming sector in more internet, which is the phenomena of social networking has not just arrived or is getting too late. What about Google Me?

And I just ... as always, my motto where everything converges and electronic commerce and in this case 2.0 networks as strategic key to all services find their place in this big cake : use the social mass to connect to millions of users with millions of businesses and solutions.

And now a question:

horizontal networks such as Facebook and we are releasing more and more services, but from a social mass Most of "entertainment", while or after nets as also safe not only offer the same or more professional services than horizontal, but they go beyond the concept is pure network hard of which many still have doubts.

I bet on a battle in the next few years very interesting between networks horizontal against vertical 2.0 where their membership is more professional and where the monetization is therefore more feasible in the short term, among other things ...

Interesting battle that awaits us , where Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Nokia ... will have to see what their best business model, while others vertical and vertical and other insurance may be competitors continue to emerge to take into account, because their business models are more than a social network ...

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