Monday, September 27, 2010

Pokemon Battle Revolution Part 1 Rom

human capital management in society 3.0

There are many studies today about the human capital management. I recently had the good fortune to attend a seminar organized by Eduarda Justo Foundation where the quality of its speakers and attendees have given us a masterclass on how to get to become future leaders.

To manage teams and companies, must have a leader who can lead its strategy to fruition, and that is not easy.

've already talked at the time of the lack of commitment that exists today, which I think is the main problem at all levels for both individuals and companies continue to grow and progress.

Today I will focus on two key issues . On the one hand we discuss what I think are the keys to being happy and their relationship with work / personal productivity / work. On the other hand, will also discuss the keys to business success and trends and their relation to human capital management company.

1. Tips for being happy and their relationship with work / personal productivity / work , it is vital that individuals and managers understand this when you apply and manage their businesses and personal lives:

human Afford. We accept the emotions like fear, sadness or anxiety as something natural. Rejecting our emotions, positive or negative, leads to frustration and unhappiness.

be simplified, since in general we are too busy trying to make more and more activities in less time. The amount influences the quality and compromise our happiness when we try to do too much: we must try to go slowly and be very patient (be as calm as possible to assimilate and learn to wait).

Balance between work and family routine and the meaning . Whether at work or at home, the objective is to conduct activities that are personally meaningful and enjoyable. When this is not possible, try to have happiness boosters by finding times throughout the week will bring pleasure and meaning (a good Friend, sports, care for and enjoy family ...)

Happiness depends largely on our mood and we have no money at that time . Generally our standard of living is determined by what they choose to focus, and our interpretation of external events. For example, is a catastrophic failure and permanent, or as a learning opportunity and possibility of correction and improvement?

Mens sana in corpore sano . Regular exercise, adequate sleep, hanging out with good people and laugh with them and eat healthy, among other things, leads to both physical health and mental. And this directly affects productivity.

And above all forever grateful . We must give thanks and show with attitude especially since showing it is better to say simply. We must learn to appreciate and enjoy the wonderful things of life, from people to food, from nature to a smile. :)

Well, once we "know" how to be happy, try from the standpoint of individual and manager to apply to the next point of this post:

2. Highlights and trends for business success and its relationship to human capital management company :

Regarding the key, many say that for a company to succeed it must have focus, clarity and a good business plan. Also I think the key to everything is to have a team and manage know, so we now turn to discuss the highlights of the keys to business success:

Find good people . Leaders must have the ability to hear the feedback given to them by employees and customers, that is crucial to keep cool and innovative product or service. Often, when things start to go wrong, you will find that staff members feel ignored and that ideas good are not rising to the surface.

A good leader must have character for complex and hard decisions, and the passion and ability to inspire staff and make them move forward in difficult times.

realization that employees are the business . A successful business is not the product or service you sell, your supply chain or its corporate culture is a group of people closely united by a common purpose and vision.

The best-designed business plan will come to nothing if it is run by enthusiastic and passionate staff. This is especially true when things go slightly wrong, a team cordial and proactive, can often attract people, preventing a potential disaster or even giving a twist to their advantage.

Do not take it too seriously . To encourage a sense of warmth and personal interest of its employees on the needs of your customers is crucial to ensure that everyone working with you try to enjoy what they do, which means that everyone should be proud of their company. We must keep a distance but also must know how to use the proper and necessary sense of humor and feeling that the boss is "accessible and human." Highlight

best in people, be generous with your praise, never criticize and if you must, know when and how . Instead of focusing on mistakes, a leader needs to highlight each day to someone when they're doing something right. If this culture of encouraging employee development through recognition and praise starts at the top, go far as to dispel the fear of failure of the workers, it may stunt the growth of a company, particularly in the early days .

Courage and determination. To succeed in business must have the courage to try. Start a company or business is a big risk, a decision and the entrepreneur needs to believe that over the first hurdles. Most new businesses fail in the early years, so a key ingredient of success is the ability to get up and try again. If it starts to seem that your business will not survive, some in his team may lose their value. At that crucial moment, his knowledge of the 'people factor' can save or sink your company. Have a passion for good work is a key pillar in the company.

other hand, I would also refer to trends in people management :

Leadership 3.0: The digital age need to use both in production processes and operational at the level of corporate governance. The change management model will not be achieved with technology, but for a different way of managing people. The challenge involves a kind of leadership more collaborative, transparent, open and close. There will be companies that comprise the first and others will as almost always in tow. And one important thing is to know that not to have corporate websites and blog, but there must be changes of direction much deeper where the new way to manage and communicate both internally and externally are key.

Change management and transformation : Many companies are embarking on major changes and require cultural reviews for several reasons. Will have to continue adjusting templates and how the current work where intranets are replaced by corporate social networking, with the possibility of opening up to other public and with great commercial potential. The key will be to manage a good internal and external communications by integrating CRM and ERP in a company with its "new social and collaborative intranet."

No Fear Management and emotions : The crisis is taking its toll on the minds of many people and will be a challenge manage to keep the illusion. Unfortunately, fear and uncertainty has deepened the crisis and many managers who advocated for talent, they are using methods very little talent. This, again, is incompatible with creativity and moods that help professionals do their best for themselves. Mentoring

: You have to know to get the best of each and for that people with experience and / or mentors must develop the talents of workers, since they are often a little lost and / or discouraged and frustrated. One must know how to put each one where it's really good.

Continuing Education: New Models of formation and development by making use of new technologies and networks. One of the difficulties of e-learning was the use of Internet by the parties themselves. Now this problem has changed and we have the challenge to media professionals themselves to develop in their jobs relying on collaborative tools.

All must sell : Companies must instill the philosophy that all employees of the company have an impact on sales, image and reputation of the company, regardless of their position. Everyone should be professional and know how to sell in every sense. The image, poise, professionalism and service are above anything. Working for

objectives: The percentage of total compensation variable based on performance objectives may gain importance in the new additions or renegotiation of contracts, especially in times of crisis like the present. Companies can not get rid of talent but they can not pay the salaries once paid. The solution is flexibility on both sides.

balance and flexibility between personal and professional life: A solution that is gaining strength as a motivational tool, in the absence of economic incentives, is the emotional and especially wages, the reconciliation of professional and personal life. Be more flexible in the hours and the work itself, as long as they meet clearly defined objectives. It is clear that there are jobs work to be "open and close" to the public at a specific time, but overall, the future is coming and must be very flexible. Without flexibility, there will be no sustained productivity.

As we have seen, is a debate that is quite enough, and so I leave this post open for later. Y. .. to open mouth released 3 comments:

How an entrepreneur facing the recruitment and management of human capital in these times of the generation of "ready"? I say the lack of commitment and loyalty that exists at all levels ...

Do you think a company if you have a leader who puts into practice all the values \u200b\u200bof leadership (passion, commitment, good management has ensured the success ...),? At least, I think the important thing is to be a leader to build trust to carry out such a business or brought to another: the case is to lead and innovate in a faithful, honest and consistent.

ecommerce is not just the internet, but an overview of how to run a business, since the end of the day is a sales channel for a company. And not just sales, but communication, branding ... In short, any company, whether offline or online must open to ecommerce, tools and especially the new management models that have emerged thanks to the digital revolution.

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