Friday, February 18, 2011

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big players in its favorite son: Paypal

Ebay ago long ceased to be one of the kings of ecommerce for others like Amazon. Yet its turnover is still spectacular and new strategies are paying off with purchases as RedLaser, Milo or Critical Path, which fit into your vision of the new ecosystem ecommerce (Local, Social and Mobile) .

However, one of the strongest bets of the group is by its subsidiary Paypal payments, which is already a 37.5% of total group profit eBay.

few days ago we celebrated the eBay Analyst / Investor Day which discussed several issues about the plans of the company that runs John Donahoe. For me, the highlight is the commitment made by Paypal, which is expected to be the main source of income group very soon. In fact, they expect to double revenue in just 3 years, so we would talk about 6 or 7 billion against $ 3.4 billion made in 2010.

Mobile, Social and Local is the new era of ecommerce, where payments are key means to monetize this market getting bigger. With the advent of smartphones with Internet access, each day is more important shopping experience both online and offline since can compare prices, get personalized offers and most importantly; buy through our mobile, either online or at the corner store ...

Technology moves too fast and there are increasingly alternatives to pay, and not only by the number of payment solutions (cards, cash, paypal, ukash, boku ...), but for each day varied form of it thanks to the different technologies that are struggling to dominate or win a piece of delicious cake of m-commerce (nfc, apps, gadgets ...)

With so much dancing of numbers and bets on the mobile sector and Paypal, Donahoe those have won at least that its stock price go up on the floor as much as 8% ... now have to see if they meet their predictions, or just see how they deal with the ever-increasing competition in the sector of payment means, with actors like Square, Verifone , Isis , Boku , Moneybookers , Jumi and endless others will be added to the party, or just see if the competition is faster and / or effective in their innovations.

is a great battle ahead, with mobile as a great guest, and this has only just begun ... In fact, just days after eBay Analyst / Investor Day, Paypal launched an attack to seize merda of micropayments ...

I said: "2011 is the year of the only mobile, but the means of payment in all its versions as ecommerce revolution ..."

By the way ... "telcos are pointed out to the car? , I say this because this year they will sack with everything that moves across the network ... and if you ask Eric Schmidt because he's out the fine suggested Mr. Cesar Alierta of Telefonica to the sharing of investment costs in telecommunications infrastructure ...

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Is this the year of payment methods?: Will Jumi?, "NFC? or ... 06/02/2011
The m-commerce continues to grow: PayPal Join Forces ... Appcelerator 23/12/2010
Battle M-Commerce. Who will dominate the "mobile payments"? 30/10/2010
innovation in payment methods and the sharing of cake 20/10/2010

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Is this the year of payment methods?: Will Jumi?, "NFC? o. .. Twitter and social

I've been several articles on the payment methods, and I think most of them have hinted the importance with these within any ecommerce strategy lovers. I have spoken
innovation, fraud, T-commerce as well as the different technologies who are struggling to win the battle for m-commerce (gadgets, apps and nfc), and now with this post is but I intend to comment on two aspects that are calling me a lot of attention lately: the one hand

the huge expectation that is generating all about NFC (Near Field Communication), where we see after the noise made by Google saying it included as standard on their next phone Nexus S the giant Apple has not lost sight . We also find that there are other many initiatives in this regard, as agreement between Orange UK and Barclaycard , among many other existing and that surely will emerge soon, since this has only just begun ...
However, not only talk about motives NFC, but we see as other initiatives, like MasterCard PayPass cards , open land also step to use London transport .

And is that all (banks, ISPs, Google, Apple and many more) want their cake at all costs , and if you ask Mr. Cesar Alierta seems to want to dominate the entire world with its ever increasing Telefónica.
Of this revolution, I think Apple has been one of the most responsible in bringing the potential of "mobile payments" as achieved its first iPod and later with the iPhone mainly that people feel comfortable buying thousands of apps and other multimedia content, its billionaire in iTunes Store . However, we see Google with operating system Android, you're eating ground strides , since the number of terminals with android is growing much more than sales of Cupertino. This is due in part to a more open platform and not just exclusive use apparatus, as is the case of the little creatures of the great Steve Jobs.
With all this I do not want decirque Google (Android) has more chance of success , however much it is growing and has been ahead of his rival when it comes to throwing a mobile phone with NFC technology. I say this because iTunes already has many registered users accustomed to paying in the platform, with which could associate with the time of processing such payments nfc, while Google would in principle with his little successful Google Checkout. In this way, Apple could negotiate better rates with different suppliers have (cards, paypal ...) and therefore not only improve their profit margin to have better rates, but would have more control over everything relating to the client. On the contrary, being a closed platform, business opportunities are more limited third , so the debate is in every sense ...

One thing is clear, and is that thanks to the massive use of smartphones, people have used to pay within iTunes, etc, and now the next step is to open to not only the apps and songs, but a whole untapped market.

other hand, took some time following the start-up . Its founder, Daniel Mattes, after the sale of Jajah to call for about $ 207 million, decided to start with a company that as many say, will revolutionize the market for means of payment in 2011 . Still do not know much, since it is still under development, but little or much that is filtered is certainly very encouraging.
is known that Daniel Mattes, bought a patent for a engineery of Israel and that apparently makes it impossible to hack your system. By eliminating the risk of fraud, the payment processing fees are much lower . In addition, they say, with Jumi payment transactions are simplified to limits not seen before.

Another thing that was revealed is that once the system grows, sell licenses to use Jumi giants like Amazon so they can also use it on their platarformas .

recently announced a Jumi advisory council with a membership of more than that add intrigue and value to everything surrounding this start-up. To see in detail who these experts and they say Jumi, recommend reading the blog Jumi, which is very well thought ...

not know about you, but I'm eager to know if Jumi is just a great marketing product, or you really will bring innovation and change that many hope ...

One thing is clear, is that regardless of whether or not bubbles around mobile payments, I think it has finally come to an ideal situation where their potential can be deployed . There have been many years of speculation and false hopes, by some and other reasons, but now I think several factors have come together if I will definitely make the weapons off of mobile payments. However, despite the fact that I said that now is the time not mean to say that is something immediate , s ino is now when we really are going to start using and developing a whole industry and parallel attached all this fuss, m-commerce.

Some of the factors that support all this development of m-commerce and mobile payments are

* The phenomenon of geo-location type foursquare, or places
facebook * The brutal deployment that smartphones have
* The millions of social applications / viruses that have emerged
* The shopping social revolution, which has enormous potential if we add geo-location.
* The massive use of social networks on mobile devices
* The explosion of world market apps
* The new and growing use twitter as a marketing tool and buy
* The tremendous innovation and development of means of payment and therefore the fact that they increasingly take into account in any strategy monetizable.

The race has begun , and secure with so many actors who want to eat cake so large, many of these, traditional players, they have to do much lobbying to try to impose their rules and take the piece consiguente interests you .... We all know how this works, and unfortunately lobbyists see as they slow the momentum coming from many technologies and companies, not just a matter of return or repayment of existing infrastructure or necessary. Unfortunately, there is a much more frequent podereso and all these lobbyists , as is the fact that "whole life" are not even as prepared as those who really push the market ... and it will eGaming operators ask how it feels to see the dinosaur LAE with their "buddies" others get much more innovative operators just can not compete or enter a market monopoly or oligarchic.

I hope the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona help me to clear some questions about everything related to NFC and other stakeholders in the payment means there will gather, as the company founded by the founder of Twitter Jack Dorsey, Square, among many others .... and that surely will have the opportunity to see and question in situ.

To conclude and summarize a little post, we say this year payment methods will give a lot of talk, not only for its multi-channel, but the full potential is yet to develop and finally seems some begin to take into account in their strategies ... jumi? "Paypal?," Google Payments? or someone else who will join the party ....

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Visa remains a benchmark in the means of payment and ecommerce in general 14/01/2011
Battle for the conquest of gaming on social networks 13/09/2010
innovation in payment methods and the sharing of cake 20/10/2010
means of payment as a key strategic social networking and ecommerce general 20/09/2010
Future of payments 7.11 / / 2008