Friday, January 28, 2011

Kohler Cimarron Toilet Problems

shopping as a business model: @ sggst

Twitter has come an agreement with Amazon UK to launch a service that allows users microblogging network, power find prices of products offered within the database of Amazon UK.

can now search for products and references to something or someone on Twitter, but with this new service called @ sggst the aim is to promote the event purchase more effectively. ; This works analyzing the contents of those tweets @ sggst where after using the Amazon API to query the database itself and in case you find the product tweeted, launches another round with link to purchase the product. Finally, in the case of buy the product, the affiliate commission rate. Twitter

currently has some 190 million users who deliver about 2000 million tweets per month . With these data and a 2009 study that said that about 20% tweets were related to some brand , the founder of @ sggst, Jonathan MacDonald, got down to work.

This new idea has taken advantage of the synergy very critical about the environment to a lack of business models and monetization of Twitter and other big phenomenon of 2010, as is the social shopping at which I think still has a long way to go ...

We'll see if this new idea of \u200b\u200bsocial shopping via twitter hits hard and is open to other sites, since its potential is enormous and best of all, the purchase can be viral in just a few seconds. ..

And now just a suggestion, which is none other than selling secure and confident that the purchase link via tweet suggests we really be trusted our site ... and for that there are several ways to do and insurance are a key to this new idea is a success.

I think the idea is very good and safe sites like Google or expected Groupon Offers, among others, may see how to integrate to its current portfolio of offerings ... because as we all know: ALL CONVERGE :))

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Coinciding with the centenary of the Award Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Marie Curie and the Centenary of the founding of the International Association of Chemical Societies , forerunner of the IUPAC, the UN General Assembly has declared 2011 as International Year chemistry with the aim of raising awareness the public about the contributions of science to human welfare.
Under the motto " Chemistry: our life, our future ' will develop a series of activities whose objectives are to highlight the achievements of chemistry and its contribution to human welfare, what will improve the social perception of chemistry, encouraging young people to study chemistry and create a climate of confidence and enthusiasm in the future (if creative) of chemical research.
Today most people know that chemistry is the science of the matter around us and the so-called transformed by chemical reactions. However, the chemistry is much more than this formal definition. Part of our everyday universe everything we are and everything around us is chemistry.

From January 27 an avalanche of events, conferences, schools, workshops and exhibitions with the common denominator of chemistry developed worldwide, with the main objective of holding this discipline and put it in the context that actually has its own right. That day will officially begin International Year of Chemistry with the opening ceremony in Paris, organized by UNESCO and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
In Spain the official launch ceremony will be in February at the headquarters of the CSIC in Madrid, one of the centers more and better chemistry developed in our country.

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network neutrality: a policy debate and for all Visa

has been said and written about net neutrality, and I can hardly bring anything new or innovative. why I prefer to share some of the ideas I have been analyzing , and therefore make this post on a potpourri of links and content that I explained everything very well what net neutrality means.

is not my area of \u200b\u200bexpertise, but as a surfer and above all person, I have opinions, and this issue is more important than many believe . If you really ISP, with the support of many governments "not very lucid or dominated by large companies," get away with it, not only are radically changing what is now the internet and how that we consume, but will affect many industries / companies that will be affected by the capricious and greedy ISP filters that assign to users when access to certain content, websites, companies and / or services . As an example of the thousands available, many gaming sites almost certainly be banned in many places and the best access is very slow or limited.

In the case of gaming and is seen as some countries try to block access to certain websites, and even try to do so by blocking transactions destined for 7995 gaming operators. However, as we all know, until now there have always been ways to bypass these blockages in some other way (via proxies, non-coding, etc). However, if you end up with the net neutrality, ISPs get very hard the old tricks to bypass the censorship imposed, and not only that, but the mere fact that the network is not neutral will not all companies have the same opportunities to succeed, since some will be damaged with both end-user filter and stop the use and enjoyment as heretofore been doing. In other words, we can say that internet no longer the only free space that was where whatever your business size could always be able to let you know and succeed , as was the case of youtube before being acquired by Google. Without a neutral network, monopolies and oligopolies rather increase their power and almost no one will breathe ...

censorship already exists in countries like China, but for a few reasons for protectionism towards Chinese companies over foreign, due among other factors governing the communist regime in the Asian giant, but where the debate really started to end neutrality in the U.S., some years ago.
was however in 2010 when this issue reached its peak of popularity in Spain due to the famous Sinde Law.

The growth of Internet being impressive, and even more access mobile networks that are close to saturation, so that s and require much investment in infrastructure to provide quality service to the increasingly growing demand. However, this does not justify censor our websites / services favorite over his face, because among other factors, possible exclusive agreements that some ISP come to a dot-com or other. Telefonica is as if we are to veto access to Google because it has finalized an exclusive commercial agreement with Bing, so that many users would be forced to forfeit the right to access the way they prefer or are accustomed to their web / favorite services. This is just one example of what would happen if you end the net neutrality as not only a business issue, but many governments have seen the nature of the internet now poses a major threat to them, with the famous Wikileaks as the best example of this, and therefore are also involved the fight to end with free internet and the opportunities we all know.

graphically To better understand what they intend to launch operations once get away with free internet, included the following image, where the different packages are accessible to the network:

I would also recommend reading the very good post Jesus Encinar where well exposed some of the consequences of not having a neutral network also include several links with quality content as the great Mr. Cesar Alierta video , where exposed as Telefónica wants to make an even bigger monopoly, thanks to "own" infrastructure (much of which is the state gave English prior to privatization ... and it seems that you forgot to Mr Alierta in this video ... no despercidio )

As we have seen, is a very long discussion topic, it is almost impossible to summarize in a simple post for many referenced links and content that are made. I hope nevertheless to have contributed my two cents as "activist" against a "neutral" who want to impose few in collaboration with many governments that every day more like a puppet in the hands of a few companies .. .

Finally, say that in my opinion, internet and general use should be regulated, but much less in the way intended . It does not seem far-fetched the idea that if you want faster connection for streaming services such as the user has the option of paying more for the extra that you can enjoy more of your favorite movies or series. Operators must provide a minimum service quality and speed, where not censorship, but maybe some specific packages where companies that require more speed or bandwidth pay more or where we offer users attractive but some packages where censorship or blocking exist and if an open dialogue among all where there is room for internet continues its natural course with the consensus of all and not just a few adjectives that no market whatsoever ...

Other Information Recommended

Without a Neutral Red not have been born
European Parliament to Consider ISP blocking in February
A guide to The Open Internet
"net neutrality", a video of Simon Hergueta ( post Enrique Dans, one of the most active and most knowledgeable of all this, so I recommend reading of his many posts on the subject)

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Friday, January 14, 2011

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remains a benchmark in the means of payment and ecommerce in general

giant Visa is to avoid losing positions market for means of payment, let alone the ever-growing ecommerce . Within ecommerce the fastest growing area is the m-commerce that with the increasingly widespread use of smartphones, mobile phones are no doubt more than a tool of payment / recovery due to the different technologies existing ( apps, gadgets and mainly NFC).

said, briefly, to comment on some of the developments of Visa in the field of means of payment and electronic commerce in general:

* First comment on the recent marketing of new product Visa, Codesure , by the Swiss bank Cornèr Bank. Visa card Codesure has an integrated keyboard that after the entry of a personal PIN, can generate keys from a single use due to teconologia OTP (on time passcode). This is a normal card that can be used on ATMs and shops, the same way as traditional or existing EMV cards. addition has been added to Visa's contactless technology (payWave) for certain payments also encourage low amount to pay where you just need to bring the card to a specific terminal. In this way, certain payments quick and easy, encouraging and consumption.
Codesure technology adds an extra layer of security to online transactions , because instead of using static password Verified by Visa (3D Secure), you can now generate a key single use to authenticate the transaction, which to commit fraud, it may take possession of the card and PIN to generate the one-time key.

This new type of card may also be used for telephone banking transactions more safely and for to access certain sites as a VPN network, among other many applications. Its potential is still untapped and is certainly an improvement, but I doubt use and marketing are fast, and we still have to repay / return on spending that has led the move to EMV cards. To this we must add that many regulations imposed SEPA that there are "many" who have not yet implemented, let alone the U.S., which seems reluctant to deploy technologies that are "made in USA." (See video)

* Second comment In2Pay system thanks to an agreement with the company DeviceFidelity, where they have developed a MicroSD card inserted in a case made as to the phone. This card acts as NFC which is activated through an application you installed on mobile . (See video)

* Third, talk of another m-commerce sector where Visa has a presence, which is none other than that of the famous apps. Visa has launched an application for free that helps you find stores to buy certain products. The application also helps you find the ATM closest to your position, all thanks to the power of geo-location.
is r ecibirán personalized offers based on options, where you can buy directly will move to online or local retailer indicated. addition to all this, the application sends you to real time all information about your transactions with Visa , so in case of possible fraud, you can act much faster, among other benefits. (See video example)

* Finally I would like to mention Righcliq , which is a tool as a plugin in the browser, which has been designed to improve and facilitate the online shopping experience . After many months in beta, where many tests were made, last summer was officially launched in USA where he still has not had the expected success. I myself have tested and although the idea and all the features are very good user experience is much room for improvement . Addition and there are other similar tools on the market that offer some of the services Righcliq, but I'm sure a brand as powerful as Visa, you can not only enhance this great idea, but can do a much better marketing and reach to market in more productive. I leave you with a video explaining where they are clearly all the features it offers this great "idea":

In conclusion , say once again we see the importance of media Payment in the development of electronic commerce in general and all its various forms in particular , because ... that serves you sell if you do not offer solutions to collect? ... among many of the different solutions offered and insurance providers will offer means of payment by themselves or in alliance with other great innovators of ecommerce ( anti-fraud tools, monitoring, geo-location, marketing tools both acquisition as retention, etc ).

This post fits well with the title of my blog, where: all converge with the Internet and trade address as a reference in the strategy.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

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Graphene and its present and future IBM

time I've been talking about the queriedo graphene and its tremendous potential, which was discovered almost by accident. In fact it did when to clear debris from the surface of graphite, for which using a simple masking tape which is usually discarded after this cleaning, physicist Andre Geim decided to investigate the microscope. It was then that he started the whole revolution of graphene, because these graphite monolayers were in the heat, assumed a revolution in physics of materials.

The graphene success and fame came when in 2010 its discoverers Novosiolov Andre Konstantin Geim and received the Nobel Prize in physics .

To summarize a bit, cite some of the properties of graphene :

* Resistance (200 times greater than steel)
* Biodegradable, being a derivative of carbon
* High thermal conductivity (rather than Most materials) and electrical (equal to or greater than copper)
* Huge elasticity and hardness
Supports ionizing radiation
* Very lightweight and flexible
* Reduced Joule effect, so that less heat to drive electrons
* Less consumption silicon electrical

and give a fact, say that IBM has developed a chip (processor) 100-GHz graphene, 10 times faster than silicon ....

There are still many skeptics about graphene, but what is clear is that only has taken 5 years to move from the scientific to the industrial area, which is already a success, since it usually takes between 10 to 15 years to move to industrialize a laboratory discovery of such . Another thing, is to produce in series and in industrial quantities, since there are many factors that will not happen immediately , among which are:

* It has invested heavily in the silicon and therefore many do not want to lose that investment because of a material that at first he wins almost everything (conductivity, price, flexibility, hardness ...)

* giants like Apple and have invested heavily in their current technology tablets and touch screens, making that first focus on getting the maximum economic yield of their products iPads star as ...

* There are other manufacturers like Sony, which have invested much time and money OLED technology for flexible displays , plus there are other alternatives that are also being investigated, such as metal oxides or combinations of silicon and rubber, among others.

I leave you now with some more graphic videos that explain some of the applications and the tremendous potential that this little material has to near future.

Video 1: Graphene
future material

Video 2: Augmented Reality. The future of the screens. Approaching the graphene

And now a video that refers to the said OLED technology, competition in graphene ...

Video 3: Sony Develops a rollable OLED screen

And now some thoughts ...

why so much progress if we do not have time if you want to "enjoy" the present? ...

graphene is it the enemy of those who will shine at the expense of power consumption due to their vastly superior electrical properties compared to its current competitors such as silicon? ...

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